Starting from Zero

Vol 4 Chapter 82: Cherry blossom season

Night walking stopped suddenly, and I stretched my head to see that we had stepped out of the wooded area and entered a clearing. There are many Japanese players leveling in this relatively large open space. It seems that this is a leveling point.

"Who are you? Here we are in the Sakura group." A cute girl voice appeared not far from me.

I followed the voice and looked into the goal. It was a female elf warrior wearing a wooden armor, and a green wooden armor with the red thin sword in her hand looked like that. At this point I noticed that the leveling here was actually a woman, all female white elves, and almost all soldiers. Such a rare combination, it feels a bit like the Goddess League of the Red Moon, but the Goddess League actually also recruits male players. What kind of cherry blossom group is in front of us is a bit strange, more than 200 people are all women!

"I was passing by!" Although I don't like the Japanese, but I can't do anything to kill women, we don't have that perverted hobby!

"Are you Ziri?" The female elf who just spoke to me quickly set off an attack posture. The female elf warriors behind them all came around and blocked me in the middle when they heard this female elf.

It's really a mistake. If you shouldn't speak, you can't open the mouth. The sound of the translation system is too unique! "you know me?"

"Are you the purple sun that killed more than 3,000 people in the Black Dragon?" Or the female elf who started talking to me.

"Am I so famous?" I thought about it. "How do you know I am?"

"If you first saw your dragon-shaped armor, you suspected you were. We heard that a devil named Ziri came from China and killed more than 3,000 elite members of the Black Dragon Club overnight. And we heard that Ziri The black dragon-shaped armor is very difficult to equip now, and it is not easy to match the suit. Generally, few people can find the black suit, and it is still such an exaggerated equipment. Just when you spoke, it was a translation system, which means that you are foreign People, so I'm sure you are Ziri! "

I took off the helmet and hung it on the side of the horse. There was a light cry from below. I drew the rifle behind me, "I was going to pass by gently. Since I was found, I had to kill people!" I demonstrated the dragon gun in the air, and the long dragon gun was in the air. The sound of breaking wind.

The maidservant quickly put her sword back in her waist and shook her hand. "Don't be excited, we are not trying to fight you!" With a wave of his hand, the female elves behind closed their swords.

"What are you doing?" After I asked, I summoned Xiaofeng in the form of a bird of paradise and landed on my flat stretched arm. She shook Xiaofeng into space with an upward arm: "Go up to scout around, and if there is an ambush, come down and tell me, if someone is approaching, report it!" I use Chinese and don't want them to hear.

"You don't need to avoid us!"

"I'm not the reason ... Do you know Chinese?" I didn't respond at first, but now I noticed that she just said that in Chinese.

"All of us can speak Chinese. Although we are not in one place, we are all Chinese students!"

"Since you don't want to fight with me, what are you doing around me?" No matter who they are, I don't want to entangle them anymore.

"Do we want to know if you have a boat?" A girl who was slightly smaller than her came out from behind the girl who just asked and asked me timidly.

"Hahahaha! Funny question! Don't you think I came from China to swim?"

Suddenly there was a voice of a girl chuckle around, and the girl who just took the lead again said, "We want to borrow your boat!"

"Borrowing?" For a moment, my brain thinking couldn't keep up with the jumping thinking of these girls. "Do we seem to be hostile forces?" I touched the dagger with the cold light in my hand. "This is the way we should talk!"

"We're not going to fight by ship, we want you to send us to China!" The female elf shouted anxiously.

"What are you Japanese going to China?"

"Then you Chinese are still running to Japan?"

"Those are scum, China's traitors! I look down most on those who emigrated to Japan and the United States. It turned out that China was poor because it was forced to live. Now that the country is rich, there are still people who run outside. People's farts are fragrant! "We have branches in the world, but those companies will never hire foreign Chinese. Our branch only employs local people and Chinese employees in the past. We will never take care of those who emigrate to get foreign nationality. They even gave up their motherland. Why should we take care of them? When is it really time to fight, they have the obligation to join the army of the host country and shoot at our fellow citizens!

