After watching for a while, the game may finally remember the right thing: "Jundai, where is Chicken Sauce (grandpa)?" Usually he likes to sort out cards here," although Jundai is still complaining that "Ka is more important than grandpa" or something.

"Grandpa Shuangliu has a back pain today, I let him go upstairs to rest, anyway, there are not many customers, I can cope with it myself." "

Ah, grandpa, thank you Jundai, I'll go see grandpa first." Inside the city, they will trouble you to take care of it first. The game exclaimed and trotted upstairs.

This side Jundai said with a smile: "A few are friends of the game, naturally they are also my friends, don't be too restrained." Then he said to Jonai: "Jonai, I guess you must be a master of duel monsters, do you want to come to a round?" "

In the world of Yu-Gi-Oh, as long as you have played cards, everyone is a good brother, especially the members of this protagonist group.

And even if these aside, Jundai also appreciates Katsuya Jonai, the inspirational protagonist, starting from the Duel Kingdom to learn step by step, evolve step by step, and finally become a real duelist standing side by side of the game and becoming a legendary duelist, which shows that Jouchi is full of talent and hard work.

And luck, well, everyone understands the luck in the city, the old gambling is strange.

"So Jundai, you guessed wrong." Within the black city, the best friend Honda can come with strength. "Inside the city is the weakest duel we have here, Kyoko can clean him up!" (Jonai did lose to Kyoko in a duel at school, but did Kyoko lose a duel again?)

A black line in the city: "That's what I made her!" Uncle Ben is very powerful, then come on Jundai, although you have a powerful monster like the next-generation army, but I also have my power card (referring to 1500 mortal bones)!

Kyoko and Honda still looked at Jouchi mockingly.

"You're wrong boy, what you have to believe is the heart of your duel monster, not whether the monster is powerful or not. If you lose your bond with cards by blindly pursuing powerful monsters and use cards as tools, you will never become a true duelist! Chicken-chan's voice came from far and near, and finally even shouted loudly.

"Grandpa Double Six, are you all right?" Jun Dai spoke first, looking at the game accompanying his grandfather, with a helpless face, and immediately understood the situation.

It should be that grandpa does not want to disappoint his grandson, of course, he also has the heart to show everyone his "out-of-print collection", anyway, Chicken Sauce overcame the back pain and ran down.

"Isn't it good to fight a dueling monster just to be powerful?" Kinouchi is not very convinced.

"Sure enough, you are still too young, and you can only grow when you understand the meaning of the card's heart." Chicken-chan obviously didn't want to continue the topic, so he continued: "I'll make an exception today to show you the legendary super rare cards I have collected, and Jundai will also come together, I haven't shown it to you yet." Hearing

this, everyone became excited, and the city that had just been dejected by Chicken Sauce also instantly came to the spirit, and five pairs of eyes, including the game, instantly focused on Chicken Sauce's body.

Chicken sauce turned around, took out a very delicate box wrapped in the bottom compartment of the back counter, and slowly opened the box.

"Green-eyed white dragon!" This is the voice of the game and the jundai.

"What a high attack!" Castle really only looks at attack power.

"Just this card?" Honda picked up the green-eyed white dragon with one hand and took a closer look. "It's very ordinary!"

Jundai said that he was indeed a layman. The president is about to arrive, don't let him hear it, otherwise he will teach you to be a man in minutes.

Chicken sauce ignored the back pain and snatched it back. Castle, on the other hand, was very interested and asked if he could show himself. Chicken sauce directly vetoed, and even held it in his arms. (At this time, Jundai was still staring at the door, and this could not be seen by the president!)

Chengouchi also directly complained: "The ultra-rare card that grandpa cherishes so much is not because of its powerful attack power.

Grandpa was still about to refute, when the door of the card shop was suddenly pushed open. Jundai's eyes shrank: "Here it comes!" President!

"I've long heard that the grandfather of the game has a card shop in his house, but it's just the same." Seahorse taunted when he entered the door.

"Seahorse, you are also a lover of duel monsters, great, we will be partners in the future!" Castle apparently did not notice the president's unfriendliness.

"I'm completely different from you, I'm a national champion." Seahorse continued to taunt as he continued to walk inside, trying to see what card was in the box. "What rare cards can there be in this small broken shop?"

The corners of Jundai's mouth turned up secretly, "President, don't be scared", "

This !! This is? At this moment, in the eyes of the seahorse, the green-eyed white dragon seemed to emit an incomparably dazzling light, and even slightly dazzling.

"One of the only four blue-eyed white dragons in the world would be in such a place!"


Seahorse slapped a large box of rare cards on the counter.

"Grandpa, I'm going to use these cards to exchange with you for a blue-eyed white dragon!"

Jundai glanced at the cards in the box, well, basically mortal bones, as well as a few universal magic cards and a few whiteboard fusion monsters. Since he was originally a novice, many cards did not know him at all, so he saw a "maze of magic chariots", and the others were a bunch of monster cards of unknown meaning.

"Young man, your name is Seahorse, no matter how many cards or money you exchange for it, I won't exchange it with you," Chicken Sauce's kind face became a little more serious.

"Because this is given to me by my friend, this card is our witness to my friendship with my old friend, and the really important card is that there is a heart residing in it."

"Even if this is the most ordinary card, then with the blessing of the friendship of chicken sauce, it is priceless." Jundai, who had been silent, said.

Chicken Sauce cast an approving look. "Sooner or later, Jundai will become a great duelist!"

Hearing this, the seahorse swept his gaze towards Jundai. With a cold snort, he turned and went out the door.

"This guy's personality is really bad." There was some resentment in the city.

"Chicken sauce, let's be careful these days, this boy named Seahorse may not give up!" Jundai reminds him that he doesn't want Chicken-chan to be sent to the hospital for a duel with Seahorse like the original.

Chicken-chan nodded and watched the figure of the seahorse get into a luxury sports car, thoughtfully.

Later, Jouchi also bought several monster cards and magic cards in the store to replenish the deck.

The next afternoon, Jundai was cleaning the shop, while Chicken Sauce was sitting behind the counter drinking afternoon tea, and the two of them were chatting idly about a few games that had come yesterday. When talking about the seahorse, Chicken-chan sighed: "It was a teenager who was blinded by power, and his eyes told me this"

Before Jundai could agree, the door of the card shop was rudely pushed open, and it was the seahorse group's standard black suit and black sunglasses trio.

Jundai hurriedly took two steps back, protected the chicken sauce behind him, and then said lightly: "Who are you and what do you want to do"

The main plot begins

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