
An orc's war roar sounded.

And his opponent is also weak, judging from his bloodthirsty gaze and fierce expression, there is no doubt that he is not something to mess with.

"Hah!" The orc let out a loud roar, and then a jump came in front of his opponent, and with a punch, his opponent reached out to block his attack, and kicked the other side with his foot.

The two orcs suddenly fell into a scuffle.

The audience suddenly burst out, weapons rattling in their hands.

"Hit him in the head!"

"Start a little harder!"

Roars were everywhere, and the entire gladiatorial arena seemed to be set on fire.

Not long after, the contest ended with one of the orcs being punched in the face, and looking at the knocked orcs, the victor let out a war roar and everyone cheered.

Hearing the noise outside, Sylvanas opened her eyes.

After the battle the previous day, as a member of the defeat of Guldan, Sylvanas was undoubtedly respected by Gromash and his orc warriors.

They invited her to Gromashil as a distinguished guest, and in the process of chatting with her, they revealed a message: If you don't have a clan, consider coming to the War Song Clan.

"A novel experience." Sylvanas lifted the tent and leaned on a pillar to observe the daily activities of the orcs.

Spending a night in an orc clan is a novel experience, but why not be respected as a forgotten person instead of being discriminated against by the living?

Sylvanas' eyes were shining, and his red eyes were seriously examining the orcs.

"The individual combat ability and physical fitness are excellent." She commented, "I just don't know how to work together in war." "

Those with low combat ability and poor physical fitness are already dead." Nairgo walked up to Sylvanas, and the gladiatorial fight just now had made him sweat a little.

"It looks like Guldan's curse didn't hurt you much?" Sylvanas said.

"There are still some, at least I look a lot more mature." Nairgo approached her, "Can I go in?"

Sylvanas nodded and lifted the tent, followed by Nairgo.

"There are no drinks here." She said.

"No, the place you are in is cool enough." Nairgo smiled, it was hot, but her tent seemed to be in a snowy mountain, and it was not cold.

"Say something if you have something." Sylvanas doesn't often chat with people, and he doesn't like the almost guessing communication of human nobles.

She prefers straight to one temptation and riddle after another.

"The chief wants me to invite you to join the Warsong Clan." It just so happened that Nairgo also didn't like being a riddler, and he said bluntly: "The battle with Guldan made the chief realize that you are a good warrior, and what is even more rare is that you are a woman, if you join..."

Sylvanas stretched out his finger and signaled him to stop first

, "I have a question, shaman." Sylvanas spoke, "You should know I'm not an orc.

"I know, Hell Roar is the same." Nairgo quipped, "Unless you're an ogre, my people are actually friendly."

"Especially if you're still a strong person." Nairgo said, "Of course, if someone discriminates against your race, you can duel him, and Hell Roar and all the other orcs will support you."

Sylvanas nodded, "In other words, although you are an isolated race, you don't dislike the strong of the alien race, right?"

Nairgo didn't hesitate at all, "That's nature. "

At least in the Warsong Clan, in the original plot, before taking the blood of the devil, he was only cold to Delaney rather than hatred.

Sylvanas didn't speak, her expression was serious, or most of the time she looked quite serious.

Nairgo looked left and right, he was not used to being with the opposite sex for too long, especially this "pale lady", with whom he always felt close to death.

To join, or not to join.

It was a simple two-choice question, but Sylvanas didn't have one.

What did she come to Delano for? Not a vacation anyway.

Just when Nelgo was waiting a little impatiently, "I promised." Sylvanas said suddenly.

"Wise choice." Nairgo smiled and said, "Our next days will be our compatriots, and the Hell Roaring Chief may hold a large banquet to announce your existence to everyone."

Sylvanas snorted.

What a surprise.

Sylvanas thought, his former clan hated me and feared me, but the orcs of the other world regarded themselves as compatriots?

This feeling was especially strong at the evening banquet, and after Sylvanas demonstrated her amazing archery and fighting skills, many young orcs were already around her to ask her for advice.

Sylvanas was a little bored, but a little proud.

She was tired of the noisy atmosphere because it was noisy.

But I also like the attention, because it makes it feel like it's not an undead who is discriminated against by everyone.

She lifted her veil and hood that covered her ears, removing the other disguises of her appearance, sharp and long ears, dark skin, and strange red eyes.

"You're not afraid of me?" With a teasing look on her lips, Sylvanas couldn't wait to see what these orc cubs would say after seeing her horrible face.


was no fear and repulsion she thought, no abuse she thought she would suffer, and they had long known that she was an alien powerhouse.

"We thought you were from Delaney." A little orc said.

The only thing that may surprise them is that she is not from Delaney.

Thanks to the caravans of Shattas and Gromashl, the frequent appearance of the Delaney in the War Song Orcs has made these orc children more tolerant of alien races.

Sylvanas felt a little stunned, and then said aloud: "I am the forgotten. "

The Forgotten!!

On the side, Nairgo, who was already a little drunk, suddenly sobered up a lot, and he was surrounded by many admirers, all of whom had heard rumors that Nairgo was cursed by demons in order to protect the holy place.

Nelgo squeezed out of the pile of people and looked carefully at Sylvanas, muttering, "Pale Lady, Moon, Lady Moon."

Sylvanas glanced at him, a smile curled at the corner of his mouth, "You seem to know something?"

"I don't know anything, I don't want to know anything." Nairgo shook her head, the ghost knew how she came from, the ghost knew what was hidden behind this, she didn't want to say that she shouldn't be annoying.

"Here you go." Nairgo threw over a wine sac, "Delano light beer, one of the rewards my teacher gave me, I think you should also have a share."

Looking at Nairgo, who was a little stumbling to speak, Sylvanas raised his eyebrows, and his mouth was mixed with false sweetness, "I didn't know you had such a side, it seems that the little orcs have also grown up, but the price is a little big."

"If you had done this earlier, I would have seen you a lot better."

What is she mocking me? Don't understand the number of gifts?

Nelgo ignored her, knowing that he would be teased for whatever he said, so he simply didn't say anything.

His crescent sabertooth fish hasn't finished eating yet.

Sylvanas smiled at him, probably thinking that teasing this orc would make him happy?

Sylvanas unscrewed the wine sac.

The beer is ordinary, but refreshing.

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