Starting from Zero

Vol 5 Chapter 42: Contractor

"Your appetite is not small! Isn't this equivalent to giving the troops and the city of the Light Temple a pan?" I did not see that Erni was still an ambitionist!

"I have to pay such a large price for you to defend the city. You still say that I am black! Dragons help you to save your life. You are for defending the city. But I have nothing, and I am not too bad for not occupying a few cities? "

"I just talk about it, don't take it seriously!" A and Ni's face is not very good, I dare not offend her again!

The King of Dragons saw that the atmosphere was a little tense, and hurried out to round the field. "That's it. Our dragons and the Dark Legion will defend the city together. After the war starts, we will attack the city of the Light Temple."

"I see that if you want to run anyway, why not have a good time?" I thought of a darker way.

"Tell me about it!" The Dragon King is very enthusiastic now, and any plan may determine the life and death of the Dragon tribe.

"I have seen the attack of the Temple of Light, and I am also present in the Lost War. Do you think we can do something on the way to the other side?"

"what do you mean?"

"The Light Temple ’s troops attacked the city in a special way. When they attacked last time, they used a large number of air cavalry to carry the transmission mage at high speed, and then set up a transmission array near the city before the troops rushed out. This tactic can greatly shorten the troops in me. The time spent in the area covered by the artillery fire can relatively reduce the casualties. However, if we can give the air cavalry with the mage a heavy blow when they penetrate, and the number of mage will decrease greatly, then the time of the army's appearance It will be a long time, we have more time for shelling! If the attack effect is good enough, we can even force them to give up the teleport and run directly. "

A Er Ni shook her head: "No no no! Don't do this!"

"Is my method bad?"

"It's not bad, it's not good! Forcing them to switch to walking attack can indeed increase casualties, but the effect is not very good!"

"What about your opinion?"

"Using low-intensity attacks still allows the Temple of Light to use teleportation, but after the third of their strength appears to destroy the telemanager system, if it cannot be completely destroyed, at least most of the teleportation array will be invalidated. A third is stuck here, and that is our best time to attack. Should the remaining troops come over, should this one-third lose their combat power? "

恩 "Well! Good way!" The Dragon King will nod now and say good way!

"Yes, Your Highness Dragon King!" I suddenly remembered fortunately that the Dragon King's guard went back to move things, I don't know what it was!

"what's up?"

听 "I was lucky to say you sent someone back to Long Island to move things. I do n’t know what it is?"

"Oh! That's the special weapon of the Dragons-Thunder Light Cannon!"

A and Ni apparently knew this thing, and they were surprised when they heard the name: "Isn't that the treasure of Longzhen Zhendao? How did it move out?"

The King of Dragons shook his head and said, "It's not the one, this time it's a trumpet, we made it ourselves. This time, when the dragons are alive or dead, do you have something good to keep out of the funeral?"

Although I don't know what the Lightning Cannon is, it sounds amazing! "His Royal Highness has really put down the blood, and even the bottom of the box has been taken out! Doesn't Goddess Ni mean it?" It can be a little bit blackmailing at this time!

A Er Ni may think that the dragons have produced very good things, but the dark temple, known for making magical instruments, has no decent equipment, so it is ashamed to see her secretly biting her silver teeth. "I have good things, but you have to pay for them. I can't make a loss!"

The King of Dragons didn't care about the Dragon's life anyway. Before I said a word, he said, "I'll come out, how much?"

A and Ni did not expect the Dragon King to promise so quickly! "One billion, I will have five in total and sell you at most four. I always want to keep a sample!"

"It's only 4 billion! Frighten me!" The Dragon King is rich in money anyway, and this 'little money' is not at all assured. "You ask someone to move over! I will give you money back! Don't you believe the credibility of the Dragons?"

"Of course I believe! The financial resources of the Dragons are still very famous!"

"Well, that's all the forces that can be assembled. Are you clear about your respective tasks? Now let's start?"

"Okay! I'll go back and gather troops!"