I may be scared by my sudden change of momentum, and no one is around! It took a while for the lead female elf to remember to speak. "Maybe you despise these people who have abandoned the motherland, but I am one of them!" The words of the female elf seemed to have no confidence.

"Are you Chinese?"

"No! You understand me wrong!" The elf hurriedly explained. "I'm Japanese, but I don't want to stay in Japan, I always yearn for life in China!"

"Is it really a foreign monk to read the scriptures? The Chinese want to run to Japan, the Japanese want to run to China! Hey! Man! Actually you don't know what you want!"

"Don't say it so bad!" The female elf was slightly angry at me. "We are only pursuing differences. Can't one person have a slightly different opinion?"

I also don't want to argue with her about ethology, and quickly change the subject. "You can buy a boat yourself! Why do you want my boat? Japanese pirates often attack China's coastal areas?"

"If we could have done it already!" The elf said angrily: "The price of ships is sky-high, do you think anyone built them? Most of the large guilds such as the Incheon Society and the Black Dragon Society that hit your coasts of China Only! They have the support of a consortium behind them, and the money is exchanged in from outside! Besides, we must pass through the South Korean waters before we arrive in China. Our ship is half finished, how could we have arrived in China? Your ship is Chinese ship, Koreans won't fight you! "

"But why should I send you to China? You are also Japanese. Although you may be left-wing groups, it does not mean that you can be accepted by Chinese players! At least I ca n’t accept you! To be honest, if you are not all women Child, I did n’t do it because of the chivalry, it has already become a slaughterhouse! "

"You ...!" A female temper with a more angry temper rushed behind. "We are just talking to you about the deal. Don't bully people too much!"

I used it slowly, without a voice of emotional fluctuations: "What's wrong with bullying you? I don't know what benefits you can get from smuggling you, and it is likely to bring harm to my country! You say that you yearn for China, you just Longing for China? How do I know if you are a spy? You know, the Japanese people ’s international reputation has always been bad. Your guarantee is at a discount! ”

"Sister, don't talk nonsense with him. He will only humiliate us and don't want to help us at all!" The impulsive female elf warrior yelled at the female elf who was talking at first, watching her movements, as long as the leading female elf She nodded and she rushed right away.

At this critical moment, Xiaofeng suddenly landed on my shoulder from the sky. "Master, there are knights in front, and they will be here in twenty minutes!"

I looked at the leading female elf: "The cute little lamb finally ripped off the white sheepskin to expose the fangs of the wolf?" I shook the spear. "Anyway, it is already recognized as a big devil, don't care about adding a count of killing women!"

The impulsive female elf watched my movements immediately and was on guard to fight with me desperately. They all heard Xiaofeng's words just now. Just when she was about to rush forward, she was dragged by the lead elf. "We didn't disclose your location. These people may know your location from other places. Maybe this is just a coincidence!"

"Anyway, what you said, and what you said was bad!" I still maintain a distrustful attitude.


"Okay! We're out, anyway, Japan can't stay here anyway!" She suddenly turned around and said to the elves behind her: "Sisters, in order to prove our sincerity, we want to intercept the upcoming Knights. Someone sacrificed Come to Baishui! Have you heard? "

He is still the more impulsive elf. "Sister, we've sacrificed so much!"

"Do you want to be the same as Sister Sakura?" The female elf leader said that all the people who were opposed were quiet. It seemed that this "Sister Sakura incident" was very deterrent to them! The female elf chief turned back and said to me, "Can you tell us the number of each other?"

Xiao Xiaofeng looked at me, I nodded, and she immediately said: "200 cavalry, everyone on the back seat!"

"That's four hundred?" The female elf was obviously startled by this number. The number of people on her side now totaled more than 200 points, almost a dozen to two. The most important thing is that they are all fighters. One to two is not necessarily lost, but a single profession is a big problem. One fighter plus one follower is definitely better than two fighters. Everyone knows this, but the problem now is that this group of girls and soldiers have no second career at all! Fortunately, they are all elves, and you can use several low-level replies to yourself!

