Ian woke up from thinking, and then looked at you, Senior Tang Yu, who had been looking at you, Ian saw the feeling of believing in himself from Senior Tang Yu's eyes, and a kind of firmness, Ian was a little flustered at first, but after communicating with Senior Tang Yu's eyes, Ian felt that he was not so flustered.

Ian was very flustered at the beginning, Ian was also sympathetic to the little girl, after all, the little girl's experience is very similar to his own, Ian is very kind-hearted, Ian doesn't want the little girl to live the same life as himself, Ian has experienced it, and the taste is not very good, Ian only knows now that Ian wants to be a person who has come over.

If possible, Ian wants to tell her to live her life well, don't be too sad, your mother must also want you to live happily, find someone who loves you, and live forever, but Ian didn't think of himself, and didn't know what to say, Senior Tang Yu suddenly asked himself, and Ian was still a little flustered.

Ian doesn't know what he should say, what is right and what is wrong, what to do if he says wrong, he has not expressed some of his thoughts to other people for a long time, so, Ian is still hesitating, Ian has been hesitating, he doesn't know what he should say, Ian doesn't know if what he said will be wrong.

Ian many times, I don't know, what I want to do, I have been hesitating, I have not known, I have not known, what I am going to do, so I will always hesitate, Tang Yu also saw it, Ian's hesitation, and then looked at Ian, and said to Ian very gently, very softly.

"Ian, you don't have to hesitate, just say it, whether what you say is right or wrong, there are only two of us here, no one will dislike you or say anything about you, you also know, what kind of person I Tang Yu looks like, will I be that kind of person, I will only teach you well, and then tell you what to do."

Tang Yu clearly told Ian on the other side that he would not laugh at Ian, he just told Ian that if there was any problem with Ian's thoughts, he would tell Ian, and then let Ian correct it, but he would never say anything like ridicule, Ian should also know what kind of person Tang Yu looks like for Tang Yu.

Tang Yu knew that Ian hadn't expressed his thoughts for a long time, and Ian hadn't said it for a long, long time, so it was normal for Ian to be a little hesitant at this time, and then many times, Tang Yu also wanted to give Ian some enlightenment.

Ian heard Tang Yu's words, and then thought about it, Ian really doesn't know how to say it, Ian doesn't know either, you want to say it, it's right or wrong to say it, so many times, it's just hesitation, I don't know how to say it.

"Ian, you don't have to panic, yours, you can, a lot of your ideas, it's right, it's right, you don't have to panic too much, think about what you said is right, what few people will care about, many times, it's yourself, expressing your thoughts, as long as you express it, it's no problem, express it, others will know what you're thinking."

Ian just doesn't like to express it, but a lot of times, if you don't express it, others don't know, what are you thinking, what do you know, you don't have the wrong idea, you can't say, all your thoughts, let others guess, it's not right.

Some people, it's impossible to guess all the time, what you're thinking, so, Ian will suffer a lot of losses in this regard, Ian many times, he doesn't know, what Ian should do himself, Ian doesn't say it, a lot of good opportunities will be lost, Ian has suffered a lot of losses in this regard, Tang Yu just wants Ian to change as soon as possible.

Tang Yu knew that this point was the first thing that needed to be changed, and many times, it also accounted for a large part, and if it was changed first, it would save a lot of trouble and not take so much time, but Ian couldn't think about it a little bit, and didn't know how to speak, so Tang Yu has been enlightening this Ian, after all, many times, others are still needed to enlighten.

Ian looked at Senior Tang Yu, who had been enlightening him in front of him, and then looked at Senior Tang Yu opposite as if he had made some big decision, and then slowly spoke, trying to speak, at the beginning, Ian's voice was very small, and then said to Senior Tang Yu.

"I know, I'll slowly express my thoughts to you."

Tang Yu smiled with satisfaction, and breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, although Tang Yu knew that he would definitely let Ian speak, but he didn't know when Ian would figure it out, and then open his mouth to Senior Tang Yu, so Ian must be able to speak, but he didn't know what time it was.

Ian saw Senior Tang Yu smile satisfied with him, so his voice was slightly louder, and then continued to Senior Tang Yu.

"I listened to the story you said, and then I thought about it for a while, and when I heard it, the mother pushed her daughter away, and then she got in front of the car that was out of control, and then I thought in my heart, what this mother would be like in the end, was there any danger to her life, and then I was thinking, what would happen to that little girl in the end."

Tang Yu knows that this Ian has always been very kind-hearted, and then many times, he will think about a lot of things, he will want to say, and he will consider many aspects, which is also an advantage of Ian, and I don't know what Ian thought of later, Ian will consider many aspects, but sometimes, even if he thinks about it.

Ian also knows that it is someone else's business, and he will never think about himself, nor will he think about it, if it is himself, what will he do, Ian has always been, he doesn't want to be involved in other people's lives, and he doesn't want to think like that, so Tang Yu wants to guide Ian.

Guide Ian, in this way, Ian can take a lot of detours, Ian can, Ian is very smart, but he has been imprisoning himself, not letting himself think so much, just missing someone, tell Ian, Ian needs to be told that he can improve, and he is not different from others. _

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