"I'll go to the High Warrior's Book of War!" The Dragon King also turned around and ran out.

After getting out of the Juling Pagoda, both men and women left to do their own affairs, now it's time for me to be busy! Isinger urgently needs a lot of cleaners, and manpower is also very much needed for city construction. According to the introduction of the Dragon King, I should go to the dwarves and elemental people to help me organize the city. Although Isinger rose, he was just plain. Huge ruins! After the elements have cleared the building, they should find dwarves to rebuild the city! Wait-dwarf-gem! "Ah! His Royal Highness Dragon! Don't leave! The gem you promised has not been given yet!"

I hurriedly chased out the Juling Pagoda Hall, but how fast did the Dragons, now the Dragon King has flew without even a shadow! My gem! What should I do now? Do I have to pay for my own gems to bribe the dwarves?

"Master, what about these things?" Ling came over and called me.

回 I turned around and saw luck, plague, and crystal standing in a row, Ling stood in front of them waiting for my command. "Stuff? What?"

The plague and luck gave a step to both sides to reveal the hills behind them. A red gem mountain was piled behind them. My eyes were spent with a pile of rubies shining nearly three meters high! "Haha! Father Dragon King really did what he said, he was ready!"

跑 I ran to the bottom of the mountain of gems and looked at this pile of gems. I felt that they were about to suffocate. These gems don't know what attributes. If I leave some guild brothers and sisters inlaid, I don't know what will happen! I picked it up from the inside and almost didn't feel dizzy. "Name: Dwarf's longing; Level: Quest items (non-tradable); Role: Increase the dwarf's favorability towards users!" Completely fainted! I thought I could upgrade the equipment!

Now that the gems are in hand, go to the Dwarf Horde. This is not difficult. The dwarf's residence is relatively open. Players must build dwarf artisans to build their own cities. Some players who like auxiliary occupations are themselves dwarves. So everyone knows the dwarf's residence. The only troublesome point is that the dwarves live. The city of artisans does not have a teleportation array. You must first go to the nearest city and then walk on!

In the impression, there seems to be a player city called Ghost, which is closer to the city of craftsmen! That player is fancy that there is no teleportation in the City of Craftsmen, and a large number of players need to go to the City of Craftsmen to find craftsmen, and build the city there to receive a large entrance fee! (System city has no entry fee)

I opened the teleportation ring directly, and the target was ghostly. When walking out of the ghostly teleportation array, I was a little dumbfounded. The density of players around it was better than that of the main cities of the three major systems. Looking at the streets full of people! As soon as I came out of the teleportation circle, I was surrounded by people. I habitually took a step back and put my hand on the hilt of the sword to prepare for a shot.

A guy who had not engraved two adulterers on his face leaned up with a smirk on his face. "Don't be nervous, we are not malicious!"

"Then what are you doing around me?" Although the actions haven't changed, I'm basically sure they aren't about to attack me, because almost none of these people are soldiers. The reason is that the mage robbery is unlikely, not to mention There are also a few who still have books in their hands.

I still speak with the traitor as a representative: "We are the city construction guide here. Seeing you look like you are a big customer to build a city, we want to see if you need our service!"

服务 "Service?" I took my hand off the hilt. "What services do you provide?"

"It depends on what service you need!"

"I need a lot of things, just don't know what you can do!"

I may be able to see that I am indeed a potential customer. This guy said to me politely: "If you really want to build a city, come with me! I will take you to the meeting room to talk in detail!"

"Okay! You lead the way!"

The adulterer explained to the little adulterers next to him and took me to the city. The meeting room he said was a shop. Although the city union office was written on the door, it was like a teahouse. !! In addition to us, there are several pairs of players sitting on the table discussing what is going on. At this time I noticed that these people are wearing the overalls of this office. Although their clothes are somewhat different, they are almost the same. It is estimated that the different looks are only different in grade! I don't know what level of receptionist I was talking to, but depending on what he just told those people to do outside the transfer point, his level should not be low!


