Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 370: : Let's start with one, don't be ashamed, as long as you can win anyway

"Who gave you the illusion that I can't beat you."

Madman Chu cast a glance at Jin, and between raising his hands, the majestic spiritual power once again gathered, and even more violent black fist marks blasted out.

Jin Bujue noticed that the power of this blow was far better than before, and with a roar, a golden mountain condensed above his head and slammed out.

The fist, the mountain crashed, and the void exploded, and the gold was directly smashed by the black fist print, and it fell on Jin Boundless's body.

I saw Jin Bujue flying upside down like a broken kite, vomiting blood in his mouth, and fell to the ground, suffering huge trauma.

This punch shocked all the world walking present!

"What a terrifying punch!"

"This guy's combat power has reached this point?!"

Ling Xiao, Li Fuping and others shrank their pupils.

Compared to their shock, Zhanlong, Enchanting Wind, Guo Shan and Ye Xin didn't feel much that they had fought against Madman Chu.

The Madman Chu also defeated them with outnumbered enemies.

"As for you, don't even think about going heads-up. Let's play together. Don't worry. It's not shameful to deal with me together."

Madman Chu said to Ling Xiao and the others.

And hearing his words, the expressions of several people changed.

They want to refute, but they don't know what to say. The power shown by Madman Chu can no longer be dealt with by any single person on the scene. Only when they play together, they have a chance to win!

But they can't pass the hurdle in their hearts!

You must know that they are walking around the world, they are the top talents cultivated by their respective Taoism, and they have the mission of making a name for the Taoism. Such them are undoubtedly full of confidence and arrogance.

But now, Kuangren Chu has broken their self-confidence with absolute strength. If they are together, they will have to give up even their arrogance. How can they bear it in their hearts! !

"Go on, come on, don't persuade!"

"Yes, you are dealing with Madman Chu, not to mention just a few of you, it won't be shameful to have another group."

"Haha, walking in the world, don't hesitate, now standing in front of you can fight several saints and even great saints, causing the deep sea scales to turn upside down. He is right. It is not shameful for you to go together. If you accidentally win him, you will be the real name moving the world, no one knows it!!"

Some people in the crowd were not too busy to see the excitement, and they urged several worlds to walk together to deal with the madman Chu.

Hearing these words, Ling Xiao and the others' Taoism was suffering.

To win, or to save face? !

"Let's go together!!!"

At this moment, Zhanlong suddenly roared, "It doesn't matter whether it is singled or group fight, as long as you can win him, whatever is good! As long as you defeat him, there will be a chance to become emperor, otherwise, we will always be suppressed by him!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone finally made up their minds.

What is the face?

Chengdi, Chengdi is their ultimate goal!

As long as you can become an emperor, what a gang fight alone is worth!


"Mad Chu, let us come and meet you for a while!"

Seeing the people walking up in the sky, Madman Chu showed a gratified smile, "Yes, so I can have fun."

I saw a sudden burst of tyrannical energy from his body, and a golden Buddha light appeared all over his body, turning into a golden ancient Buddha!

The ancient Buddha slapped his palm, and his magnificent force smashed the oncoming war dragon. The opponent roared and punched the same.

With fists and palms, the entire Tianyu Peak is turbulent one after another!

Both sides were under the force at the same time, the Madman Chu did not move, while the dragon flew upside down by dozens of feet, his arms constantly trembling.

"This guy is still as strong as ever!"

Zhanlong gritted his teeth and said.

At this time, the rest of the world was already close to Madman Chu.

Sword energy, blade light, death energy and other energy fluctuations spread, mixed with Dao Yun from all directions, and blasted towards Madman Chu together!

The force that was too tyrannical caused the void to be almost distorted, the sonic boom sounded like a tide, and the entire Tianyufeng mountain was constantly cracking.

"The eight sounds of gods and demons, heaven and earth sound!"

A guqin appeared in the hands of Madman Chu.

With ten fingers drawn, the terrifying Qin Yin Dao Yun centered on him, resonating with the heaven and the earth, as if a substantial sound wave spread out.

Sword energy, death energy, gun light and other energy attacks collapsed one after another under the sound of the piano. Several people who attacked Madman Chu were also shaken back under this impact, and Madman Chu, who was at the center of various energy collisions, suffered the most. , The most terrifying impact!

Under such an impact, even a sage could not bear it, but he saw the other person standing proudly, with clusters of white lotus flowers all over his body, blocking all the impact one by one.

It is the Purification of the World by the Holy King Fa Bailian!

"Sword Qi transforms into shape!"

Suddenly four sword auras burst out of the Madman Chu, transforming into four sword aura clones, which respectively entangled the four worlds of Zhanlong, Enchanting Wind, Ye Xin and Guoshan.

"The four of you can be seen by me, so let's play with these clones first."

Madman Chu said indifferently, then looked at Ling Xiao, Li Fuping and the other four hooked up, "You guys, come on as much as you like."

"Before we continue to fight, I have a question to ask, do you know how to gluttonous law." At this time, the gray-clothed youth asked.

He is walking in the world of the Temple of Death, without sorrow!

"The gluttonous method, oh, yes, I almost forgot, I got this gluttonous method from a guy named Black Light Saint. The other party seems to be the protector of your Death Temple."

Madman Chu said suddenly.

A few years ago, when he first entered the world, he once went to a bright moon secret realm, and in that secret realm, a black light saint was suppressed, and his gluttonous method was obtained from the other side.

Besides, the black light saint is also a person from the death temple.

"Sure enough, your gluttonous law got it from the black light guardian. I hope that after this battle, you can return it to the temple!"

Gui Wushou said.

"What if I don't?"

"Then your excellency is against my death temple!"

Gui Wushou said coldly.

"Oh, when I walked along the way, there are more people who are enemies with me, not bad for you." Madman Chu didn't care.

"Your business, I'll talk about it later, let's fight first!!"

Ling Xiao let out a low shout, and the spear pierced out, a powerful and unparalleled Dao Yun surrounded the spear, like a dragon going out to sea.

When Madman Chu saw this, the Kunwu Sword that was originally inserted on the ground suddenly leaped out, and he held it in his hand and cut it out with a sonorous sword.

Swords and guns clanged, and a series of vigorous bursts shot.

Clang clang...

Swords and guns collide in rapid combat!

Swordsmanship and marksmanship are mixed with a large amount of spiritual power and Taoist rhyme ~ Every blow has a terrifying power to open the mountains and crack the ground.

Obviously, it was only a fight between a sword and a gun, but the impact of power caused the half of the mountain at the feet of the two to directly collapse.


At this time, a sword light fell from the top of Madman Chu's head!

That sword light, shaped like a crescent moon, is sharp and unstoppable!

Kun Wu shocked in the hands of the Madman Chu, a majestic sword aura poured out, and Ling Xiao briefly forced out.

Immediately afterwards, he slashed out, facing the sword light above his head.

A domineering and unparalleled purple sword light, with a mighty and irresistible force, directly tore the sword light and slashed towards the sword-producing world Li Fuping!

He was also a swordsman, but the rhyme of swordsmanship contained in the madman Chu's sword aura made Li Fuping feel palpitation.

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