Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 315: : The horror of the 8 sound of Gods and Demons, the first prefect appears

Chapter 315: The Horror Of The Eight Tone Of Gods And Demons, The First Prefect Appears

"Everyone, let me play a song!"

Madman Chu said indifferently, and the guqin around the beam crossed his chest.

Seeing his posture, everyone couldn't help but shrink their pupils slightly.

"What! He is all right!"

"Damn it, can't this guy be beaten to death?"

"Guqin? Isn't he good at piano?"

Everyone was shocked that Madman Chu was unscathed under their attack, and at the same time, they were also puzzled that Madman Yu Chu was good at piano art.

"Pretend to be a fool, go on!"

The third prefect snorted coldly.

At this time, I saw the madman of Chu pinching the strings, pulling and releasing them, and the sound of the piano was spreading with a vast rhyme!

At this moment, the San Taishou and others couldn't help but trembled.

"The first song of the Eight Music of Gods and Demons, the world is boundless!"

The madman of Chu plucked the strings with his ten fingers, and the boundless rhyme of Taoism, wrapped in spiritual power, turned into the sound of the piano, reverberating between heaven and earth.

The third prefect only felt that his mind was being violently hit, and the surrounding world was putting pressure on him.

Their Dao Yun was actually suppressed under this piano sound! !

Compared with this vast world, their rhyme is not worth mentioning!

Everyone was shocked.

This was the first time they saw Qin Yin Dao Yun.

"What a terrifying piano sound, he actually has this method."

"No, under the sound of his piano, the surroundings seem to have turned into a field, where our Dao Yun is suppressed."

"Hurry up and interrupt him!"

The saints want to attack.

The tune of the piano tone changed, like a shower, like a violent wind, the frantic piano sound wrapped a more terrifying Taoist rhyme!

"The second song of the Eight Music of Gods and Demons, the city is full of wind and rain!!"

The sound of the piano turns into a sword of wind and rain, rushing out!

The rhyme of the saints was originally suppressed by the sound of the piano, but now they are attacked by the wind blade rain sword, and they are suddenly embarrassed.

"Damn it!!" With the sacred armor armor on his body, the third prefect rushed towards Madman Chu abruptly against the wind and sword rain.

When he approached, he suddenly gathered all his spiritual power, turned into a big white hand and blasted out, trying to interrupt Chu Madman's piano sound.

But I saw the madman of Chu pull up a string, and the majestic spiritual power mixed Dao rhyme into it, "The third song of the eight-tones of the gods and demons, Huang Zhong Dalu!"

With a clenched sound, the string rang like a bell, a majestic sound wave broke out in an instant, turned into a terrifying impact and shredded the big white hand, and slammed it on the body of the third prefect.

There was a sudden explosion. Rao was the guardian of the sacred weapon by the third prefect, but he was still blown out in front of this terrifying sound wave, and the huge counter-shock force impacted his limbs and viscera!


The third prefect could no longer help, vomiting blood up to the sky!

"What a terrifying piano sound!"

Not far away, a gray-haired old man was shocked.

This old man is the saint of Tianyinzong.

Tianyinzong is the Taoist tradition that is best at sound attack in the world, and this sage is the rare piano master in the world.

But now, after seeing Madman Chu's eight sounds, he only feels that his piano sounds are nothing compared to them!

This piano sound is too scary!

This is not the sound of a mortal piano at all!

After a blast of the third prefect, the madman Chu's piano sound changed again. Vaguely, everyone seemed to hear the sound of Jin Ge from all directions, as if they were on the battlefield of gods and demons!

"The fourth song of the eight sounds of gods and demons, ambush on all sides!"

Zheng Zheng Zheng...

The sound of the piano reverberates in the world, and the sound of the golden horse and iron horse is endless.

The terrifying Tao Yun crazily impacted several saints like a wave, and their minds and bodies were all tortured by the sound of the piano.

The sharp blade made by Qin Yin raged across the heavens and the earth. The third ancestor Linghu, who had been severely injured, could no longer bear it. He was cut off by the sharp blade on the spot, and even the Holy Spirit could not escape.


Upon seeing this, Patriarch Linghu roared, and there were two saints in Linghu's family. The death of either one was a huge blow.

"Six palms!!!"

"Thunder of Sun Flame!"

The saints on the scene urged their attacks to attack Madman Chu.

But these attacks were disintegrated by Qin Yin before they approached, and there was no way that Chu Madman cloned himself. On the contrary, it was them who suffered successive injuries in this Qin Yin Dao Yun, and even the body of the saint could not last long.

"Mad Chu, stop it!"

"We have something to discuss."

Several saints said quickly.

But the Madman Chu turned a deaf ear, playing the piano sound of himself, and the vigorous piano sound and rhyme spread around him.

The spiritual power of a thousand miles around was disturbed by the sound of the piano, agitated.

Countless monks felt palpitations when they saw this.

"It's terrible. The six saints have nothing to do with the sound of the piano alone. Such ability is really terrifying."

"This is what kind of piano sound!"

Among them, the monks of Tianyinzong were the most shocked.

They practiced the way of killing sound, and compared to other monks, they could feel the terrifying power contained in Madman Chu's piano sound better.

"While fighting the piano on the street that day, he probably didn't even show one or two tenths of his ability."

Fairy Piaoxue looked at Madman Chu and said with palpitations.

Even if it is the most brilliant sound killing method of the Tianyinzong, it is still not worth mentioning compared to the madman Chu.

boom! !

At this moment, a horrible Taoist rhyme suddenly burst out from a small island suspended in the sky, and a palm came across the air!

The palm is as strong as a flood, making the void roar.

And the goal is... Madman Chu!

"Oh, another saint!" Chu Kuangren raised his eyebrows slightly, and the strings pulled, and the third song of the gods and demon Huang Zhong Dalu broke out.

The sound of the piano and the palm jin crashed, and the qi that spread out was like a storm, and everything around was destroyed as if it were rotten.

Even the saints were lifted out on the spot.

Madman Chu also stepped back ten feet.

Suddenly the palm of his hand interrupted his piano sound, and the saints were relieved, and they all felt like a survivor.

Everyone looked at the source of the palm.

I saw a person slowly walking out of the island, an old man dressed in a white robe with a childlike face.

He stepped over several thousand feet and came to the front of everyone, looking at Madman Chu with a torch.

"Your Excellency is making trouble in my first city, what do you intend to do?!"

"Take you apart." Madman Chu said lightly.

Hearing this, the old man's face sank, "There is no gratitude for no reason, please let me go."

"Oh, it seems you don't know it."

Madman Chu glanced at the old man quite unexpectedly.

Then he colluded with City One and the Heavenly King Palace, and briefly talked about Xuan Tianzong during the game.

After listening, the old man was stunned.

He looked strangely at Chu Madman.

City One was to be demolished just for the sake of a few disciples. Where did this lunatic pop up?

He also glared at the third prefect who was not far away, "I entrusted City One to you. I didn't expect you to cause such a big moth to me. Huh, I will find you after the matter is over."

"It's because of my poor management that disturbed the city owner."

This old man is the city lord of the first city and the top prefect of the thirteen prefects!

Originally, he was in retreat, but the madman Chu was so loud that he had to leave the gate early.

Otherwise, this first city is really going to be demolished by the opponent.

(End of this chapter)

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