"Sit down!" The traitor asked me to sit down, and a guy beside me immediately sent me two cups of tea. After drinking tea, the traitor took out a giant book like a large encyclopedia from behind. I just saw that all the guys outside also had a hand. Is this something their tool? He put the book on the table and pushed it in one direction. "This is the catalog. You can refer to this catalog to see what service items you need. There are detailed instructions and cost information on it!"

I was surprised to open this uncovered catalog. On the first page, there were a few simple categories. The classification includes: new city, individual house construction, guild resident upgrade, urban resident upgrade, house renovation, other craftsman needs, a total of six options. After reading this preliminary directory, I already know what they do! This person is the contractor who specializes in contracting the artisan's business!

"I want to build a city!"

"Really? Are you sure?" The traitor was a little disbelieving when he heard me.

"What? Do you doubt I can't build it?"

呃 "Eh! No! I'm so excited! Building a city is a big project, I was too excited for a while! Since you are building a city, please come with me to the VIP room on the second floor!"

I picked up the directory and went up to the second floor with him. The decoration here is much more gorgeous than the first floor. VIPs are really expensive! We sat down in a single room on the second floor, and the waiter delivered the drink quickly, but the color is not the same as the first floor, it is estimated that this is more expensive!

"Introduce yourself first. I'm Yang Kun, the general manager of the customer service department of this company. May I have your name?"

"Purple Sun!"

"Okay, Mr. Ziri. Do you need to outsource or commission recruitment?"

"Outsourcing? Is there any difference between this outsourcing and recruitment?" Terminology will appear in various industries over time. Once the people in the industry understand it, it is convenient to speak, and second, it can be convenient for Mongolian customers!

"Outsourcing is more worry-free. You tell me the city's capital level, location, scale, style, and delivery time. Then you can leave it alone and wait for the time to come to check and accept! If you entrust recruitment, it will be more troublesome! All the details It is up to you to specify the arrangements yourself, I am solely responsible for the employment and distribution of artisans. "

"Still recruiting! My city is more responsible, it may not be convenient for you to build!"

"Yes! It is better to entrust recruitment, so that you can build a city more in line with your preferences! So what is the name of the city you want to build? How big is it?" Yang Kun came up with a formatted form, Having already written some basic things, he took out a pen to fill it out.

"His name is Isinger."

"Ai ... Xin ... Ge! Eh! Good name!" He remembered as he listened. "What about city size?"

"Do you mean area?"


"Are you talking about construction area or practical area? Isinger has an underground city!" The stratified area of ​​the city is not good!

"I need a building area, but if you need a dungeon, you need a detailed area of ​​each floor!"

"Wait a minute, I count!" Yang Kun nodded, and then held a pen and waited for me to report the numbers. I counted for a while: "The city is divided into six floors, and the underground part is an inverted model of the above ground part. The ground floor is 100 square kilometers, the second floor is 841 square kilometers, the first floor is 7,569 square kilometers, and the six floors are 17020 square kilometers!" With a bang, Yang Kun turned the bench over. I quickly stood up: "Are you okay?"

"Nothing! Nothing!" Yang Kun crawled out from under the table. "Aren't you playing with me? How can you defend such a big city? Now the largest guild is only a million people, and you can't find it in your city!"

"Defense is my business, you just build it for me!"

好的 "Okay! Is the customer God?" This Yang Kun is a traitor, so he will build his style! After quickly filling in the area, Yang Kun continued: "How are the city walls arranged? How tall are they to be built? What materials are used? Do we need to dig moats?"

"The city walls have been completed, and there are a few gates left. The moat is not needed, the city is too big, and the moat project is too large!" Actually, I was afraid that he would open his mouth! Do you think! The walls of Essinger are so long, there is no difference between digging a moat and digging the Grand Canal, and the engineering costs must be heavenly!

"Yes, if you really want me to help you dig a canal-like moat, I really can't help it! You know, we middlemen can't get much, and the NPC dwarves set by the system are very expensive! By the way, speaking of dwarves, I want to ask if you want to hire a dwarf or a human or an elven craftsman? "

"Does this make a difference?"

