Starting from Zero

Vol 4 Chapter 47: Sky Blade

"Who are you? Why attacked us?" I stood on the carriage and asked him.

"Chinese!" The fat man looked at me with anger in his face.

"Do you mean to call us Chinese all robbers or what do you mean? Are you Japanese?"

"You are Japanese! You traitor!" The fatter became more and more excited and suddenly took off a pair of alien machetes from behind. "Stop being a traitor!" He rushed up to me as he spoke.

The demon spirit knight is not a fake, seeing that he has taken action and rushed to intercept it. The two equestrian knights who stood far away flew up before reaching the spear, and the fat man flew out with a double-handed lance and sturdyly nailed it to the nearby tree. It is not ordinary people who can fly two lances of the ghost knight at the same time. The monster knight next to him does not dare to raise the gun one after another.

The demon spirit knight boss shot straight, but the fat man had a double-edged sword and then made a crisp sound. The demon knight boss stepped back a few steps. I just listened to the buzzing wind in front, and then something came over. I wanted to block the blades on my hands, but I raised my hands to remember that the blades on my armor made Hongyue useless.

With a bang, a thing was nailed into my arm, and blood and water shot out far away. "Wow!" I pulled out what was nailed to my arm, it turned out to be a gun. The monster knight boss saw the gun tip in my hand, he looked at his riding gun again, the gun tip was gone! When I met the fat man just now, he was cut off!

"Husband, are you all right?" Rose stepped forward and looked at my arm.

"It's okay!" I retracted my hand and pulled out the Dragon Sword from the waist. "What's your name, shall we fight?" I want to see the strength of the fat man.

"You traitor don't deserve to know my name! Come on if you want to die!" The fat man rushed up with a double knife.

I'm wondering why he keeps calling me a traitor, but I can't even tell why he's so excited now. I let the boss of the demon knight back with the demon knight, and I rushed up.

The fat man's attack was quite straightforward. It was a straight cut. I tried to hold it with a dragon tooth sword, but unexpected problems appeared. With a click, accompanied by a dragon-like Jinming, two Dragontooth Swords were cut off by their roots. I didn't respond for a moment, but felt a pain in my chest. A cross-shaped wound appeared on my breastplate.

"Master!" The demon knight gathered around and separated the fat man to protect me behind. Rose and Bingbing also jumped from the car and ran over to protect me.

I was still in a daze while holding the hilt of the Dragon's Sword. The Dragon's Sword as an artifact should have been iron-cut, and now it was cut by two knives! What is it that can cut the knife of the artifact?

I was thinking that the fat man had rushed up again. Now the demon knight knew that his double sword could not stand and instead attacked him directly. The two spears stabbed at the fat man at the same time, but he quickly slashed the knife to block him. The demon knight did not dare to hit him and had to withdraw the riding gun.

"Give up, I'll do it myself!" Under my scolding, the demon knights stepped back to make way. "Werewolf form!" My height increased rapidly, black hairs grew on my arms, and shiny silver claws also stretched out. "Boy, I'm going to see how great you are!"

He reached up in front of the fat man with a rise and fall. He instinctively waved to resist it, and I flew in front of him to get behind him. "Langfang, cracking wind!" A crossed claw hit the fat man and flew out, and I rolled over under him while he was not on the ground. "Langyan, nine days!" I supported the ground with my hands and kicked up with my feet spinning. The fat man's body was kicked on the treetop by me, but the fat man's figure disappeared out of thin air when I planned to launch the next attack.

"Where is the man?" I asked the elf knight boss next to me.

"Where should it be on the tree!"

也许 "Maybe run away!" Replied a demon knight next to him.

"There!" Bingbing saw the branch in which the fat man was hiding.

I stepped on the trunk and bounced back and forth to the tree, but when I reached the position I saw in the beginning, the fat man was no longer there. Looking around and seeing nothing moving, I had to use the simplest method-cutting trees! Leaping down from the tree, a few successive claws knocked down the big tree just now, but obviously the fat man is no longer on this tree!

