This is the land of the Shadow Moon Clan, and some people call him the Land of Death, because since the "Sublime Father" fell from the sky centuries ago, the Shadow Moon Valley has never seen the sun's brilliance again, making this place seem so bleak compared to the rest of Draenor, even as dark as night all year round.

And it was under this starry eternal night that Nairgo and the shaman Amukva, whom he had befriended on the Elemental Throne, walked towards the Shadow Moon Cemetery.

Yes, he has been in the Shadow Moon Clan for a while, and even his injuries have recovered.

He remembered now that when he first set foot in Shadow Moon Valley, he was greeted by the Shadow Moon Clan and several Delaney people.

Needless to say, the Delaney people had a large temple called Carabo (that is, the dark temple later occupied by Illidan) in Shadow Moon Valley, and they had already learned of the fact that they had joined the tribe.

And the Shadow Moon Orcs side is very interesting, Neozu - this shaman who is full of affinity for various elements has long claimed that there will be War Song Orcs coming to Shadow Moon Valley to prepare here in advance.

"So, Neozu has made up his mind?" asked Amukva, he didn't understand why Neozu was still unsure about joining the tribe since he had already made a deal with the elements.

"It's not to blame him, who calls this a clan tradition?" said Amukva sighed, "According to our clan's tradition, when encountering such a major event, we must gather the ancestors of the past generations to discuss it together.

"But there are many people, and it is naturally difficult to unify ideas." "Speaking of this, Amukwa also has some headaches, these days, it is not a secret that Neozu's frequent appearance in the Shadow Moon Cemetery has become a secret in the clan, and all Shadow Moon Orcs know that the clan faces a crucial decision.

During this time, astrologers observed various astrological signs to divinate and prophesy the consequences of joining the tribe.

The results were gratifying, and the stars showed that the future of the tribe would be brilliant, which also caused many opponents to waver in their position and begin to shift in favor of the establishment of the tribe.

But there are still many opponents, especially the generation that participated in the Gourian War, in the minds of that generation, they have seen the power of the clans united, very strong, this is undeniable.

But they didn't like it, their minds were still stuck centuries ago, and they thought it was better for the clans to maintain the status quo.

And Neozu invited him to the Shadow Moon Cemetery today, probably also to let him convince those backward old and old antiques.

Step into the cemetery.

Nairgo was like entering the Yin Cao Di Mansion, countless souls wandered in the cemetery, but he and Amukhwa, the two living people, did not be watched by them like giant pandas after they came in, after all, they also often saw living people, which was no big deal.

"Hey, Neozu is waiting for you, boy. A

phantom showed the way to Amukhwa.

"Eh, got it, you go ahead.

He thanked him, pulled Nairgo and continued walking.

"Did you know that ancestor just now?" Nairgo couldn't help but ask, how did he feel that Amukhwa had a very good relationship with these souls.

"Of course I know. Amukhwa glanced at him, "That's my grandfather."

"My father brought me to visit him two days ago."

"By the way, I haven't met your father yet, and I haven't heard you talk about it."

Nairgo quickly received an unexpected answer.

"Of course you haven't seen him, my father has passed away, and if you walked forward, you might not be able to see him." "


So is there a difference between the dead and the living in your Shadow Moon Clan

, the living are dead people with temperature, and the dead are living people without temperature, right?

Amukwa took him to the deepest part of the cemetery.

A spacious platform.

However, it is a little crowded now, because the chiefs of the Shadow Moon Clan have appeared here.

Neozu came over.

Neozu strode into the middle of the platform. Every soul gets out of the way to make room for him.

"We all know what we're going to talk about today. Neozu didn't sell it, he smiled kindly at Nelgo.

"Some people are for and some are against, so I want to hear what the shaman of the Warsong clan has to say and see if he can convince you or be convinced by you."

At this time, there were already souls complaining, "Why come up with something that has been confirmed to be unfeasible and discuss?

Nairgo also heard it, and he knew the role he was going to play today, so he immediately objected, "No, you're wrong."

Nairgo said squarely, "You think that the clan together brings only destruction, but what I see is salvation and hope."

"Just because of the destruction of a city, you have a taboo about it, but if the clans did not unite back then, why would it be the people of one city who died? "

The soul of that orc was speechless, because what Nelgo said was indeed reasonable, if the clans are not united, the elemental throne is occupied, and the orcs are exterminated, at that time, don't say one goria, ten that should also be demolished, destroyed and destroyed.

"But now our world obviously does not need the clans to unite, we have no opponents. The soul who said this was obviously also an old otaku who did not understand the current situation of Delano.

"I have heard that there is a creature that neither solves danger nor faces it before it comes, but just covers its head and pretends to be peaceful. Nairgo didn't seem to say anything, as if he had said everything.

"In the current world, there are demons outside, and there are all kinds of alien races inside who want to seize our land, far from it, let's say that a few years ago, if you were well-informed, you should know about the ogre's intention to expand, that war, if it were not for several clans of the orcs forming a coalition, I am afraid that there would never be an orc north of Tarado again. Nairgo asked him, "And speaking of demons, they're in the shadows... No, they have already stepped to the front of the stage, according to the Elemental Spirits, they have set off a bloody storm in the Tanaan jungle, making the elements and the environment there miserable, and they no longer want a little land, but to destroy our world and destroy our people. Everyone

was stunned by Nairgo's words, and there was chaos on the platform.

Their eyes widened in disbelief. Looking around, meeting the eyes of the other souls, he saw the same shock in the eyes of his old friend.

They set their sights on Neozu, and as the shamans they recognized, they believed that Neozu would not lie.

Neozu smiled bitterly, and he nodded, "I know this surprised you. I myself was shocked when I found out. But elemental spirits don't lie. It is true that there are demons outside the world who are eyeing our world and want to destroy our clan..."

"Outside the sky, do the demons mean the Delaney?" "No!" Nairgo immediately retorted, "The Delaney people's hunting skills are not as good as ours, if they are demons, then why should I unite the clans


Many orcs actually have a trace of pride towards the Delaney, which comes from ignorance, but sometimes has unexpected effects.

"Their leader has agreed to the chief's invitation and they will join the tribe as allies in the fight against the demons. Nairgo dropped another bombshell, making the already lively platform no longer quiet.

Nairgo opened his arms, "Now we are facing enemies that we have never seen before, they are ferocious, powerful, and a force that none of our clans can resist. If we still hold the old ideas of the past, sooner or later we will be eliminated by this world, and now most of the clans have agreed to join the tribe, and even the Delaney and some of the Ravens and Tigers are willing to join the alliance as allies, and our purpose is not only to destroy, but to save, save the world, and save the race. Even if it turns out that the union of clans only brings destruction, it is much stronger than being destroyed by demons. "

I have to say that Nairgo's words made these souls begin to quiet down, and it can even be said that there is a dead silence.

Eventually, everyone silently raised their hands and signaled their agreement to unite.

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