The elf girls quickly set up a line of defense in front of me. I really do n’t know how they are so excited. But I just casually said that they actually want to fight hard for their own determination! The female elf leader shouted to the female elf after lining up: "Sisters, hold on! I have called other sisters on the guild channel. There are only 400 other people. Waiting for reinforcements is our victory!"

I drove the night shadow slowly behind the female elf leader. "Do you still have reinforcements?"

"We have more than a thousand sisters in Sakura Club. Today I am only the third team in the regiment! I am not the president, I am only the captain of the third team! We are all sisters who do not want to stay in Japan!"

I smiled slightly. "Why are there so many girls like you?"

女 The female elf captain's face turned red immediately. "You also know that Japan's **** culture is more developed. We girls in the outside world are always harassed, and they ca n’t be at peace in the game! Sister Sakura I just said is one. She was originally the captain of our third brigade. At that time, I was the deputy captain! A leader of Gongrongshe saw Sister Sakura, but Sister Sakura didn't like him. That guy kept tangling Sister Sakura, and finally threatened to destroy our guild. Sister Sakura quit for us After the game, I deleted all the characters! But then I heard that the sister who knew Sister Ying outside said that the guy didn't know how to find Sister Ying, and finally Sister Ying didn't run away! That guy is a member of the underworld outside! "

"What is Sister Sakura doing now?"

The voice of the maidservant Elf Captain already cried: "It was sold to the entertainment company by that bastard!"

"Entertainment company?" Isn't that what many young girls in China yearn for!

"Shoot AV!" I didn't understand Captain Elf added.

"Can you just grab someone and sell it here? What does the government do?"

"It's not good to catch a man, and no one will catch a woman! Japanese women are one of the domestic animals raised by men. They are used to seduce at night and act as a nanny during the day. They can also be used as money tools when they are poor!"

"Aren't you Japanese women very open?"

"Open?" The voice of the female elf captain had shuddered, and I could see that if it was not forbearance, her tears would have come out early. "A lot of girls choose to give their boyfriends when they are very young. That is to experience the feeling of a lover. If they don't grow up early, they will become livestock. Then Hou only has obligations and no emotions!" After finishing the last sentence Her tears still shed, but her expression was indeed a consistent smile, which made people look even more uncomfortable, feeling what was blocking her heart.

"I found it!" A loud cry interrupted our conversation, and the voice came from the opposite knight. Suddenly a large number of knights poured into the open space from the forest.

The elf captain wiped the tears from her face and walked back to the team: "Ready to fight!"

The knight on the opposite side was soon lined up, and from the middle knight came down a very familiar person-Ikeda. I probably know what's going on now. Ikeda Rideo who had just been killed by me returned to Inagawa and called for his revenge!

"Isn't this Sakura Club? It's a collective appearance today?" Ikeda is not a good person, and there is nothing good to say when he speaks.

The elf captain did not budge. "Don't be too arrogant! Our sister will be here soon, and you will be 400 people, not cheap!"

Heike Ikeda laughed. "Don't you see that all the cavalry I brought? Get down and let's ride on the battlefield and wipe out the back of you ...! Are you a woman?" Ikeda Toshio noticed that I was riding on a horse, just now I He dropped his helmet, and he looked at it clearly now. If it weren't for the characteristics of my equipment, he wouldn't have recognized it.

I didn't say anything. I raised one hand forward to face Ikeda. "Dark light bomb!" I hit Ikeda's body accurately. This guy actually tried to block with his hands. Unfortunately, the dark light bomb is corrosive. See what burns! In the exclamation of the surrounding knights, Rideo Ikeda slowly rotted into a pool of black water, and the smoke on the ground accompanied by the smell of burnt pork.

It didn't scream until Ride Ikeda completely turned into a guy next to Blackwater who might be a Knight leader. "Give me everything, catch her alive and let all the brothers in the club rejoice! The mage began to bless."