"Rose Vine!" It seems that the single player is struggling to fight, I have to resort to chasing and blocking. As soon as the rose vine appeared, the surrounding woods were covered with rattan. Rose vine's detection ability is not relying on eyesight but touch. You can find any shadow-shaped target by feeling the vibration of the ground, but now the fat man is hiding somewhere and Rose vine can't find him for a while.

"What about people?" Rose turned around for a long time.

"Lucky!" Lucky again. "Help me clean this up!"

"No problem!" The rose vine quickly fell into the ground, lucky to hug a big tree and shake his head. The big tree flew for a long time and was thrown away. Then he started to clean up the next book. All the trees were not a while. All lost and gone.

"What's going on?" I looked at the empty space around me. "What about people?"

"Maybe just ran away!" Bingbing picked up a leaf and handed it to me.

I took it and saw that the leaf was stained with blood, and it was obviously not mine. "he got hurt?"

Rose also found a leaf with a lot of blood on it. "Not too light!"

"Who the **** is he? The attack is so powerful! And the two knives in his hand are absolutely extraordinary."

"What about your Dragon Sword?" Rose shook in front of me with two blades. "Are you going to Lost City? Your blades and swords are ruined and you don't have short weapons. Riding rifles are too long, and flying ropes are not good for whip weapons!"

"But ..." I looked at the magic shield in the back compartment covered with canvas. "I'm not good at leaving you and leaving this thing yourself? Who knows if they will come back for revenge? They are obviously a guild. What would you do if there were hundreds of people?"

"However, your combat effectiveness drops sharply and it is not very useful!" Rose said.

Wu Bingbing also said, "That's it! Brother Ziri, go and lose your repair equipment. My sister and I are watching here. If you don't worry, leave the ghost rider. There should be no problem with them?

"Okay! But you have to be careful. If you ca n’t do it, you can use it to return to the lost city. Can you buy it if you lose it?" After explaining some things, I left 9 demon knights and let lucky and Xiaofeng , The tank, the little dragon girl all left protection, and then I left with the elf knight boss.

传送 Teleported directly to the Lost City and went to Clark. Fortunately, this guy didn't run around this time, I found him directly.

呦 "Oh! Why are you here?" Clark put down his hand and greeted him when he saw me.

当然 "Of course something's wrong with you!" I took out half of the arm guard and two dragon tooth swords that were broken in two.

Clark jumped at the sight of the armguard and dragontooth sword. "Wow! Your boy is going to slaughter dragon again? How can this be done?"

"I don't want to!" I said helplessly: "The armguard was bitten by the werewolf, and the dragon tooth sword was cut by two strange knives! By the way, do you know if there is anything to cut off the artifact? ? "

"Double Knife?" Clark paused. "You wait first!" Clark ran into the foundry and ran out again with a long box in his hand. He came to me and opened the box. "Is that so?"


I recognized the weird knife at a glance. "How do you have it? That's the knife! But he has a handle. Why do you only have a knife edge? That thing is awesome! Just a face-to-face my dragon tooth sword will be reimbursed!"

Clark closed the box. "This is the Tiantian blade that I collected when I was the commander of the demon army. Because I didn't use it, I didn't even put my hands on it!"

怎么 "Why not? Such a good thing! Is there any other than the four of you?" I'm afraid there are too many of these things, and a knife that can cut artifacts should not be left outside.

"There are only four of Tiantian Blade. You can rest assured that such a powerful thing cannot be of great quantity! The reason why it is not used is because it is a thing that hurts itself, although it ignores all defenses and treats everything. Causes a devastating blow, but this thing has a property that consumes the user's life in exchange for attack power. To put it plainly is to use your blood to hurt others 'blood. Every 8 points of life you consume will consume 10 points of others' life. Speaking of power It ’s great, but this kind of thing that hurts a thousand and hurts 800 is too dangerous! Most people do n’t consider this life-threatening play! "

I now know why the fat man did n’t take out such a powerful weapon in the beginning and switched to a long gun on his back. It seems that he did n’t dare to use this thing in the melee, and then he was left with one. He was I intend to share with me as much as possible before I put on such NB things, I plan to make a sufficient one!

