While the other children were lying on cracked hoofed cowhides and were ordered to go to bed.

Amukva had already left the Warsong Clan's station with Nairgo.

It is also a tradition: when the first feast is over, the shamans of each clan leave to climb the sacred mountain of Voshugu, which watches over them, and enter the cave to receive the teachings of the spirits of the elements and the spirits of the ancestors.

"That's surprising enough. Amukhwa flashed a smile, the Warsong Clan was known for its distrust of foreigners and extreme pride, but he had a friend of the Warsong Clan.

From the gazes of the other orcs on the road, it could be seen that they were a little surprised by this strange combination of orcs.

Some people may feel a little uneasy about the friendship between two young people, in the thoughts of many orcs: it is because of their isolation that each clan maintains its own mystery that all clans have peace.

However, the elders just watched, and did not come out to reprimand or forcibly block their contact.

After all, Nairgo and Amukva are also shamans, and shamans always have some privileges.

Nairgo didn't speak, he was still thinking about Woshugu, he still remembered a lot about the plot of Warcraft in his previous life, and he forgot a lot, and the impression of Woshugu in his mind was only a little left.

"It seems to be a Delaney spaceship?" Nairgo was a little confused, this was his first time participating in a shaman's assembly since officially becoming a shaman.

Time passed for a while.

Nelgo looked up at the familiar and unfamiliar silhouette of the sacred mountain and couldn't help but smile. The ridge of Washougu is not as jagged as other mountains, and its summit is a perfect triangle. Its delicate surface reflects the sun's rays and shines like crystal, which is very different from the surrounding landscape.

A long, long time ago, it descended from the sky, and the spirits of its ancestors were immediately drawn to it; because of this, the orcs built their dwelling in its sacred shadow. No matter what disputes and disagreements the souls of those ancestors had during their lifetime, they are one in this mountain.

"This is the Delaney ship?" Nelgo froze for a moment, even here he could feel the power contained in it.

Is it the soul, is it the light?"

asked Amukhwa with a smile.

"Don't you think it's beautiful?" asked Nairgo, this was not the so-called cleansing place that was blown out of the previous life, the power here was really affecting him, and he even felt that ten shamans were taking turns unleashing purification techniques on him.

Amukwa nodded, "Of course. He

looked at the view of the sacred mountain and the appearance of the shamans around him, and it was not unusual for many shamans who, like them, were also fascinated by the unique view of the sacred mountain.

"Let's go, don't let those elders wait. Nairgo took Amukhva and walked with him into the holy abode.

The entrance to the cave is perfectly oval in shape, embedded in the polished surface of the sacred mountain.

This should be the entrance to the original spaceship.

They entered the cave together and walked side by side, already in front of them a shaman lighting torches lined up on the walls. The orange-yellow fire reflected the spiraling descent path, smoothed by the orc's feet that had been stepped on over the years. Several steps appear from time to time on the road to make the pilgrim's steps more secure. The passage is always cool and pleasant, and warmer than the outdoors in winter.

Finally, the road stopped descending. Further on, there are no more torches on the walls.

Nelgo's face did show a hint of doubt.

From here, there were no torches ahead, losing the light brought by the flames, and the shamans continued to move forward one by one following the footsteps of the orcs in front.

After walking for a while in this dark passage without reaching for five fingers, the dawn finally appeared.

There is a faint light ahead, and that should be their destination.

The light grew louder and louder until there was no trace of darkness here.

He squinted slightly, looked around, and observed everything.

The light emanated from a pool of water in the cave, as if covering everything with a soft silver veil. Everything in the cave was smooth and soft, shimmering faintly, without any abrupt bulges, without a rough surface.

It was the familiar, pure power that flowed throughout Nelgo's body, and the soul power in it could bring the most angry orcs back to their senses.

The shamanic elders in front did not speak, but quietly let the new shamans see enough. The cave is huge, bigger than the drum and dance fields of previous festivals, and numerous tunnels on four walls lead to places that most shamans have never dared to set foot in.

"Do you all bring water bags?" asked an old orc.

Nelgo nodded, he didn't know why he specifically told them why they should bring water bags, but since he said it, of course he did.

Nairgo watched the shamans around him pay attention. The old shamans put down the packages they were carrying and signaled them to do the same.

Carefully took out several water bags, opened them one by one, muttered a prayer, and filled the water from the bags into the shimmering pool.

That's what shamans do.

Nairgo was also a learner, and by the way, he listened to an experienced shaman whisper why he did this.

"Every time we come here, we give the pure water we carry with us to the sacred mountain.

With the contribution of generations of shamans, there is also a holy pond here.

And the water of the holy pool never evaporates like the water in ordinary caves, which is the power of the mountain of souls. "

Ancestors bless. Amukhwa whispered.

After the water bag was empty, the shamans sat down one by one by the pool and gazed into the deep water. Nairgo and Amukva learn the same movements.

Looking at the reflection in the water, at first, Nairgo could only see the faces of himself and other orcs; their facial features were reflected in the glowing pool water, looking like wizards and cultists in past life stories.

Then, one by one, they were joined by figures.

One by one, souls appeared next to the shamans, they also left reflections in the water, and they also had an inexplicable kinship with the shamans.

They talked happily, but nothing but Nairgo.

Nelgo understands that even if you are powerful, you can't pull

my ancestors from my previous life, and

in this life, who plays Warcraft to create characters and let you choose your ancestors?

But this also proves that his body does come from the game character account in his Warcraft, and there are no relatives in Draenor at all.

"You're weird. A shaman looked at Nairgo, "You can see the ancestors, you are also a shaman who can get the assistance of elemental spirits, but no ancestors appear by your side." "

Maybe I don't have ancestors?" said Nairgo jokingly.

The shaman shook his head, how could it be, could it be that orcs grew in the ground?"

"I can't communicate with my ancestors, it seems that this show has no chance with me." "Nairgo was a little relaxed, and the shamans did not reject him because of this, he was even more relaxed.

He said to Amukhwa: "I'll go out and walk around first, and I'll go back to the station myself later." "

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