Starting from Zero

Vol 4 Chapter 41: Strange Gunboat

"Oh! I ... I'll go and see on the deck!" I finally flinched and ran out of the room with an excuse.

"Me too!" Rose ran after me.

"I ... you ...! Rest more!" Bingbing also followed incoherently. Now the air in the room can definitely suffocate. Running out is an instinctual reaction!

I came to the deck and took a long breath, and the sea breeze coming from the bow of the ship felt better on my face! Rose came up from behind and hugged my waist, and I could only hold her hands in front of me and touch her palms to gently express her speechless mood. At this time, the language could not achieve the purpose of communication. !!

"Laozi is beating the Japanese hard and hard, you deserter is actually here to learn the romance of the Titanic! Give me death!"

"Ah!" Rose and I were pushed from behind by a huge force, without having to think about who we were kicked. But the problem is that this is my ship. The NPC will never hit me as a captain, but I know everyone else. They have no reason to hit me!

Now I ca n’t even think about who is 踹 us, because Rose and I have been taken out of the deck, so if we do n’t care, we will fall into the sea again! "Werewolf turned!" I completed the transformation in the air, hugged Rose's waist with one hand, and struck the ship's side with the other hand (paw). Unsurprisingly, the long, sharp claws simply penetrated the deck and fixed us on the side of the ship.

Kicked to the deck with two feet and nailed the long extension of the armor into the ship's side. Then, with a fierce force, I flew up the deck with a few roses in one hand. "Which **** hit me?"

"How can you tell me, Laozi?" I saw at a glance the magic swordsman named Wuyu who was tied to the bow by Ziyue. He was staring at me with hands on hips at the bow.

"Did I offend you? What did you do to me?"

"You didn't offend me, but I see you unhappy!"

"Oh?" I was a little angry, no matter who was being carried into the sea when he was in love with his wife, he would not be happy. "Where did I upset you?"

"You're making me uncomfortable everywhere!" This guy took it for granted. "I ask you, are you the captain of this ship?"

是 "Yes! So what?" Should I be the captain?

"Then you said that the order to turn around and go home is your 喽?" He was moving his joints. "You deserter, cartilage!"

"I ordered it. Do I have to pass the order to my warship?" I pushed the rose away and was ready to go.

"Why don't you chase the Japanese and let them run away? You traitor? What are you going to do if you don't resist the Japanese? Do you want to sell your country?" His words became increasingly unbearable. "Oh! Who hit me?"

"Your kid offended everyone, didn't you?" War Song singled Wuyu's ears very harshly and reprimanded him, then turned to me. "I'm really sorry, this guy is this kind of person. Don't care about him!"

"It doesn't matter, I know he is also eager to fight, but you'd better be optimistic about him, this kind of almost provocative behavior is not acceptable to everyone!" Since the other side appeared to plead, I had to be more generous!

When I heard War Song, I was very happy and said, "Thank you! This guy is crazy when he hears the Japanese. I can't stand it. You don't know, all the ships in the nearby sea area that can go to sea battle He has stayed, but no one is willing to let him get on the ship now. Every time he fights with the Japanese, as long as it does not sink the Japanese warship or his ship is sunk, he will call the captain a traitor, so there is no Someone will let him on board! "


"If that's the case, he's a **** young man! Or you will follow me in the future!"

"You want us to follow your ship?" Warsong asked in surprise. "We often do bad things!"

"Don't you want to resist Japan?"

想 "Think! But ..."

伸 I reached out and stopped him from talking. "That's enough. In the future, you two will be my captain! I will do my best in the future, I ..."

"Enemy attack!" I heard the watcher scream before I finished speaking.

Boom! There was a sound of explosion from the side deck of the Bi Ling. I didn't want to know that I was hit by a shell. The **** lookout hand, when the enemy was close to the shelling distance, the enemy was found! "Report distance and direction!" I asked loudly as I ran towards the magic crystal cannon at the bow.

"Five o'clock to the side and back, 3000 yards away!"

"What?" I stopped. "Did you read that right? Can there be artillery fire at this distance?"

报告 "Report, it's a long-range cannon! I saw three!" Lookout reported.