"Of course! There are many human artisans, the efficiency is average, and the technology is average, but the labor costs are cheap. If you have no special requirements for the city, asking human artisans is a relatively common and cost-effective method. The art of the elves is better The city they build will be very elegant and beautiful, have a romantic style, of course, the price is more expensive than humans! If you need to build a financial center or cultural center, it is best to choose elven craftsmen, they can make your city Become a temple of art. As for dwarves, it ’s more troublesome! Dwarves have a weird personality. They do n’t have all the jobs, and they are exaggerated. The most important thing is that dwarves do n’t have any aesthetics, although their works are usually more durable. And the design is very clever, but the appearance is all square and square. Of course, if you have a special hobby and like to make your city like a fortress, the aesthetics of the dwarves will definitely appeal to you. But my Customers generally invite some humans to take charge of infrastructure construction. Please handle it before elf structure and style issues. This will cost the city well coordinated in aesthetics! "

I seem to have Yang Kun planning to continue, I stopped him. "I hope to hire a large number of dwarves and a small number of elves. The elven craftsmen should not exceed 3,000 thousand people, and the rest are all dwarves. I build a seaside fortress. It doesn't matter whether it is beautiful or not, solidness is first!

"But ...!"

"It's nothing, but you find someone when I pay for it, it's that simple!"

I thought for a moment, and seemed to make a decision. Yang Kun looked up and said, "Okay! I'll contact the short artisan, but I stated in advance that I would not be responsible if they didn't come!"

"I'll go with you, I promise they will come!"

"Well then! The artisan solved it, and what about the materials?"


"Yes, it ’s building materials, mainly stone and wood, and other things like ceramics, jade, various metals, crystals, etc. are also used in a lot. Have you prepared in advance? Most of my customers have hoarded in advance For many things, generally only a small amount is needed! "

"I don't know. The plan to build a city is rushed and there are not so many things prepared. Can you buy cheap materials?"

"I'm afraid this is more troublesome! The materials in the system store are scary and expensive. If you go there to buy, the material fee alone can make a medium-sized company go bankrupt! But players usually don't have too much material in their hands. It takes a lot of time, and the size of your city seems a bit exaggerated. Even if the most costly materials of the city walls have been built, the remaining materials still need more than 100 times the material of other cities. Such a large number of acquisitions must be very troublesome. And it is not cost-effective! The ultimate thing is that building materials cannot be put in the storage space, and players other than artisans can carry a little bit of other players. There is no way to transport these things. We acquire so many things at once, even if we collect them all, Transportation costs will also be life-threatening! So I suggest that you entrust us to hire some carpenters and masons, and we will mine the raw materials nearby. The greater the demand, the lower the cost of professional mining, and the nearby mining can save a lot of time The average shipping cost! "


"This is a good idea. There is a forest next to Isinger, how much wood is needed, and the stone is also very easy to find. I have a friend who understands this. She has seen it and said that we have a lot of crystalline rocks buried underground. Ai Singh's entire wall was carved out of a single crystal rock! "Bang, Yang Kun fell to the bottom of the table again. "Hey! What's wrong with you?"

"It's okay!" Yang Kun climbed from the ground again. "Are you sure your friend is talking about crystalline rock?"

"OK! What?"

Yang Kun found a gray object from his arms and brought it to me. "Is that so?"

"Yes, that's the kind of thing. You don't know, this thing is hard and dead! But, what are you doing with a stone?"

Yang Kun did not answer me directly, but found out many strange stones from her arms. "This is a sample. Customers always show them when they choose stones?"

"What is this?" I picked up a red stone, which looked like a ruby, but it was not transparent, but it had a good gloss.

