Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 348: : I sincerely suggest that you are all up for it

Chapter 348 I'm Sorry

"Haha, he is finally out!"

"After waiting so long, I finally didn't wait in vain!"

"Madman Chu, here I am!"

The four walking around in the Xuantian Sect, one after another turned into streamers and swept in the direction of Lingtian Dao Palace.

In Lingtiandao Palace, Madman Chu was recounting old times with Xiaobing and Lan Yu, and the Divine Phoenix next to him was touching him affectionately.

Suddenly, he seemed to feel something and looked into the distance.

"The nasty person is here."

Madman Chu curled his lips, showing a touch of disgust on his face.

If it were a normal challenge, he wouldn't be so disgusted. After all, the world loves fame, and there are many people who want to step on him, let alone those who want to make a name for the orthodoxy and fight for luck.

It's just that the challenge belongs to the challenge, what does it mean to destroy the public property of Xuantianzong? !

It's true that my Xuantianzong's spirit stone was brought back by a strong wind, but he won it back with hard work.

"Haha, Madman Chu, you are finally out!"

A burst of laughter resounded above Lingtian Dao Palace, and the dragon came first, and the fighting spirit that had long been uncontrollable broke out!

The fighting spirit is like a tide, flapping the void, and the situation changes.

The entire Lingtian Taoist Palace shook twice, and Chu Kuangren frowned slightly, "If you want to destroy my Taoist Palace, I'm afraid you can't afford it."

When Zhanlong heard the words, he laughed and said, "Doesn't even the head of the dignified Xuantianzong reluctant even a Taoist palace?"

"Head of Chu, don't worry, if this battle causes any losses, we will compensate to the end." At this time, Ye Xin also arrived.

The wind was enchanting, and Guo Shan also came one after another.

When he saw Madman Chu, Feng Feng's enchanting eyes flashed a strange color, "It really looks like a human being, little brother, or don't be the head of you, how about going back to Wanhua Valley with me, promise you I want to linger and never want to leave again."

Madman Chu said indifferently, "No, I'm pretty good at this boss. It's fragrant to eat, and the waist isn't sore and the legs don't hurt. If you go to your Ten Thousand Flower Valley, I'm afraid I won't even be able to get out of the bed."

"Hehe, my little brother is really good at talking and laughing, how can you not even get out of bed? It is said that Wanhua Valley is a magic cave, we can eat people." Feng said with a charming smile.

"Don't gossip, I also know the purpose of your coming to my Xuantian Sect. I don't like trouble, one by one is too troublesome. I sincerely suggest that you should go together."

Madman Chu stood with his hand in his hand, and said indifferently.

It's just that his words changed the complexion of the four walking around the world slightly, and even the enchanting Feng, who had been smiling all the time, showed a touch of anger.

"The head of Chu is underestimating us."

Ye Xin's face sank, as they walked in an unknown place, they naturally had their own arrogance.

But now, being so underestimated by Madman Chu, and having waited so many geniuses to see each other, they couldn't help but burst into anger.

However, Madman Chu seemed completely unaware of the anger of these people, and continued: "I am not underestimating you, but the most reasonable plan proposed to you based on the actual situation."

Not only did these words not comfort a few walking around the world, but it made them even more irritated like adding fuel to the fire.

What is the actual situation?

What is the most reasonable plan?

Just say that we are not your opponent at all, bastard!

"What a madman Chu, he is really arrogant enough, I want to see if you can say this later."

Zhanlong couldn't help it at first.

He took a step forward and rushed out fiercely. There was a majestic force in his five fingers, and he clenched into a fist and threw it at the Madman Chu.

Behind the Kuangren Chu Lan Yu, Xiaobing felt an extremely terrifying pressure sweeping over him.

Lan Yu could bear it, but Xiaobing was in trouble, trembling all over, thanks to Lan Yu's support, he didn't kneel to the ground.

Upon seeing this, Madman Chu released the domain of the King of War, guarding the two women, and then looked at the attacking Dragon, his eyes flashed with coldness, "If you say you want to do it, it's really not a bit of politeness."

He raised his hand and punched the same.

He didn't use any mysterious method, just pure spiritual power, but even so, with the six supreme foundations in his body, the power of this punch is still very terrifying.

An incomparably powerful spiritual power spread like a tide, banging with Zhanlong's fist.

The huge power directly caused the dragon to fly upside down.

Immediately afterwards, Madman Chu's figure turned into a stream of light and came to the front of the dragon. The speed made it difficult for the few people present to react.

I saw him come to the front of Zhanlong, and the opponent didn't have the slightest resistance, he was grabbed by the collar, and then quickly swept away.

Ye Xin, the wind was enchanting, and the three of Guo Shan quickly caught up.

Madman Chu, who was holding Zhanlong, came to the gate of Xuantianzong, raised his hand and threw the opponent out and smashed it onto a mountain peak.

"Well, it's more spacious here, just play here."

Madman Chu said lightly.

Behind him, Ye Xin, the wind was enchanting, and the three of Guo Shan had already followed, watching the dragon who had been thrown into the mountain secretly speechless.

The strength of Zhanlong is not weak, but he was caught by the Madman Chu, dragged here and thrown into the mountains without any resistance.

Just thinking about it, they all feel terrified.

At least the three of them can never do it.

"He said let the four of us go together, maybe, he really has the strength to deal with us at the same time?!" Ye Xin said solemnly.

"Madman Chu!!"

At this time, a lifetime of violent drinking came from the mountain!

Zhanlong rose into the sky, first suppressed by a sword of the madman Chu, and then thrown into the mountain by the opponent.

His anger has accumulated to the extreme, mixed with war intent and burst out, swept out, madly rushing in all directions!

"Oh, that's annoying."

Madman Chu said playfully.

"Mad Chu, take my trick!"

"Zhantianbaquan, violent!"

Zhanlong spared no effort, and his eyes were filled with black light, which was the expression of his fighting intent after reaching the limit.

After the punch was blasted, bursts of battle roar erupted in the void.

The power of this punch has surpassed ordinary saints!

As the existence of a saint, he can play this type of boxing. The talent and combat power of the dragon can be said to be rare in ancient and modern times.

This is the true power of walking in the world cultivated by the Unknowable Land with all its strength, and it is a world-famous arrogant that surpasses the world's understanding!

"Intent to fight? By I have it too!"

Madman Chu said lightly.

I saw a terrifying suffocation suddenly burst out of him.

The undefeated body of the gods is launched! !

With a punch, a more terrifying fighting spirit and evil spirit erupted, and the battle roar resounding in the void directly overwhelmed the war dragon.

Two fist strengths collided in the void, and Zhanlong's fist strength was broken in less than one breath!

The fist strength mixed with evil spirits and fighting spirit directly fell on Zhanlong's body, and the terrifying force directly smashed the opponent into the ground thousands of meters, forming a huge dark pit!

"I said that I let you go together, why don't you believe it? Okay, now there are only three of you."

Madman Chu looked at the three Ye Xin and hooked them, "Come on, let's go together, and solve this boring farce as soon as possible."

(End of this chapter)

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