"I saw it too! There are so many!" The chief officer stood on the side of the ship and looked at the enemy ship with his binoculars to report the situation. "Lu Li is drawing closer, and the other party is faster than us." He screamed without waiting for my order. "All the personnel are in place, the gunners are quickly loading the shells. Helmman, right full rudder! Take the mainsail, take out the left slurry, and the right slurry reverse! U-turn!"

The hawk rushed up from the cabin. "What happened? Who did we fight with?"

"I don't know! The other party doesn't have a flag! But it is probably Japanese, because it was a long-range artillery that attacked us just now." Then I handed the telescope handed over by the chief officer to the eagle.

The eagle set up a telescope and looked at the enemy ship in the distance. "It is indeed a long-range artillery, but I don't know why the Japanese have such a powerful multi-artillery clipper. We just didn't take it out? The one that we sank in the beginning was only equipped with a long-range artillery, but now this ship is actually equipped many!"

怎么 "How do I know, just let him sink so much, just sink!" I took it back and counted it. "1,2,3,4 ... 17,18, I saw 18 doors, how many do you see?"

"18, I also saw 18." The second officer answered.

Looked at the hand and called: "20 doors, one at the bow and one at the stern!"

"so much!"

When Ying Ying just finished speaking, a cannonball flew over, and the second main mast collapsed with a bang. The entire mainsail fell down, and we ran away in a fright. But the canvas area was too large, we still couldn't run away and buried it.

"Damn, so fierce firepower!" I climbed out of the canvas and stared at the distant battleship. "Eagle, follow me!"

"Come here!" The eagle climbed out from under the canvas and followed me into the turret of the magic crystal cannon.

When I entered the turret, I began to use the star pupil to aim at the enemy ship. With the star pupil, I easily locked the enemy ship. "Fire!" I yelled. The eagle quickly pulled the cannon, and a purple shell flew out quickly. Everyone stared at the cannonball, trailing the enemy ship at a slow speed with a long trail. But what depresses us is that the shell did not hit the target. It wasn't my aim. The main problem was the magic crystal cannon.

The magic crystal cannon is very different from ordinary ship guns. The warships use fire-driven cannons, but the magic crystal cannons use magic crystals. Generally, the short range of the shell is small, and the long range of the magic crystal cannon is huge. However, the magic crystal cannon has a fatal shortcoming, that is, the magic crystal cannon ball has a very long flight time. The shell of the magic crystal cannon is not small and agile to the artillery shell. On the contrary, its volume is very slow and the worst is that the giant fireball-like thing will still glow. Which fool would look at something like this big little sun and fly towards himself without hiding! Fortunately, the shell of the magic crystal cannon is slower relative to the speed of the shell, but it is relatively fast compared to other things.

But what we are facing now is likely to be the fastest ship in Japan, and our distance is really very long, which caused the projectile flight time to be unexpectedly long. A total of about 12 seconds elapsed from the firing of the gun to the drop of the shell, that is, in just 12 seconds, the warship had passed the original position. We watched the cannonballs flew from the stern of the target battleship by a minute and fell into the sea.

But the powerful power of the magic crystal cannon still made us a little bit of money. The magic crystal shell exploded and a huge water column of twenty meters high blasted into the sky. When the water column came back, the shock wave and the waves hit the warship that was much smaller than us. We don't know how much actual damage this shell caused, but the most obvious effect we saw was a dozen small water columns rising around us.

The battleship apparently just made a side-volley salvo. All of the shells that should have hit us were shot into the sea because the opponent could not be targeted by the shock wave.

The chief officer ordered the time. "Advance all pulp! Close up and get ready for shelling!" Because it was sailing relatively, we rushed into the warship in an instant.


The Bi Biling fired at almost the same time as the opponent's warship, and both sides are now firing artillery against each other without tactics. The target warship originally saw that we rushed over and did not intend to approach us. They expected to use the range advantage outside of our range and we have been fighting this way, but we turned around too suddenly and our speed was considerable, plus they were just The shock wave lifted for a moment so we didn't have a quick response and we rushed forward. Besides, the battleship is not a car. It is not that you can turn your head off immediately if you hit the direction, unless it is a monster with a lot of long slurry like Biling.


