Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 355: : 9 babies swallowed 9 heads, how about the lives of 2

Chapter 355 Nine Infants Swallowing Nine Heads, How About Taking Two Lives


A long howl came out accompanied by fierce aura.

In the Nine-headed tribe, everyone perceives this aura. The Nine-headed patriarch and others are very ecstatic, looking enthusiastically in the direction of the black swamp.

"Successful, Young Master has successfully recovered the Nine Infant Saint Lord!"

"Haha, great."

"The glorious day of my nine-headed tribe is coming soon."

The people of the Nine-headed tribe looked into the distance feverishly, and even more so, they knelt down and continued to bow in the direction of Jiuying.

Kuangren Chu watched him indifferently.

"It seems to be a step slower and Jiuying has been resurrected. Judging from this breath, it is indeed extraordinary, close to the level of the Saint King?"

Madman Chu whispered.

In a short while, the violent and evil spirit came closer and closer.

The Nine-headed patriarch and the others rushed out of the tribe and knelt on the ground, preparing to welcome their Nine Infant Lord.

In the distance, a huge black shadow came slowly.

That black shadow is a big snake with nine heads, over a thousand feet long, black scales, hideous head, and blood-red eyes that exude infinite ferocity...

How mighty and sacred to the nine-headed patriarch and others, all this made them unable to help but worship from the heart!

"Welcome to the Holy Lord!"

"Welcome to the Holy Lord!"

The nine-headed patriarch and others knelt on the ground and said loudly.

But Jiu Ying showed a hint of doubt in his eyes.

What's the situation?

Why is this food on its own plate? !

"Hey, then I'm not welcome!"

Jiuying smiled, opened his mouth in the zealous gaze of the Jiu-headed patriarch, and bit at the dozens of Jiu-headed people who were kneeling in front of him.

A large amount of blood mixed with internal organs sputtered out...

The body of the nine-headed patriarch was splashed with blood, and the scene in front of him made his eyes stunned, and he did not react for a while.

It wasn't until the screams around him that he realized the situation facing him at this time, Jiuying was devouring his own people!

"Haha, delicious and delicious."

"It's been a long time since I ate so happy."

Jiuying’s nine heads kept sticking out, and the nine-headed tribesmen were bitten by him and swallowed into their stomachs, while his abdomen was glowing with a faint red light, and traces of blood haunted in the black scales.

Jiu Ying hadn't been nourished for tens of thousands of years, and his body shaped like a dead tree was eating flesh and blood hungrily at this moment, restoring strength.

The entire Nine-headed tribe instantly turned into a purgatory on earth, incomparably chaotic, screaming, and crying after the roar.

Everyone is shrouded in despair.

Not the fear of death.

It's the despair of a collapse of faith!

None of the Nine-headed people thought that the gods they believed in would actually do such things to them after their recovery.

They respect Jiuying as a god, and Jiuying regards them as food!

"How could this be, how could this be..."

The nine-headed patriarch looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

He looked at Jiuying who was devouring his tribe with crimson eyes, rushed to the other side, and asked loudly, "Holy Lord, why do you treat us this way, why!!!"

What responded to him was Jiuying's **** mouth.

The nine-headed patriarch dodged in embarrassment. When he was still saying something, he felt that his eyes suddenly became dark, naturally as if he had entered a damp cave, surrounded by mucus.

Then, a sharp pain came and he lost consciousness.

In the eyes of others, it was the Jiu-headed patriarch who avoided one of Jiuying's heads, but swallowed the other head.

Jiuying's two heads looked at each other.

"Did that guy just say anything?"

"do not know."

"Follow him, let's eat before you eat."

Jiuying ignored them, and his nine heads continued to waver, swallowing the surrounding Jiu-headed tribesmen who fled in a hurry.

At this moment, a palm mixed with rain blasted from a short distance and hit one of Jiu Ying's head.

The head was slapped and he looked far away, only to see an old man in a commoner looking at him resentfully and desperately.


"Hey, it must be more delicious."

Jiuying didn't care.

The head that was hit just shook, and after being hit by the saint, he didn't suffer much damage at all.

This kind of physical body made the Madman Chu's eyes light up not far away.

"Monster, die for me!"

The saint of the nine-headed tribe roared, palm after palm, blasting continuously, mixed with rain and sometimes with flames.

Jiuying is good at manipulating water and fire, and the people of the Nine-headed tribe with a trace of the blood of Jiuying in their bodies practice mostly water and fire techniques.

Water and fire palms hit Jiuying's body one after another, and each palm was powerful enough to break the mountains and rivers, but dozens of palms only made Jiuying's scales broken, leaving some skin injuries, and there was no way to cause substantial damage. hurt.

This scene made the sage of the nine heads feel desperate.

Suddenly, he saw a person standing on one of Jiuying's head, dressed in black, with a cold expression, it was Li Ze.

Seeing him, a glimmer of hope ignited in the eyes of the nine-headed saint, and said loudly: "Young Master, hurry, hurry and stop this monster!"

Unexpectedly, Li Ze just glanced at him indifferently, "Why stop it, Jiu Ying has just recovered and needs a lot of flesh and blood essence to restore his strength, don't you always respect him like a god? In that case, sacrifice for the gods? What is flesh and blood?"

The sage of the Nine-headed tribe couldn't believe it, "Young Master, how can you say such a thing, you, you are also a member of the Nine-headed tribe!"

"So what, but to be honest, I left the Jiutou Clan very early, and I have stayed in the mountains and seas all these years. I don't have much affection for you. How can your life be important to my great cause!"

Li Ze said mercilessly.

"You, you beast!"

The nine-headed saint was furious.

Li Ze looked cold, then slowly raised his hand, a terrifying rhyme gathered in his palm, and then blasted out, transforming into an incomparably ferocious beast phantom in the void.

Under this force, the nine-headed saints who had consumed a lot of spiritual power to deal with the nine infants were unable to resist.


He was bombarded with blood and vomited wildly by this force, and flew out.

Upon seeing this, Jiu Ying stretched out his head and swallowed it in one bite. After eating a saint, his breath became stronger, and the blood mist that filled his body became more dense.

After a while, most of the nine heads were almost eaten by and the Madman Chu, who had been watching coldly, walked out slowly with Lan Yu, looking at the big snake and Li Ze in front of him.

And Li Ze also noticed the two of them, "Oh, the extraordinary aura, the appearance, and the sword, if I guess correctly, you are a madman of Chu."

"Not bad."

"You are here for Gu Changge."


"You are late, that guy has been eaten by Jiuying now, it will be almost digested." Li Ze said.

"Really, that's a shame."

Even though he said that, Madman Chu didn't have the slightest regret on his face. He looked at Li Ze and Jiuying and said helplessly, "I'm here to find Gu Changge and Jiuyingzhu, but now it seems that I have neither. I have found a way, I have to think of a way to go back to the business."

"Why don't you take the lives of the two?"

(End of this chapter)

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