"Oh! This is Star Rock. This thing has very good magic resistance properties. In addition to the magic silver in the building materials, its magic defense is the highest! Your Isinger's wall is made of crystal rock and the physical defense is very high. As for magic defense, it ’s not enough! But it ’s too expensive to use magic silver to make the magic reflection layer outside the city wall. You might as well buy this thing and go back to the wall with crystal rock to make a powder and paint it on the wall? ”

不用 "No, magic defense is my own way." The two scrolls I took out of the gate of truth last time are still with me! The walls of Essinger have crystallized, so the Scroll of Crystallization is useless, but the scroll of magic resistance is very useful. As long as you use it on the wall of Essinger, you can get a wall with magic resistance!

Yang Kun put away all the things on the table, and then said, "Okay, that's all for registration, let's talk about the price now. Because you choose the method of entrusted recruitment, you will be responsible for the specific costs. Our company only charges you 500 yuan for the processing fee. Also, according to the rules, I use counter-offer skills to save you money when buying materials and hiring NPC craftsmen. You need to draw 5% as my rebate! "

500 crystal coins are slightly more expensive, but they are acceptable. It ’s understandable to help counter-offer the rebate. The more he saves me, the more he earns! "Okay, the deal!"

The system contract is very simple. Yang Kun opened the contract directly to me and applied for signing. I confirmed it directly, and the contract came into effect. After the contract came into effect, the money on my body was automatically deducted, but the money did not arrive in their hands immediately. It was only temporarily held by the system. The other party could get the money when the contract ended. Return it to me.

After I confirmed the contract, Yang Kun immediately smiled and said, "Are you taking the craftsman to the craftsman city now?"

恩 "Well!" I followed Yang Kun away from the ghost and marched towards the nearby city of artisans.

I was bored on the road and I started to talk to Yang Kun: "It's 3 AM now! Do you still work? Do you usually not sleep?"

"I'm in charge of night shifts! The game industry is different from normal work. Networms like to climb up in the middle of the night. We can't do anything to get business!"

"I felt like a lot of people here when I first came to Ghostly, didn't they all come to the craftsmen?"

Yang Kun shook his head and said, "It's not all, there are many people here for a reason. The city of artisans is indeed one of the reasons, and there is also a huge mine nearby. Many players who practice skills come here to mine. In addition to burning skills, you can also make some extra post-level training fees! "He stopped suddenly and said," Here it is! "

"Where is it?" I didn't see the shadow of the city at all.

那里 "There!" I saw the entrance to a cave along Yang Kun's fingers.

I look at him. "You said that cave?"

He also looked at me curiously. "Aren't you wondering?"

"what do you know?"

"The City of Craftsmen is a semi-dungeon. The elves live outside the city, the humans live in the center of the city, and the dwarves are underground. The part of the ground is actually just a residential area for humans and elves. The real subject of the city is still underground. Yes, to put it bluntly, the City of Craftsmen is a network of dwarf mines! "

"I'm dizzy, I thought the city of artisans was a city!"

"It is indeed a city, but it is underground and the terrain is a bit more complicated! Come on, let's go in! Follow me, the tunnel here is easy to get lost!"

I've heard that the roads of the City of Craftsmen are very complicated, and it was very strange at that time what could be complicated about the roads of the city. It turned out that this City of Craftsmen turned out to be a city composed of a huge group of underground mines. No wonder it was so complicated.

Follow Yang Kun into the mine and start to see the dwarves. These short guys are constantly digging in the mine, and there are some humans mining nearby. Although there are many people, the mine is very spacious, so they dig them, which has no impact on the traffic.

Although there are many forks in the mine, it is not very long. We soon entered the city. This city from mine to transformation is really huge and magnificent! The surrounding buildings are obviously masterpieces of dwarves. Each one looks as dignified as the court. All the buildings cannot find soft curves, only hard edges! But the aesthetics of the dwarves are very appetizing for me. I like this solemn structure. I always think that the soft design is only suitable for the bedroom!

I walked into the city and felt that there were a lot of dwarves, and there were still many elves shuttled here. Most of the elves are players, while the dwarves are basically NPCs. Few players are willing to make themselves so high! In contrast, elves with tall and soft faces are more popular, especially for small MMs. Almost a quarter of female players are of the elven type. Can you imagine that girls love the elves?