In short, we rushed to the side of the enemy ship, and then there was no suspense artillery battle. It was a face-to-face. The 300 artillery on our right side of the ship was very beautiful, and 300 holes were opened on the enemy ship. Of course, we have more. A lot of big holes, but compared to the volume of Bi Ling, this little injury is nothing!

After rushing through our side chords, the opponent ’s warship had no intention of turning at all, so it rushed forward to distance us, and I immediately drilled out of the turret and yelled to the chief officer and said, “Turn around, catch up! "

Ms. Wu quickly understood what I meant. "Down right anchor! Turn sail, right paddle reverse, left paddle at full speed! Release the steering wheel!"

The iron anchor on the right side of the Bi Ling was suddenly dropped to the bottom of the sea. The anchor hook caught the bottom of the sea and pulled the huge hull of the Bi Ling with an almost barbaric force to make an almost impossible large-angle maneuver. The helmsman loosened the steering wheel in time, only to see that the steering wheel that could have been controlled by two talents turned mad quickly, thanks to the two helmsmen loosening the steering wheel, otherwise the two of them should fly out now!

The huge maneuver of the Battleship Lin Biling made everyone feel like they were about to vomit. The giant warship swung off its head with G force similar to that of a fighter. This force of inertia was not accepted by anyone.

And the people on the enemy ship who saw this scene were stunned. This spectacular scene is equivalent to someone making a Cobra maneuver with 'An 22' (those who do n’t know can imagine a 17-meter-long heavy-duty trailer Play a spectacular scene in front of you).

It wasn't just the people on the enemy ship that saw this scene. Just as we flew the tail, several **** alliance warships also appeared in sight. They were also taken aback. Such a huge warship tailband. The monstrous giant wolf almost carried the speedboat ahead and flew up.

We flew past the bow and we were facing the stern of the enemy ship. I was going to send them a shot, but it was held down by the eagle. "Calm down, we are a good opportunity now, their cannons are very good, if only a few can go back and make it yourself!"

"Yeah!" I also ran out of the battery. "First mate! Get out of the hook and trap the enemy ship!"

The chief officer immediately ran to the foredeck and began to command. "Closing the horns! Unfold the crossbow and hang the rope!"

A huge crossbow gun was quickly protruded under the bow of the bow. A dozen sailors held a thick-legged cable rope head to the tail of the crossbow. The other end of the rope was wound around a right 16 sailors. Push on the winch. With a command, the huge crossbow flew out. Because it was very close, the crossbow penetrated the enemy's tail and hit the cabin directly.

"Retract the sails, retort! Lower the anchor! Retract the ropes!" The second officer immediately instructed the sailor to start the action. The entire Bi Ling immediately stopped, and the rope at the bow of the ship immediately straightened. Due to the sudden force, the entire enemy jumped up. Fall into the water again.

"Archer!" I yelled for the battle sailors to prepare for our first approach.

All the combat sailors are ready at the bow. The 16 general sailors are also turning the huge winch with difficulty. The battleship in front is being pulled by us little by little. I stood on the bow of the ship and turned into a werewolf shape. With drooling images, I looked at the strangely shaped cannons. "These are mine! Hahaha!"

"Brothers, rush!" Look at the distance is almost, I have not come and shouted, a dark shadow next to it has rushed out, although I did not see the face, but I already guessed who it was. The activist Wu Yu rushed past. The boy rushed to the rope connecting the two ships alone and ran on the rope. Really admire him so much, this is all right, but let him rush through, has he practiced tightrope? Although this rope has such thick legs, the rope connected between the two ships in the sea is still very strong after all, won't he fall down!

Although he rushed forward with a slogan bravely, in fact, only himself passed. The sailors only recognized me as the captain and the deputy captain eagle designated by me, and they would not listen to other orders. As for the lark and cauldron rice, they are all players, who would be stupid enough to run on the rope! So in the final situation, only Wuyu rushed into the enemy ship opposite him, and he was surrounded immediately.

