In Gromashil, it was the third day after Nairgo's return from Shatas.

"So their leader is really that tall?" said Tazag loudly.

"Yes, yes, not only tall, but also seems to have wisdom that ten shamans can't match, you've asked me many times. Nairgo sighed helplessly, "If there is a chance, I will take you to their city, maybe you can still see it."

Tazag nodded, "Great idea, but I should have seen the ogre's wailing first."

He stroked his wolf, "Good baby, we're going to battle." Just

for this moment, he didn't sleep well all night, and he made a lot of preparations.

Jerky, wine bags, spears, knives....

Like him, Nairgo was heavily armed.

A huge two-handed axe, believed to be able to easily chop off the bulky head of an ogre.

The animal skin he was wearing was covered with armor, which might not be of much use against ogres, but at least it could make him feel at ease.

The rest is nothing, just enough meat for him to eat for three days, and he can't bring any more, and the amount of food for orcs is amazing.

Nelgo scanned the surroundings where countless orc soldiers were assembling.

Shamans, marauders, infantry, hunters ...

These people were fully armed as they were dressed, and there were even some orcs with Delaney weapons and equipment.

This force was almost the largest army that Nelgo had seen so far, and he even saw a group of sword saints with rosaries around their necks, and the entire gate of Gromash was almost crowded with orcs, and the leader was naturally Gromash.

"Well, what about Garrush?" "Nairgo was a little strange, as the son of the chief, Garrush had been an orc like his father since he was a child, and now there was no him in such a big scene?"


And the chief has no intention of marrying another one."

It has to be mentioned here.

Unlike the ruthless, hot-tempered and bloodthirsty chief that many people think, the steely Gromash also has a piece of softness in his heart.

Gorka, as Gromash's spouse, undoubtedly loved her, and when she died, it was the only time Gromash showed that he was also weak.

Because of this, Gromash disliked outsiders telling stories about his wife.

He never pursued the idea of a spouse again, even if he was young.

At this moment, the crowd rhythmically shouted their war roar, but finally turned into calm.

"The Fire Blade Clan arrived really fast enough.

Nairgo and Tazag chatted without a word.

Of course, Lantreso has been waiting for this moment for a long time. Tazag pointed to the group of Sword Saints and the Fireblade Orcs that surrounded them and said, "As soon as he heard that the Hell Roaring Chief was going to rob the ogre outpost, he immediately brought people with him. "

Lantreso?" asked Nairgo with some doubt, "I heard he was seriously injured?" and

couldn't help but mock Dar, "It's shameless to sneak up on him."

"Yes, he was badly injured. Tazag shrugged, "Then the shaman cast a spell on him, and by the way, he smeared some ointment, at least the battle was fine."

"It's all like this, but it's really hard enough." Nairgo said.

"If the chief does not come, he will not give them the spoils, and he is afraid that the position of the chief will not be good." Tazag said: "But why does he have to come himself, then I don't know, maybe for glory?" Speaking

of this, it has to be said that Lanteriso can be a stable chief, strength is on the one hand, and on the other hand, it has to be thanks to the reputation of Gromash, originally as a half-breed of Lanteriso, his being a chief will still cause the dissatisfaction of some orcs.

But when he announced that they had the opportunity to plunder with the Warsong clan, sharing the benefits and the loot beyond imagination.

The Fire Blade Orcs could directly welcome Master Wang, for fear that the War Song Orcs would not take them to play.

In the final analysis, there is no shame in following the War Song clan.

On the one hand, many of the clansmen of the War Song Clan were not born into the War Song Clan. They came to the banner of Hell Roaring in search of battle and glory, and the clansmen of the clan did not discriminate against other clans.

On the other hand, the things plundered by the Battle Song Clan were left at their fingertips, and they ate them happily.

Isn't it difficult for him to find this kind of good thing of fame and fortune with a lantern?"

Nairgo couldn't help but say, "Can't they just stay in that big stone house?"

What the Gauria Empire, what stinky fish rotten shrimp.

"If I were to say, old antiques that are only obsessed with the past should be stuffed into the grave." He scoffed, "Don't think about the so-called glory of the past."

"As I thought. Nelgo plunged his axe into the ground, and the huge two-handed axe emitted a cold chill after being illuminated by the sun, untied the water bag around his waist, gulped the wine in it, and then wiped his mouth, "But this is my first time participating in this kind of war, and I feel like my adrenaline is burning?"

"It seems to be the latest colony of ogres, just a small outpost, but it seems that the castle has already begun to be built." Tazag heard Nairgo's question and replied smoothly.

"How do you know everything?" Nairgo was a little surprised, how this kid was like that jack of all trades.

"Because I'm a marauder." Tazag smiled, "My teammates told me when we went on patrol two days ago, I heard that the Marauders have been scouting there for a long time.

At this moment, the orc's troops were almost assembled, and Gromash shouted, "Go!" It

was worthy of the roar of hell, saying that only the wrong name was not the wrong nickname, and his voice made Nelgo feel like he had been shouted by a loudspeaker against his ear.

Rubbing his ears, Nairgo turned over the wolf, and the footsteps of the wolves trampled the ground of Gromashel, as a nomadic clan, Gromash's War Song clan has a number of cavalry that is difficult for other clans to match, and its natural mobility is also quite fast.

If according to Tazag, I am afraid that it will not be possible to raid the ogre settlement in a few days.

There is no doubt that this group of fierce orcs is ready to drink the blood of their old enemies at any time.

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