When I was thinking about it, I saw a fiery elf appeared in front of me, and she even had a magic pet that was definitely not suitable for the elf, the demon! Although it is a little devil, it is really strange to be carried by the elves!

"Are you looking for a craftsman?" The elf said to us first.

恩 "Well! What do you make? Is it a carpenter?"


"Then you built a house?" It is unlikely that a girl will be a miner, and there is still a certain possibility of house construction.

She still shook her head: "I don't own the house, I just dismantle it!"

"Demolition?" Yang Kun and I were holding each other at the same time. Are there any craftsmen responsible for demolition?

"I'm a blasting expert. I can find mine, mine mountains, and dismantle illegal structures, even though I'm looking for it. Do you have any work to take care of me? I haven't done anything for a few days, and I don't have enough money to buy medicine for leveling!"

Blasting expert? There is such a profession! However, it is not surprising to think about it the other way round. Both the fire yao and the cannon have come out. There is no reason why there can be no career in blasting! But aren't elves a peace-loving and natural race? There actually appeared an elf with a little devil who specialized in blasting, and was still a big beauty!

"Hello, my name is Ziri. We do need someone like you, and the workload is relatively large. I wonder if you are traveling?"

"Do you want it? Great!" A smile appeared on her face immediately. "But I am a hidden professional, and I am the one who has blasting! But you do n’t have to worry, I like blasting the most, no matter how many things can be dismantled! Oh yes, I forgot to tell you my name, my name is Crystal chocolate. "

暴力 This violent woman actually has such a cute name. I think she should be called * fat (the main ingredient of liquid zha medicine, which is extremely unstable and has great explosive power) is more appropriate! "How do you calculate your wages?" I can't use the bargaining skills when talking to players about the price, so I didn't ask Yang Kun to come forward and ask for the price myself!

"You have to tell me how long you hired me and what work you can do before I can decide how much to charge!" Although she looks very carefree, she is actually very smart!

"My city needs to be rebuilt. There are many building debris in the city that need to be clear. Many houses are only half of them still standing. I need you to blow them all down so that I can build new ones! And I plan to collect the stones myself. I need you to help me explode the mountains! The specific working hours are not necessarily, but my city is very large, you can't finish it in three or five days! "

"That's a long time job. How about I collect 100 crystal coins a day?"

"100 crystal coins?"

I thought for a moment ~ ~ Crystal Chocolate immediately said: "If it doesn't work, 90 crystal coins can be a day!"

100 crystal coins is indeed a high salary for one day, but she is the only blasting expert, so much is not enough. Without her, I would find a miner to spend more money, and she may not be fast! "Do you have a guild?" This rare profession should be drawn, and she is still engaged in zha medicine, and is about to siege the city. It is also good to be able to pull her to help me bury some mines outside the city!

"You want me to join the club?" She was obviously surprised.

"Do you want to?"

"I ...!" She hesitated for a while, if I wanted to join the club, it was conditional.

说 "Say!" 俺 We are also rich now, talking loudly!

第一 "First, I want you to send me a plot of land over 100 square meters in the city, and I want to build my own laboratory!"

没 "No problem! I'll give you an underground laboratory of 1,000 square meters!" Zheng worrying that the land of Isinger is too big!

"Really!" She didn't expect me to be so generous. Yang Kun didn't care at all, he knew the area of ​​Isinger, so the land could not be used at all!

"What else to say?"

"I can collect no money for this job, but you will have to pay for my leveling expenses in the future!"

"Okay!" Leveling alone, even if you rely on the top of the medicine, you can spend less! As for the equipment, I mostly do n’t have to spend money!

Although I planned well, it was a pity that I made a mistake in my wishful thinking this time! I don't understand the way of crystal chocolate leveling too much. I thought that I only needed to supply enough medicine. In fact, the medicine she used for leveling was more expensive than I thought! She didn't want red medicine but ...

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