Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 515: : Mountain and River 9-fold, Emperor Pin Thunderbolt reappear

The latest website: "I am the mountain sword guard of the sword clan, come here... to kill you!!"

As soon as the word "Kill You" came out, an overwhelming killing intent enveloped a radius of ten miles.

Some monks in the tea shop couldn't bear this extremely cold killing intent, and they fainted.

But Madman Chu sat still, looking at the black-robed man in front of him, the eye of insight revolving, he had already felt the strength of the man in front of him.

"I heard that there is a unit called the Shadow Sword Guard in the sword clan, who specializes in various assassination operations, but just like you, walks up to the target in an open manner, and then shouts to kill. It is also called assassination? Are you able to play Wushuang? Well, or is your brain flooded?"

"Kill me? Oh, I think you didn't come to kill me, you came to die."

Madman Chu said lightly.

But Shan Jianwei heard his words, without saying anything, instantly shot.

A dark broadsword suddenly appeared in his hand, just like half a door.

As soon as the broad sword came out, a majestic sword aura burst out, and the table in front of Madman Chu and Shang Qingxue burst instantly.

Madman Chu's sword air swirled around his body, turning it into an invisible shield, blocking the sword energy that swept away one by one.

"Sure enough, there is a certain level of cultivation." Shan Jianwei's eyes lit up, and then he cut out with another sword.

This sword was aggressive, and in addition to spiritual power, it also contained an incomparably powerful mountain, river, and earth aura, heading towards Madman Chu.

In the face of such power, Madman Chu still looked calm.

"I want to kill me like this, funny."

The Kunwu long sword around his waist showed half of the sword body, and a sharp purple sword light whizzed out.

The terrifying sword light tore through the mountain and river sword energy.

Shan Jianwei used the broad sword in his hand as a shield and stood up.

The purple sword aura suddenly burst out with an extremely powerful force, instantly blasting the opponent out dozens of miles, and hitting a distant mountain range.


Dust billowed from the mountains.

And the dignified breath that enveloped the world also instantly dissipated.

Seeing this, the monks in the tea shop hurriedly left the scene, not daring to stay for a while.

"My God, that is the Shadow Sword Guard of the Sword Clan!"

"Who is this guy? The Sword Clan sent the Shadow Sword Guard to kill him."

While fleeing the scene, the monks in the tea shop were also doubting the identity of Madman Chu.

The Shadow Sword Guard is a hidden unit of the Sword Clan. No one knows how many people there are in this unit and how strong it is.

But everyone knows that anyone who is targeted by the Shadow Sword Guard is an enemy of the Sword Clan, and it is difficult for them to end well.

Sword Clan, that is one of the most terrifying forces in Dilu.

"Haha, your strength is really strong. Such a sword aura is worthy of the exquisite sword heart of the nine orifices like Master Daozi."

In the mountains, the voice of Shan Jianwei came.

I saw him soaring into the sky, a majestic breath of mountains and rivers erupted from his body, and the dark broad sword in his hand circulated a mysterious rhyme.

The mountains and rivers of thousands of miles shook at the same time.

Madman Chu could clearly feel that a large amount of earth energy was converging towards the mountain sword guard.

This person is turning earth energy into sword energy!

This kind of kendo that manipulates the earth is very clever.

Madman Chu narrowed his eyes slightly, "This strength is not much weaker than the main Sima family."

This gave him some interest in the sword clan.

A sword guard has such strength, how strong should the sword clan as a whole be?

When Madman Chu was thinking about it, the mountain sword guard gathered the earth's energy in a radius of thousands of miles, condensed on the black giant sword in his hand.

"Shanhe Kunou, cut it for me!!"

With a low cry, Shan Jianwei cut out with a sword.

I saw that majestic sword aura intertwined in the void, forming a huge yellow sword shadow.

In the sword shadow, the scene of mountains and rivers was changing one after another, and the majestic aura instantly locked the space within ten miles of Madman Chu.

"Qingxue, stand behind me."

Madman Chu said lightly.

Immediately afterwards, I saw Kun Wu cut out from his waist, and a domineering sword light swept out in a posture of destroying everything.

The huge sword shadow banged in front of this purple sword light, and it shattered directly!

The splendid scenery of mountains and rivers dissipated like bubbles.

One sword breaks mountains and rivers!

"So strong!"

Shan Jianwei's sword shadow was broken, and the terrifying impact made him fly hundreds of feet backwards.

His pupils shrank slightly, revealing an unprecedented solemn color.

I saw the broad sword in his hand waving, mountains and rivers and sword shadows emerged one after another.

The air around him was being pulled, and it kept gathering towards him.

"Shanhe Jiuzhong, the ultimate sword!!"

Shan Jianwei's broad sword swung, slashing out nine swords in a row, and the power of these nine swords was also stronger than one sword.

By the time of the ninth sword, it seemed that the power of the previous eight swords was superimposed together.

With one sword cut out, the power was absolutely powerful, and the void was shaken.

The entire sky seemed to collapse.

This is the strongest sword of Shan Jianwei, and it is also the way of mountains and rivers that he carries through to the end!

"This sword is just a little bit strong."

Madman Chu raised his hand slightly, and the three-dimensional vision of the nine-aperture exquisite sword heart unfolded.

The supreme foundation in the body bloomed with boundless brilliance.

A sword cut out, and the majestic sword light covered the sky.

That mountain and river sword energy was once again torn apart by purple sword light.

But this time, Shan Jianwei had determined that he was not an opponent of Madman Chu.

I saw the spiritual power in his body urged and turned into a stream of light to quickly escape.

Just when Madman Chu was about to pursue it, he only felt a terrifying suction on the ground, tightly binding his feet.

"Oh, this is earth energy, it's the sword energy just now..."

Madman Chu found that the sword energy that Shan Jianwei had crushed by him did not dissipate, but went into the ground and turned into earth energy again to be trapped in Madman Chu.

I have to say that this method is indeed quite clever, at least it will have a good effect when used to deal with the rest of the quasi emperors.

"This little trick may be useful to other people, but it's a pity that you are facing me."

Kuangren Chu raised his foot and stepped out, and the sword energy that was constantly leaping from the ground was slammed by him.

Immediately afterwards, his spiritual thoughts gushed out, instantly locking the position of Shan Jianwei.

As a member of the Shadow Sword Guards, Shan Sword Guard's combat power is very brilliant. Not only that, every Shadow Sword Guardian has a special practice of body skills. He turned into a dark shadow and swept towards the distance, countless monks. Shan Jianwei could not be captured at all.

But he still couldn't escape Chu Madman's thought power perception.

"If you can't beat it, you want to leave. Where is such an easy thing in this world."

The madman Chu's invisible thought power was intertwined in the void into a series of mysterious runes, resisting the way of the mountain sword guard.

Stepping forward, similarly, no one can perceive the path of Madman When he reappears, he is already standing in front of Shan Jianwei.


The voice of indifference is like the words of death.

A series of mysterious runes are woven into a sword, turning into a sword net, covering the mountain sword guard.

The rune sword is like rain, continuous!

Shan Jianwei resisted with all his strength, and a defensive quasi-imperial soldier appeared on his body.

But even so, he still suffered a lot of injuries.

At the end, he blocked all the rune swords, before he breathed a sigh of relief, a blue rune suddenly appeared on top of his head.

On the rune, a fine arc jumped.

Emperor Pin, Lei Fu!

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