"Don't talk about this, you can help me repair the armor! What about the sword and the blade claw?"

Clark looked over the wound on my breastplate. "The breastplate is easy to handle, as long as the hole is sealed with some magic silver." He looked at the blade claw again. "This is not a big problem. The arm guards are easy to connect. The blade claws only need to be hammered a few times." He finally looked at the two dragon tooth swords. "This dragon tooth sword is a bit troublesome! The sword body is broken. The place happens to be the place where the magic runes meet. I ca n’t repair these magic runes that are blessed by divine power. Unless ...! "

"Except what?" Clark actually lost my appetite!

除非 "Unless there are other weapons and magical rune-inlaid weapons and Dragontooth swords combined for casting, the original performance can be basically restored afterwards, but there is no guarantee that they will be exactly the same!"

"Isn't that saying that you must destroy an artifact of the same level to repair the Dragonfang Sword?" My heart was half cold.

"I'm afraid yes!" Clark said: "But it doesn't mean that there is nothing. In fact, if you are not afraid, I can put in the sky blade to help you cast. But I will not guarantee what it will look like after casting! Artifact They all have the common characteristic that they will deform when casting, and it may not be what they will look like in the end! "

"Shouldn't it be too ridiculous, right? You won't get a bow if you plug a sword?"

"This is also indeterminate! The famous artifact repairman in our dark temple had previously experienced casting the artifact spear into a mountain axe, so I can't guarantee this final appearance!"

"Forget it, let the dead horse be the living horse doctor! Anyway, my dragon tooth sword is a waste if you don't cast it, please help me cast it! As long as you don't feel bad about what you have!"

"I don't care!" Clark put my Dragon Sword Shard into the box and said, "I didn't plan to use this thing anyway, it would break if it broke. I don't care. Your kid will come in and help!"

"Oh!" I followed into the room. Clark dumped the contents of the stove and changed a lot of strange materials and threw them in. Then he started putting fuel into the stove.

After the torch ignited, Clark began to throw the broken sword into the furnace with the sword, and then he ran to the side and focused on controlling the fire. "Purple Sun, put that magic crystal in."

"Is this?" I picked up a magic crystal and threw it in.

"That black bakelite, three!"

"Black ... Bake ... Wood ...! Here!" I found the black Bakelite and dropped it.

"Four Stones!"

"Inkstone!" I found four black things and threw them in.

Clark let me put a lot of things in again, and then he started to let me pull the bellows. "Oh, put two pieces of that chrome in."

"Which one?" I searched for a long time and didn't know which one he wanted.

Clark had no choice but to find it by himself. After putting the chrome in the stove, Clark suddenly grabbed a black thing and said, "Purple Sun? Didn't you put the inkstone in it?"

"Inkstone?" I thought for a moment. "Put it in! What?"

"Why are there four more?"

"There are so many things. Why are there four and four left?"

"But I only have four pieces of inkstone in total! You put four pieces in, why are there any left?"

"But I did lose four inkstones ..., bad! Is it wrong?" I asked in a panic.

Clark looked at the surrounding materials and began to count, and then said, "You put this, right?"

"Isn't this inkstone?" I asked, looking at the black thing.

"This is the inkstone!" Clark picked up a translucent crystal like a large rock candy. "This is the inkstone! The magnet you put in!"

"Ah?" I look at the stove. "It won't mess up, right? Add this stuff quickly. Less stuff is not good." I grabbed the remaining three ink stones and threw them into the stove.

"Don't!" Clark wanted to stop but took a slow step. Seeing Mo Shi enter the stove, he hurried me out.

"what's wrong?"

"You fool, inkstone and magnet cannot be heated together!"

"What if it heats up together?" I asked stupidly.

