Just as many cities in Europe came from military camps left by the Romans, Nelgo was prepared to build a military camp at the throat of the Blade before establishing a city, and gradually expanding on this basis.

"Report, the throat of the blade is ahead!" A wolf horseman reported to Nairgo.

"Everyone, stop!" Nairgo used the wind to transmit his voice to ensure that his commands were heard by all.

"The wolf cavalry is scattered to be in charge of guarding, and everyone else builds camps!" In terms of how to build, Nairgo can say that he doesn't know, after all, he belongs to the kind of player who plays games and can only build four-square box houses, and if he teaches soldiers to build houses, it can basically be said that he has built a big coffin.

But it doesn't matter if he doesn't understand, someone can do it, no matter how the orcs work hard to say about building a house, they will still do it, not to mention that the camp that Nelgo wants them to build has little gold content.


A voice came, Nairgo turned his head to look, it was a hard worker, seeing that his dress should be a second-level hard worker, and he could also be regarded as a senior civil engineering brother at the foreman level.

"Luke?" Nelgo looked at him, this drudgery he knew, he was appointed as a second-class drudger when he was recruiting drudgers, although he had many shortcomings like other drudgers, but fortunately he did a good job in construction.

Nairgo couldn't help but ask: "Something went wrong with building the camp?"

Luke nodded and said, "Yes, our wood and stone are almost the same, and the materials carried by the wild boar are enough for us to build two arrow towers at most."

"Then let the soldiers dig." At Nairgo's order, all the infantry turned into lumberjacks, using their loggers to cut trees and pickaxes to dig stones.

In short, there is nothing in this broken place, just trees and stones.

"In addition, you go and inform the flag soldiers, let them go and see which location is suitable for camping in this vicinity, choose a good place, we will settle down here and build a city in the future." Nairgo ordered.

Eventually, at the suggestion of the flag soldiers, Nairgo decided to build the camp near the stream.

The flat terrain and proximity to water sources make it a good place to establish a stronghold.

In Nairgo's plan, the new stronghold had to have arrow towers to guard against foreign enemies, corrals to feed wolves, and buildings such as workshops, which the orcs called war mills, were also essential.

At the same time, the soldiers, according to Nairgo's request, began to build barracks that they had already experienced countless times in previous training.

First, they cut down trees near the camp and stuck them in the ground as a defensive measure such as fencing and repelling horses.

However, considering that Delano does not have such a creature as a horse, it is possible that the soldiers will privately call this thing a pig rejection.

"Grab a handful and run? I'm not that kind of orc. Nairgo also wielded a shovel at this time, building a camp with his soldiers.

Opposite him is Sylvanas, who usually exudes that no one is close to him, and has now become an overseer in this large construction site, which can be regarded as giving full play to her advantages as a forgotten.

After all, a sudden cold wind around can make people feel a lot more energetic, and this is a Sylvanas who is colder than the cold wind, isn't it a higher level.

"Go for it! After digging the trench, we can go to rest! Looking at the gradually setting sun, Nairgo shouted.

The orcs moved quickly, and in just a few moments, the camp was repaired.

In the central council chamber of the camp, Nairgo walked straight in, where Sylvanas had been waiting for him for a long time.

"How does it feel to be involved in building the camp yourself?" Nairgo asked.

Although Sylvanas began out as an overseer, she picked up a shovel like everyone else when everyone was working hard to build the camp.

"A novel experience." She replied. "But it's not bad."

Sylvanas is not a delicate little princess who can't bear a little pain, she was once upset by her mother in various ways when she was a ranger general.

"It's also a novel experience for me." "It sucks for me, though," he said. "

Oops?" She was puzzled.

"I see you work harder than anyone else when digging trenches, and you still have a smile on your face."

Nairgo was surprised: "Don't you think my smile comes from me digging a hole?"

He complained: "Whoever works and has fun is either an amazing reward or satisfaction, or he has a brain disease." "

Which one are you?" She asked.

"The first, of course." "I laugh because I'm about to have my own territory, and every smile I put on my face is happy for my upcoming reign," Nairgo said.

He approached her and stopped at the large table in the center of the council chamber, where a detailed map of Nagran's territory was laid out. Even the situation near the ogre's hanging mallet castle is drawn on the map.

"Can't you go wash first?" Smelling something in the air, Sylvanas frowned slightly.

"I'll go in a minute." She didn't feel anything when everyone was together just now, and Nelgo did feel that the smell was a little heavy when she smelled it.

"What are you going to do next?" Continue to build camps? Sylvanas asked.

"What if it's you?" Nairgo wanted to hear Sylvanas' opinion on what she would do if she faced a group of enemies that needed to be eliminated.

"I will find a few adventurers who die generously for gold." She thought to herself.

Nairgo did not hear Sylvanas' reply, and after a moment of silence he said: "I plan to let the soldiers rest for a few days, and the hard laborers will build the camp." "

Temporary palisades can be replaced with city walls, the four gates of the camp can be arranged with a few more arrow towers, the trenches can be covered with wooden thorns, and some castles and towers can be built at the same time

.... After listening to Nairgo's words, she pointed her finger to a location on the map where their camp was.

"So what is the name of this conceivable fortress?"

"How's Fort Grobler?" Nairgo slashed his palm across his throat, "Grobler means Giant Bravery, and this will be a sharp knife stuck in the ogre's most uncomfortable position."

"Then start by cutting the throat of the Blade Throat tribe?" Sylvanas leaned over and looked directly at him with flashing red eyes: "I love hunting, especially the final hunt for ogres. She

didn't know how long her world would last, and maybe every day she spent in Delano was her last day in Azeroth.

She didn't want to waste time, she wanted to help Nelgo achieve her goals quickly.

"They will not be the ultimate prey, for me Guldan and his masters are." Nairgo licked his lips, he knew his goal, he wanted to solve the legion and become the savior of the orcs.

But, everything began with Groblerburg and began to establish its own rule.

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