Starting from Zero

Vol 5 Chapter 53: Full Expert

It ’s much easier to know the retreat plan in detail, and our lovely police came back with good news. A group of Japanese spies were captured before entering Guangzhou. Of course, the news must be tightly sealed!

A total of 3 people were arrested, two men and one woman. They were noticed by the police because of their suspicious looks at the airport. The police thought that they were ordinary criminals. Later, they found that the other was carrying a plastic pistol (completely plastic). (Manufactured, will not be detected by metal detectors), so began to use the Chinese standard treatment method-first enclosed, and then called the armed police! Although the spies' fighting skills are much higher than the civilian and armed police, they only brought self-defense pistols for evacuation, and the firepower was too different!

There were more than 60 people in the three-armed armed police, and three people were easily handled. At three o'clock in the afternoon, the three Japanese spies were taken to the interrogation room, using a reader to figure out their detailed plans. It turned out that the intelligence dug out from the heads of the three traitors was all wrong. Little Japan had three sets of evacuation plans before coming, and discussing plans with the three idiots was just to confuse us. The spies know that the three people without any formal training will not be able to run out of China, and that they did not intend to take them away. The spies deliberately performed a plan to discuss the plan in front of the three of them, and then deliberately evacuated them from the temple. In fact, they were arrested, let us find out false information and emptied.

The escape plan from the heads of these three Japanese spies was much better than those of the three traitors. Tomorrow at noon, a container cargo ship from India will unload in Dalian. It is a ship of a freight company operated by the Japanese in India. The spies will enter the secret room on the ship through the special pipeline at the bottom of the ship when unloading. When the ship went to sea, they were safe.

The intelligence shows that 21 Little Japan were divided into 7 groups, and they fled in batches. For the sake of confidentiality, they did not know each other's escape route. Therefore, our plan to intercept halfway was not realized. The only hope was Port interception.

I know the specific goals and plans, so I do n’t have to do it for myself, and leave everything to the soldiers of the B1 unit. I hurried to see my dad. Although Butterfly has said that Dad was only shot in the leg, I still care about it. At first, because the spy had to deal with it immediately, I put Dad here for a while. Now, of course, I must go to see the old man. dad.

Actually, my dad was at the base's medical center. When I arrived, my dad was sitting on the bed and reading documents. "Dad! How are you feeling now?"

Dad saw me coming in and put the documents on his side aside: "Is everything done?"

"Well! Three of the treasoners have been captured, but two of them have been made useless by the interrogation room. Three of the 21 escaped Japanese spies have been arrested and B1 troops have arrived in accordance with their evacuation plan. Their meeting point is waiting for them! And I prepared some gifts for Little Japan. "


恩 "Well! I made a jar exactly the same as the one I lost, but there is a sandwich in this jar, which contains a by-product from the laboratory!"

"What the **** did you put in?"


病毒 "Virus? Too powerful a virus will affect the international balance. Although Japan is hateful, we now need Japan to contain other Asian countries!"

"Hey, I'm not a fool, I know this. What was put in this time was the virus called the whole person accidentally produced after the failure of the experiment!"

"What? You put the whole expert in? Haha, hahahahaha! I'm laughing!" Dad had started to laugh, and he laughed more and more, and then accidentally touched a leg injury to stop it. . "Your boy is really bad! Haha! People infected with that thing will have incontinence!"

告诉 "Tell you a message you didn't know." I said mysteriously.

"what news?"

"Human experts have recently been modified, and researchers have called them" Human Experts 2.0 ". In addition to retaining the effects of previous incontinence, dream hallucinations are also attached, and infected people may be regardless of time and place. Regard the surrounding same-sex or heterosexual or even humanoid objects as their dream lover and have sexual contact with them. This behavior is generally intermittent, once the infection begins, the infected person enters a hallucinatory state, Things are completely ignored!

In addition to those two inevitable symptoms, there will be different effects depending on your physical constitution. There are several cases of drooling, walking imbalance, slurred speech, and intermittent mental disorders. Everyone will have at least one of these symptoms, and some people will hit it all! "

Dad laughed even harder. "How do they know the characteristics of this thing? It's not an experiment, right?"