Choke! A silver plate flew past me and plunged it into the stove. Clark looked at the stove and said, "That's it!" Then a pile of messy things flew into the stove by themselves, much like the stove suddenly became the center of gravity. Fly past us in the beginning was only a small silver plate and silver picks, then the armor and weapons that Clark had previously cast, and finally even the casting hammers flew in. After a while, all the metal products in the room flew into the stove. I thought this was finished, and there were not 800 or 1,000 pounds of metal in it. What would I do if it turned into an iron dumpling?

I was thinking that suddenly the window burst open, and a mess of things flew in through the window and got into the stove. I hurriedly stretched out my head from another window, and saw countless broken weapons flying from the mass graves outside the city, and gathered into a huge torrent to this side. Damn, it's okay to fly in so many things! Not to mention that Clark's stove can't fit, even this house is probably buried by these metal garbage!

When I was about to escape with Clark, I found that everything was being loaded into the stove. Although it should have exceeded the stove in volume, it was not full, and the stuff was still filling the stove. The storm did not end until nearly 100,000 pieces of various metal objects flew into the furnace.

克拉 Clark and I carefully climbed to the side of the stove. The fire flickered for a few times and finally went out. After only a click, Clark's baby stove actually cracked! Hey! I'm in trouble again!

Clark looked at his baby stove with tears, and I looked for my poor artifact in the stove's wreckage. It's really strange, so many things just flew in, at least there should be a big iron dumpling in it! But now we don't see anything!

I did not give up and smashed the pieces of the stove, and finally I found a consistent red stuff at the bottom. Carefully grab the red metal with the tongs and pull it out. After a while, a sword appeared in front of me. Although it is still red, the beautiful shape of the blade has come out. The beautiful blade has a deep blood groove. The shape of the dragon and phoenix dance also made by the hilt is very exaggerated.

"Haha! It's done!" If it wasn't for the red sword body telling me it's hot now, I would really like to hold a sword pro.

Clark looked awake while looking at the wreckage of his stove! I walked over to comfort him. "Don't be sad, I will help you make a better one!"

"What do you know, you need money to build a stove!"

"It's okay, I'm rich now, I'm out!" I directly gave Clark a million crystal coins. "is that enough?"

"Wow! Are you robbing the bank?"

I'm dizzy! This guy doesn't trust me so much, if he has money, he suspects that I am a robbery! However, I am almost the same as robbery, but I am even cheating! "Your stove can be repaired if you want to repair it. My sword will help me do it, and it will cool down without hardening!"

"Oh!" Clark jumped up and looked around before suddenly remembering it. "I even sucked in the hammer and iron, what do you want me to do for you?"

"Forget this! Is there anything for sale near here?"

"It's okay, I have a reserve, in the basement, wait for me to get it!" Clark returned after a while to resist things.

When he helped me cast that sword, I started to flip through those things. Just now that so many things went in, I made a sword! Besides ~ ~ My sword was originally two, but now it is not a loss!

I flipped over the tongs and suddenly encountered something, hard, it should be metal. I grabbed the thing and pulled it, wow, another sword came out and was exactly the same as the one just now. I said that it is impossible to have so many things with a sword!

But when I continued to turn it, I encountered something again. Now I pulled the white ash and the furnace shards away at a stretch. I was completely dumbfounded. A row of six identical swords lay there, plus the two just taken Hasn't it become eight? Double down again and find something below! Pull it with a pair of fire tongs, and a long one-handed sword appeared in front of it. The flushed metal shows that it is still in a hot state, but the outline shows that it and the eight swords are not a kind of sword. Longer and seem more beautiful!

克拉 Clark had already played the sword over there, and he looked totally silly on my side. "Why are there so many?"

"I don't know, you get it out!"

"Oh!" Clark put all these swords on the iron platform and started hammering me, then continued to flip through the pile of ashes.

的 What's driving me crazy is actually turning me over again. "A dagger?" I took out the short thing and saw that it was a dagger. I put it aside and continued to turn it. After a while, I turned out four identical daggers, plus the one just It's five. In addition to the dagger, I also turned out three triangular shapes. I don't know what it should be, but I can't see the redness burning now.

At last I turned out two strange dagger-like things, but I am absolutely sure this is not a dagger. As for what it is, it can only be seen after cooling to form!

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