"Arrow!" I ordered the archer to start the attack. Although Wuyu may not be saved, it should still be possible to help.

My archers quickly fired the first round of arrow rain, and the arrow rain with a fire head quickly turned the deck of the enemy ship into a sea of ​​fire. What surprised us was the pitiful few sailors on the enemy ship. Maybe they always rely on the range of the long-range artillery and their own speed to win, so they never considered the need for a white-bladed battle.

With a bang, our battleships and enemy ships were posted together. "Rush!" I ordered and took off directly. Originally, I was going to jump to the bow and be the first to rush over, but the werewolf's body was really unaccustomed. When I fell down, I actually arrived on the opposite battleship, and It's the middle of the opposite battleship. Fortunately, I didn't think about jumping directly. Otherwise, I guess I should skip the opponent's bow and fall into the sea!

Immediately after I fell, the enemy sailors around me immediately surrounded me. I punched a sailor and then used the power of the usual stairs to jump over the sailors' heads and fell directly into the enemy's cabin. Entrance.

"¥% …… — · ¥%" a bunch of messy languages ​​appeared in my ears. I know it is a foreign language, but I do n’t know which Mandarin it is. I have never heard of a similar language, but there are One thing is certain, this is not Japanese, which means that this is not a Japanese warship. But why do foreign warships appear here and somehow attack us!

I quickly caught the guy who was screaming at me and threw him on the deck of Bi Ling. "First mate, put me in this cell!"


After I lost this guy, I started other players on this boat, and grabbed a few more to go back. Maybe there will be someone who knows Chinese. Since they come to China to make trouble, someone must understand Chinese. Looking for, a guy with a cloth robe on his head ran up, and now I know who these are.

"Indians?" The battle soon ended. There was no suspense in the battle between the two ships. The Clipper had no fighting sailors at all. Except for a few sailors who acted as facades, the ship had very few people on it, so we were very The warship will soon be captured. Everyone is meeting in the command room of the USS Biling. Chuang Wang actually came with the people of the League of Blood. After knowing that this is my boat, he also threw it here to visit.

"Yes, they should be Indians!" I replied: "Their clothes are very similar to Indians, and their language is similar. They are probably Indians."

"If only I could catch one and ask." Chuang Wang sighed.

"Caught! And 7!"

"What, have you caught it? People?"

"On board! I locked them up!"

"What?" Chuang Wang jumped up. "How can you just lock them up? Although they are not allowed to return to the city at sea, they can go back as long as they commit suicide! The rule at sea is that dead people are resurrected on the ship when they come, and the ship is captured or sunk to death. Directly back to the city ~ ~ Maybe they have returned to the city now! "

"It's okay! My boat is too big and there is too much space. I don't know if the loading room is good, so we installed a lot of messy rooms, including the prison room. The prison room here is the same as the city's own prison. Similarly, as the captain, I can impose the highest punishment, detaining prisoners for 24 hours, and online time. As long as I do not let them go or the time is up, they must be here unless they kill themselves back to level 20 to force them back to the novice zone Stay! "

"Then don't you ask?"

"Do you understand Hindi?"

"Oh! By the way, can't the system translation be translated at the same time?"

"Try it yourself!"

After a while, he broke into Wang's helplessness and said, "It doesn't seem to be possible at sea!"

所以 "So I'm hurrying back, just wait until the port!" I suddenly remembered: "Yes, how's the situation with that ship chasing Japanese warships?"

"What else can you do? You have arrived at the port!"

"So fast?" Wuyu shouted in surprise, and then called at me. "It's just that you don't want to chase it. Look, everyone has gone home after hitting the Japanese!"

Chuang Wang continued: "They were caught off guard by a Japanese U-turn and a carbine. All the ships chased out were sunk. Now the people on the ship are back to the port and resurrected!"

Wu Wuyu calmed down immediately.

"Ah ..." A melodious and beautiful female voice suddenly appeared around us. It sounded like someone was singing. The sound was so beautiful and charming, and it had a strange feeling. But this voice is obviously not made by the female players on the boat, because several players on the boat are here, the NPC will not sing, and there does not seem to be a female NPC sailor! Who is singing?

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