"And what were our ancestors like?" Nelgo was curious.

Orcs do not live as long as Delaney, in these two hundred years, orcs have passed at least ten generations, of course, this is not to say that an orc will die of old age at the age of twenty or thirty, but the environment of Delano and the customs of orcs make it difficult for them to see the day when they are old.

Almost all orcs think about what kind of glorious sacrifice they will get, and Nelgo is no exception.

What's more, he knows that death is by no means the end, but the beginning of life in the new world.

"Your ancestors?" thought Sodogan, "before we arrived in Delano. As if remembering something, he explained, "We call this world Delano.

"I've heard that statement. "Many of my mentors and his other students also know the name Delano.

"Sounds good. He added.

"Do you like the name too?" Sodoğan was pleased: "That would be even better."

"We love the land, but I never imagined that one day the orcs would call it by the same name as we did." "Sodogan's voice is very special, or the voice of the Delaney people is like this, which makes people feel very comfortable to listen to and feel their kindness.

Looking at Sodogan, who was a little stunned, Nairgo did not interrupt his musings.

After a while, he shook his head, "Sorry, I'm a little distracted.

"It's okay. Nairgo said: "There are also many old people in our clan who will miss the past from time to time.

"Old man?" Sodogan paused for a moment, then said, "I'm still young." "

Outrageous longevity species. Nairgo muttered silently, and this happened to be heard by Sodogan.

"I'm sure you'll live a long life, too." He looked into Nairgo's eyes, as if the caring eyes of his juniors made Nairgo a little uncomfortable.

"I didn't think I'd live that long. Nairgo said, "Our clan, no, in the tradition of our race, true warriors should die on the battlefield. "

How can the eldest husband die between the beds?" snorted coldly.

He will either live forever or die in battle, and there will definitely be no such thing as old age.

"You are really like them. Sodogan looked Nairgo up and down and said.

"And whom?" "And

your ancestors."

"You were very repulsive when we first came into contact with you, and there were some conflicts between us.

"But then, perhaps we earned the respect of your people, and peace returned between us." A smile rose on Sodogan's face, "And we're starting to get to know you."

"Warlike but not bloodthirsty, every warrior is brave, and although a little rough, there is no shortage of wise men. Sodogan seemed to want to pat him on the shoulder as if he were a fellow tribesman, but for fear of arousing Nairgo's hostility, he had to give up.

Retracting his outstretched hand, he said, "But no matter what, we all know that you are all a resilient race.

Nairgo listened attentively to Sodogan's story of what happened when they first came to this world, and he also knew something about the conflict between Delaney and the orcs.

At first, the arrival of the Delaney caused the ogres to be unhappy, who resented the Delaney for building cities on the ruins of the ancient capital of the empire, and started wars because they greed for Delaney's splendor.

But the army formed by the ogre Fuhrer Hoklon was vulnerable to Delaney, and the leader of the Delaney people, Viren, let them go, but it attracted the attention of the orcs.

The news of the ogre's defeat soon spread around the world. The Arcane and Divine Magic mastered by the Delaney first surprised the orcs, and then doubted.

At the Kshhag Festival held that year, the atmosphere between the various clans of the orcs was unprecedentedly tense. Some clans offered to avoid any contact with the Delaney, while others were determined to treat them as enemies and make sure to make the strangers suffer if they dared to trespass into the orc's territory. In the eyes of the orcs, the Delaney's contempt for the ogre army showed their weakness, and several orc chiefs even concluded that the Delaney were timid and fearful of strong enemies.

The clans failed to reach a consensus at the Kshhag Festival and returned to their respective domains with unease. After all, the Delaney had never shown any attempt to invade the orcs, and most clans were willing to distance themselves from them.

Only the Blade Wind Clan chose to attack the Delaney, which gave birth to many Delaney and Orc hybrids like Lantreso.

Nelgo didn't know what to say and apologize, but it seemed that he was too hypocritical, the Blade Wind clan had nothing to do with their Warsong clan, and his clan had always stayed away from Delaney.

Pretending that this history does not exist

, perhaps seeing Nairgo's entanglement, Sodogan patted him on the shoulder, and Nairgo did not resist anything.

"It's all gone. He comforted: "You don't have to blame yourself, it's not your fault." "

Thank you for your comfort. "It was a conflict that shouldn't have happened.

The Prophet Velen also thinks so, he does not like war and prefers us to coexist peacefully. "

If one day my prestige overshadows all the clans, then I will surely declare eternal peace for the Orcs and the Delaney. Nairgo said with a serious face.

This tone made even the Delaney people who listened to their conversation giggle.

Can you imagine when you hear a little child say that two countries will always be peaceful?

But no one said anything sarcastic, and even many people appreciated his idea.

As for whether this was Nairgo's real idea,

he had not forgotten Draenor's future disaster.

If you want to deal with those demons, you can't rely on orcs alone, unless he can pull the Moon Card God of War.

But the truth is that he has neither the system nor the help of players, not even Garrush's kind of blackout technology.

Therefore, if you want to turn over, you can only rely on the advanced knowledge of the Delaney people to help the orcs rise rapidly.

If the Delaney joined the tribe, for the orcs then this is certainly the best peace.

The Delaney people of the tribe, how pleasant it sounds.

"I believe you. Sodogan looked into his eyes and said, "Sky blue eyes, if I'm not mistaken, he has a special meaning in your race?"

Nairgo said.

"Phrenology is indeed a wonderful science, but I didn't expect you to know anything about it. "

So how do you look at my face?" asked Nairgo with some seriousness.

Whether it is divination or prophecy, or those methods classified as feudal superstitions in previous lives, in this world, they are all things that are not guaranteed to work.

To which hill to sing which song.

Can't everyone travel to the mythical world, and as a result, people worship the gods, and you angrily denounce him as feudal superstition, right?

"You?" I don't know how Sodogan saw it, but he looked at his head for a while, "This face is capable of great things!"

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