Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 380: : Liuyun Mine was robbed, went overseas, sacrifice ceremony

"Go back and tell Yuan Wudao, his life, I'll take it! No one can keep him!!" Chu Madman said coldly.

One billion catties of spiritual stones?

is it a lot?

Not to mention that Xuan Tianzong doesn't lack spirit stones at all, but this one billion spirit stones are nothing compared to the lives of Xuan Tianzong disciples.

"Friend Chu, do you really want to do it this way?"

Sage Hei Liu's face also darkened.

But Madman Chu didn't care. The old **** was sitting on the chair and drank a sip of tea, "Stop talking about it, get out."

"You! Madman Chu, you are too presumptuous!"

Hei Liu Sheng's popularity is declining.

"Why, you are a cultivator of the Demon Dao, I will spare your life and let you go now, can you still be dissatisfied?"

Madman Chu raised his eyes and said lightly.

He has no good feelings for the Unknowable Lands, and dislikes the Unknowable Lands like Huangquan Mansion, especially after Yuan Wudao dared to instruct the Underground Mansion to be poisoned by Xuan Tianzong.

If it weren't for the Xuan Tianzong at that time to have a large formation and unable to deal with the unknown, it would be possible for him to slash the opponent.

"It's okay to ask me to leave, but I have to take back the innocent Qiankun ring." Saint Hei Liu forced his anger and said.

"Oh, I care about that Qiankun ring so much."

The madman Chu gave a chuckle, and then took out a piece of jade jue, which was the heavenly jade jue he got from Yuan Wudao's Qiankun Ring.

He played with his hands, looking at the black willow saint and said: "Where is the universe ring you care about, or is this heavenly jade?"

"Do you know this jade?" Hei Liu Sheng's face changed slightly.

This should be impossible.

After so many years, the records of the emperor from the outside world should have been almost cleared from the unknown.

Why would Mad Chu know the jade jue of this day? ?

"What if you know, what can be done if you don't know, anyway, I have to decide on this piece of jade." Madman Chu said lightly.

Sage Black Willow looked at Madman Chu deeply, and said, "Doesn't he be afraid of becoming the target of the public's target for his unscrupulous fellow Daoist Chu?"

Madman Chu, who was playing with Jade Jue, stopped, and the atmosphere suddenly became a little dignified. Saint Black Willow also felt an inexplicable pressure flooding the hall, making him full of guard.

"I'm the target of criticism, haven't I already done it?"

"Huangquan Mansion, dare to try first?"

Saint Black Willow was silent for a while.

Then he snorted, "Farewell!"

He turned and left.

Even if he is the great sage, but after all he dare not insist.

When Madman Chu threatened Xuanhuang Shrine, many unknowable places also secretly investigated the current situation of Guixu, knowing that Guixu had been hit hard, and all of this was probably related to Madman Chu.


Elder Ruyan couldn't help looking at Madman Chu with some worry, as smart as her, and he also noticed the current situation of Madman Chu and Xuantianzong.

"Everything has me."

Madman Chu didn't say much.

But these four words inexplicably made Elder Ruyan feel at ease.

"Xuan Tianzong, advance and retreat with the head! Live and die together!"

Elder Ruyan said firmly.

"What life and death, don't say so exaggerated, it is just a few shameless places, it looks like the end of the world."

Madman Chu chuckled, pretending to be relaxed.

At this time, there was a shock from the communication compass on his body.

"It's me, what's the matter?"

"Master Chu, the big event is not good, the batch of Liuyun mines you wanted was robbed overseas." Boss Qian's voice came from the compass.

Madman Chu heard this, and a cold color flashed across his eyes.

"Say, what's going on."

"We don't know. Just now, the team of our Chamber of Commerce transporting Liuyun Mine was robbed overseas."

"Someone did it."

"I don't know, the incident is urgent and it is still under investigation."

"Okay, I see, I will go there myself."

Madman Chu said.

He turned off the communication compass.

Then, he told Elder Ruyan and left Xuantianzong, turned into a streamer, and flew overseas.



Several large ships arrived on the shore of Black Wind Island.

A lot of people came down from the boat, and most of these people were driven to the island with shackles on their hands.

"Brother, what should I do with the ore on the ship?"

A person in black asked a Jindan monk.

The Brother Yuanying looked at the piles of flowing cloud mines on the boat behind him and licked his lips, "These minerals are very valuable, find a place to put them, and then find a time to drag them out and sell them."

"Where to put it? In addition, so many ores are easy to be discovered. If we let the elders know that we have privately stored ores, we can suffer from it. If only there is a high-level universe ring."

The black monk said helplessly.

Most of the low-level monks do not have the Universe Ring, even if they do, they are all low-level, one or two cubic Universe Rings.

"I have it here, but I can't pretend that much."

Brother Jindan pondered for a while, and then said: "In this way, you ask someone to take one-third of the ore and hide it in a valley not far away, and give the remaining two-thirds to the elders."

With so many ore, they couldn't eat it secretly.

"it is good."

The two moved separately.

After a while, an elder came.

"How's it going."

"Elder Hui, a total of 1,360 people were arrested this time when we went to sea, plus the previous few arrests, 10,000 people have been collected, enough for us to sacrifice to the snake **** this time." Brother Jindan said. .

Then, he took the elder and came to several merchant ships.

After seeing the Liuyun mine above, the elder's eyes lit up.

"Oh, so many Liuyun mines are all top-grade, very valuable, wait, this is... the ship of the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce."

The elder glanced at the merchant ship in surprise.

But it didn't take it to heart.

The Four Seas Chamber of Commerce is well-known, but they have nothing to do with each other on Black Wind Island.

"Lu Jia, you did a good job this time. After the sacrifice ceremony is over, I will promote you to be a true disciple."

"Thank you elder." Lu Jia said happily.

"Concentrate people now, and go to the snake **** sea area tomorrow."


the next day.

A big ship carrying tens of thousands of people left Black Wind Island.

And today Chu Madman also came overseas.

Although the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce has not investigated who robbed Liuyun Mine, he has treasure hunting skills and has a keen sense of treasures. So many Liuyun mines are gathered together, and the fluctuations they emit are enough to make Madman Chu count. It can be felt from thousands of miles away.

He pursued it with treasure hunting all the way, and finally locked an island.

This island is very large, there are a lot of small islands scattered around, and the number of monks is very large, no less than 100,000.

Obviously it is an extraordinary spiritual practice overseas.

But Madman Chu didn't care about this. He came to the sky above the largest island and raised his hand to urge his spiritual energy to gather spiritual energy.

In an instant, the surrounding wind and clouds were surging, and a shocking wave of Taoist rhyme centered on the Mad Man of Chu, spreading in all directions.

All the monks in the island sensed this extraordinary breath, and they all looked towards the sky, dumbfounded.

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