The knights on the opposite side of the horse jumped off, and most of them were mages, with ninjas and archers mixed in the middle. A golden light flashed, and all the knights were all shining, it seems that the other party will protect magic in a large area, this light seems to be a protective enchantment!

女 The female elf warrior ordered here: "Chong!" It seems she is clever, knowing her strengths and avoiding weaknesses. The agile elf warrior can't stop a knight's impact if he stands in place, but it won't be the same if the elf moves first and is close to the melee. The advantage of agility can be used well in close combat.

加 The blessing was just over when the elves rushed to the front of the knight. The knights immediately started to charge, and there were only a few meters left. As soon as their mounts started, they battled with the elves! Almost all female elves are one action, bending down, squatting, and cutting horse legs! All the war horses fell over almost at the same time, and all 200 knights were all under their mounts.

I slowly stepped back to the edge of the open space and found a big rock as a stool to sit on. The saddle is still not very comfortable! Ye Ying looked at the battlefield over there, with a sneer expression on the horse's face. I summoned Xiaofeng and luck in case. I don't want to get involved in this battle at all. Although it seems that both sides are working hard for me, in my eyes it is just two groups of Japanese in the PK, there is nothing to help.

"Go to death!" A knight (now an infantry) who didn't know what to do, rushed out of the pile, he actually grabbed two swords, and threw one of them as a flying knife. I didn't even look at the flying knife. Fortunately, I slapped the heavy knight sword back and used it ten times as fast. The knight sword flew past the stupid ear, and he followed his head in horror, only to see another knight looking at him with the sword just in his back, and then fell down. He wanted to explain, but the knight had disappeared into white light.

This stupid man actually did not continue to rush forward, he turned around and killed the station group again, what a wise guy! Although timid, at least he is smart! It would not be easy for Little Japan to be like these people!

突然 I suddenly remembered that Arna was also a commanding magic pet, so I called her out to let her refer to other people's battles. See how Little Japan fought, it will not be easy to lose money in the future! As soon as she appeared, she was immediately attracted by the battle. "Wow! Fighting?"

"How do you feel?" I pulled Aona to sit beside me. Although it was a magic pet, I was also a beautiful girl, so I could make up for the absence of roses!

"The tactics are not bad! Which side do we support?"

我们 "We are the audience, this is the show!"

"You don't have to play so hard for the show? It's a meeting of enemies! Ah ..." Arna was talking about a knight with a helmet and his head rolling and flying over ~ ~ "I grabbed the apex on the helmet and threw that sick nagging head back.

"Ah!" The screaming body came from behind me and startled me!

I turned around and saw Ouyang stepping out with Xiao Pan, Xiao Pan kept looking back. Just a few of the screams that just came out of Xiaopan!

怎么 "Why did you two come here? Did you just call it?"

"What are you doing? We just walked behind you, and Xiaopan reached out to cover your eyes to scare you. I didn't expect a person to fall into her arms and startle herself." Ouyang helped the unpredicted Xiaopan explain. With.

"That's it! What are they doing?" Xiaopan already saw the two gangs in front of melee, but she didn't know why the two gangs of Japanese were fighting, and I, the Chinese, sat watching!

I greeted them as they sat down and said, "The elves are all members of the Sakura Club. They hope to borrow my boat. As for the people across from them, they are under the control of Inodagawa Ikeda."

"Well, Ikeda? Why didn't I see him?" Ouyang watched for a long time in the melee crowd.

"I just hung back again!"

"This guy has such a dish? I heard he was very good before!" Xiaopan was not convinced.

"He is a demon-spell mage, relying on magic pets. His magic pets could not be summoned for a short time just now. What can he do with a bare-rod commander? Besides, he was originally a mage and had to stand in front of the soldiers with his big head. Are you saying you are looking for death! "

"Why don't you help them?" Xiaopan looked at the elves who were in a tight situation there and felt some sympathy for them.

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