I laughed and said, "I have really experimented! The inventors used this thing to prank each other. As a result, there were a lot of jokes. A researcher who was rectified implemented a mannequin like a Qing stallion Rape! "

"Hahahaha! The boys in the lab are really getting worse!"

"Actually, this virus was selected mainly because of its controllability. Just changing a few DNA fragments can control the overall lifespan of this group and the time of onset. We set the incubation period to three days this time, the fastest The first wholesale sick people will be seen next Monday! "

Dad joked: "Are we going to notify Long Yuan's Japanese company to close business these days?"

"That's not necessary, but I recommend shipping more urine to Japan in the last few days. It is estimated that it will be sold out in two days! I estimate that at least 15 to 20 million people will be infected with the virus before the virus dies. This is a huge crowd of people who use wet urine! "

After I finished the gossip, my dad suddenly said to me seriously: "Son, do you know why I have been running you back and forth in various departments of the company recently, and have given you so many tasks?"

I shook my head: "I don't know, but I feel that you are pushing me on the table, which does not match the low-key line you said before!"

"I'm making you familiar with the environment!" Dad looked at me and said, "Maybe you don't think, but you have grown up. The low-key originally was just to give you a normal and happy childhood, but now you grow up Now, I need you to help me support this group. "

I didn't hesitate, I nodded. "I understand, I will do well!"

Dad smiled and patted me on the shoulder. "Very good, my son! You can rest assured that at this stage there are no major issues. At most, it is to let you walk on the table and continue to familiarize yourself with each department. Your main task is to use the" Zero "platform to conduct Japan Economic Disturbance. Did you know that Long Yuan has invested more than RMB 3 trillion in the "Zero" project, but various countries in the world combined have nearly 10 trillion US dollars in funds rolled out because of "Zero"? In the game, Japan ’s funds are 100 trillion yen. These funds are in a very delicate situation. We can say that they are on Longyuan ’s account, but we ca n’t use them! ”(Note: According to the setting, at this time, The exchange rate of RMB, US dollar, and Japanese yen is 5: 4: 400, that is, 5 yuan can be exchanged for 4 US dollars or 400 yen.)

"No need to explain, I know. Rose told me her economic model."

"Rong Rong said the best, I believe you already know what to do ~ ~ Well! I know!" Long Yuan's own funds have basically been used to set up hardware facilities, which is equivalent to already Consumed. But the 10 trillion US dollars is the funds that have not been consumed. They are circulated in the game, but they cannot be digested by Dragon Edge. Although Long Yuan actually held the money, it could not be used casually. Just like the national currency and gold, the currency in the game was actually linked to the 10 trillion US dollars. Without the 100,000 Billion, the zero-economy system collapsed. What I want to do is actually very simple, as long as the player consumes it. For example, leveling and buying medicine, using the cost of the teleportation array, the cost of entering the city, and purchasing magic items such as the magic crystal cannon sold by the system. Anyway, as long as these people spend money in the game, Long Yuan will get the money. And the fastest thing to spend money is war. As long as I provoke war, the more I fight, the more money I get! Sometimes it ’s really impossible to understand economics. War is clearly a consumption, but when used well, it can drive economic growth. Americans have done a good job in this regard. Maybe humans are innate militants!

The conversation between my grandma and my dad continued until the evening, and then my mother came and took me away on the grounds that I would not affect my dad's rest. It was another night, and it was another troublesome time for me. The task of catching spies has begun. I do n’t have to worry about it. I ’ll just wait for the Japanese to buy the news of urine wetness! Not having to sleep is really troublesome! After having a hearty dinner with my mother, I went to the base lounge by myself to prepare to go online. There will be nothing until noon tomorrow. I have to hurry to get the **** task done, Red Moon. Anxiously waiting for me! Her **** task is super annoying, not only labyrinth with labyrinth, but also time limit. If I drag too long, her guild will definitely kill a lot of people!

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