Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 596: : The crisis of the magic sword guard, help the sword to change the soul

The opportunity of Duobao Ancient Cave is over.

Lan Yu, Nangong Huang, Chu Madman and other people from Xuan Tianzong found a place to sit down and chat.

As for the others, they went to other places to see if there were any missed opportunities.

"Lan Yu, why have you become a saint of the Guangming Sect?" Madman Chu asked curiously.

Lan Yu said: "After entering the Emperor Road, I happened to be in the territory of the Guangming Sect, and I met the contemporary leader. He saw that I was a rare sacred body of light, so he took me back to the Guangming Sect and taught me the Illuminati Sacred Fire Art. And let me be the saint of the Illuminati."

"It's that simple?"

Madman Chu frowned slightly.

It would be a little tricky for the Guangming Sect to easily make an outside heavenly arrogant become a saint of light.

"This process is indeed a bit tricky, but I just came here at that time, and people who are unfamiliar, can only use the power of Guangming Sect to help me quickly grasp the situation." Lan Yu said.

"When you practiced the Guangming Shenhuo Jue, did the leader of Guangming tell you about'passing fire'?"

Madman Chu asked again.

"Spread the fire? Not this one."

Lan Yu shook his head.

"Oh, that's a bit interesting." Madman Chu chuckled lightly, but there was a bitter chill in his eyes.

Chuanhuo, that was a piece of information obtained by Madman Chu when he observed Lan Yu with the eyes of insight.

And this information is related to Lan Yu's cultivating bright divine fire art.

And, this is not good information.

Moreover, Lan Yu's cultivation technique is... incomplete!

And he observed that when the Saint Son walks during the day, the other party's exercises are complete, which is very intriguing.

"Guangming Sect, Guangming Sect, you and I have no grievances or grudges, but if you suddenly hit Lan Yu with an abacus, then don't blame me for being ruthless." Madman Chu whispered.

Just as the members of Xuan Tianzong were recounting the past, Jian Changfeng suddenly sent a message for help.

Madman Chu couldn't help being a little surprised.

"What happened to this guy?"

His figure flashed and disappeared in place.

At this time, Meijian Guard and Jian Changfeng were being pursued and killed. It was not the others who were chasing them, but the Sword Clan Tianjiao who were still practicing in the barren forbidden area.

This sword clan Tianjiao placed a sword formation to surround the Meijian Guardian and Jian Changfeng around the Tuan Tuan. Even though the Meijian Guardian's strength was strong, it would not be able to break free for a while, and was even faintly suppressed.

As for Jian Changfeng, let alone, at this time, he is just a figure, with no combat effectiveness at all.

"Mei Sword Guard, how dare you betray the Sword Clan, you deserve death!"

A sword clan Tianjiao let out a cold cry, the long sword cut out, and the sword aura was intertwined in the void, turning into a sword net to kill.


The Meijian Guard was shaken back for a few steps, and the clothes on his body were also torn by the sword energy, exposing large areas of white skin.

One of the sword clan Tianjiao saw it, his eyes could not help showing greedy and fiery eyes, and he swallowed subconsciously.

After the Meijian Guard noticed the opponent's eyes, his face showed disgust, "Jian Yunyang, you'd better let me leave, otherwise, you will die ugly if I keep it."

"Magic Sword Guard, you can break our sword formation."

Jian Yunyang sneered.

His sword formation is very powerful, and these sword clan Tianjiao are not the opponent of Meijian Guards if they fight alone.

But relying on this sword formation was able to compete with the opponent.

Even stronger.


Meijianwei was forced back by the sword qi, adding a few more injuries.

"Mei Sword Guard, I really don't understand. The Sword Clan treats you very well, why are you betraying the Sword Clan."

"Oh, that's where it is today, what else to say." Meijianwei sneered.

"Then don't blame us, kill!"

Jian Yunyang yelled coldly, opening the sword formation to say the ultimate move!

I saw countless sword auras intertwined in the void, turning into a huge sword shadow and crashing down towards the Meijian Guard.

This sword shadow, Charm Sword Guardian was very difficult to resist.

But just as Jianying was about to fall on Meijian Guard, a sword aura suddenly burst into the air, smashing Jianying to pieces.

The marvelous sword formation broke even more!

These people could only be lifted off by the sword aura.

"Is this power..."

Jian Yunyang thought of something, his pupils shrank suddenly.

He didn't dare to hesitate for a while, turned around and fled.

But an invisible power of thought suddenly enveloped the audience, and these Sword Clan Tianjiao were crushed on the ground one by one, unable to move.

In the void, a white figure walked out.

This person didn't even glance at the Sword Clan Tianjiao, as if these people didn't look at him like the air.

"the host."

Meijianwei knelt on the ground when he saw the visitor.

This scene stunned the rest of the Sword Clan Tianjiao.

The dignified sword clan Tianjiao, knows Chu madman as the master? !

Is there anything more absurd than this?

Madman Chu didn't say anything, but released a spring wind and rain.

The injury on Meijian Guard's body immediately recovered.

"Go ahead, what's the matter."

"While Jian Changfeng and I were looking for opportunities in the surroundings, we suddenly encountered these sword clan Tianjiao. The sword clan already knew the news of my betrayal, so they chased me."

"So that's it." Madman Chu nodded slightly, and then he looked at the hand-manufactured sword Changfeng, "Since I met here, I will help you do the physical affairs together today."


Jian Changfeng was taken aback for a moment, then extremely excited, "Master, you mean, do you want to help me recover my body?"

"These people, which one do you like, choose one."

Madman Chu pointed to the sword clan Tianjiao who could not move on the ground by his thought force, and said lightly.

Jian Changfeng walked to Jian Yunyang, "Just him."

Jian Yunyang was still puzzled at this time, and he didn't know what Madman Chu Jian Changfeng was doing.

But there was a faint premonition in his heart.

"After Jian Daozi, Meijian Guard, and me, Jian Yunyang is the top arrogant of the Sword Clan. This time, if he returns to the Sword Clan, he will definitely become the target of the Sword Clan's core cultivation."

Jian Changfeng said.

"No wonder you picked him."

Madman Chu raised his hand and urged a spring wind and rain technique to restore Jian Yunyang's injury to an intact state.

This makes the other party even more confused.

Hurt me and cure me?

What does it mean? !

At this moment, Madman Chu had an extra black chain with a barb on it, filled with a burst of eerie and treacherous air.

It's ecstasy.

"go with!"

The madman of Chu urged the hook.

With a stern cry, Jian Yunyang's soul was hooked out of his flesh forcibly, unable to move in the void.

The surrounding Jian Clan Tianjiao saw his scalp numb, and his heart palpitations were extremely.

Even Jian Changfeng couldn't help but shudder.

But then, he excitedly jumped into Jian Yunyang's physical body, which was an inanimate body that met his conditions for transforming his soul, without any damage!

Black smoke came out of the hand-manufactured sword Changfeng, and it penetrated Jian Yunyang's eyes, ears, nose, and nose.

After a while, Jian Yunyang opened his eyes, got up to move his body, and knelt on the ground, "Thank you for the master's reinvention!"

At this time, he is already Jian Changfeng.

"After you return to the sword clan, continue to monitor the sword clan's movements for me."

"Yes, I will definitely make good use of this identity."

Jian Changfeng looked at the soul of Jian Yunyang who was horrified beside him, with a cold smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Devil, you must be the devil!!"

Jian Yunyang looked at the Madman Chu and cried out in horror.

Play with the soul wantonly, what is this not the devil?

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