Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 311: : Zhang Sheng, the king of war, 3 prefects, and the rest of the saints

Chapter 311 Fighting Heavenly King Zhang Sheng, the Third Prefect, and the Other Saints Take Action

"Chu Madman, it is impossible to apologize publicly, but the apologization can be discussed." Heavenly King Zhang Sheng said lightly.

"I'll go to you!" Chu Madman sneered, "Your Heavenly King Palace still owes me Xuantianzong one billion high-grade spirit stones, two sacred artifacts, apologize?! Do you think I deserve your apocalypse?"

"So, there is no discussion?"

"Yes, either it's a public apology and an apologize, to make what you did to the world, and to return my disciples of Xuan Tianzong justice, or I will go to your Heavenly King Palace after I demolish the first city!"

Madman Chu stood in the air and said arrogantly.

Hearing what he said, the faces of the heavenly king Zhang Sheng and the third prefect were extremely ugly as if they had eaten flies.

"Kuangren Chu, just for a few disciples, are you making things so big?" Heavenly King Zhang Sheng said in a puzzled way.

This is also the place where everyone present most puzzled.

Xuan Tianzong had already won the game, and apart from some injuries, the disciples had no major problems.

Can Madman Chu be guilty of making things so big for some inside stories in the game? This is too crazy.

Everyone is puzzled.

They have never seen such a leader. Shouldn't the leader consider the overall situation and prioritize the development of Orthodoxy?

But what the madman of Chu did was completely contrary, for the sake of a few disciples, he rashly broke his face with the top saints such as the first city and the heavenly palace.

Is this really confusing? !

Even if you ask for more compensation for this matter with City One and the Heavenly King Palace, and let someone apologize publicly, what benefits can Xuan Tianzong get? There is no practical benefit at all.

"As for?"

"Then I will tell you now, you don't care about justice and justice, but in my opinion, it is bigger than the sky!"

"My disciple has been wronged and received unfair treatment. Do you think it is enough to give a gift? Impossible!!"

Madman Chu said loudly and powerfully.

In his view, a sect that only values ​​benefits can be developed, but it will never go far.

Murongxuan, Nangong Huang and others are the mainstays of Xuan Tianzong's future, and they cannot just expose the unfair treatment they have suffered because of a little profit.

Even Nangong Huang and others don't care.

But he can't! He is the head of Xuan Tianzong, and he has the responsibility and obligation to ask for an explanation for these disciples and seek justice!

Besides, letting Heavenly King Palace and City One apologize publicly. This seems to have no practical benefit, but it can increase the prestige of Xuantianzong, increase the confidence of the disciples, and strengthen the sense of belonging to Xuantianzong.

These invisible things are the most precious!

"Madman Chu, you are such a lunatic!"

Heavenly King Zhang Sheng said with a gloomy face.

"Mad? For my disciple of Xuan Tianzong, what's wrong with being crazy!" The madman Chu laughed, an extremely terrifying Taoist rhyme burst out of his body, and he slammed into another island with his palm.

The third prefect stood up, but was still blasted back hundreds of feet.

"The combat power of this Madman of Chu is not trivial. Heavenly King Zhang Sheng, join me to subdue him!!" The Third Prefect said loudly.

"it is good."

Heavenly King Zhang Sheng nodded.

Asking the two major forces to apologize publicly, they would never do something that would discredit the two major forces.

This situation can only overcome Madman Chu first.

Even... kill!

Thinking of this, there was a murderous intent in their eyes.

"come on!"

Madman Chu took out the Green Spirit sword case, and saw three hundred and sixty-five swords flying out of the sword case, forming an extremely mysterious sword formation.

Four seasons sword formation!

This is a legendary sword formation. The power is so powerful that the expressions of the heavenly king Zhang Sheng and the three prefects changed on the spot.

Sword Qi shuttled back and forth around them, sharp and unmatched, and contained the mystery of the rotation of the four seasons, which was very difficult.

"Premiers, attack Madman Chu's body, disturb his mind, so that he can't manipulate the sword formation." The third prefect said loudly.

I saw a few prefects rushed out of the remaining islands.

Each of these people possesses the supreme supreme cultivation base, and among them there are even quasi-sages who have survived the catastrophe.

Each one is famous and extremely strong.

The background of the first city is shocking.


"Mad Chu, don't deceive me in the first city!"

Except for the first and second prefects, the rest of the prefects came out, and all kinds of powerful Dao Yun burst out instantly!

The violent breath fills the void and shakes the world!

In the face of the attacking prefects, apart from being fearless, the sword flow in the body turned, and the four sword auras turned into four clones to shoot out!

The four clones each held a sword and faced the prefect.

Boom, boom, boom...

The terrifying sword aura erupted from the void and slashed towards the prefects.

You must know that the current madman Chu's combat power is almost unbelievable, and the sword aura clones he transforms are not trivial. Each possesses a quasi-sage-level combat power, which abruptly drags the prefects.

"What a strong sword spirit clone!"

"No, the strength under the saint can't beat Madman Chu's clone. This guy's methods are too powerful."

"I can't attack Madman Chu's body. With the power of his sword formation, even the Third Taishou will not be able to support it for long."

"Damn, is there any way to influence the sword formation?"

At this time, a sudden black fist burst out, blasting on the sword formation, actually affecting the sword formation, opening a gap.

The three prefects and the heavenly king Zhang Sheng took the opportunity to rush out of the sword formation.

"Oh, Cangwen Sage."

Madman Chu looked not far away.

I saw Saint Cangwen slowly put away his fists.

He was the one who shot just now.

"Chu Madman, you are acting too domineering, and today I will work with the two saints to suppress you, let you know that in this world, you can't do whatever you want with strength!!"

Saint Cang Wen said awe-inspiringly, his eyes showed coldness, he had an old hatred with Madman Chu, and now Heavenly King Palace and City One are jointly dealing with Madman Chu, how could he let this great opportunity pass.

"Heh, the overlord saints are showing off in the Xuanwu realm, and now I am ashamed to say that I am overbearing on the other hand, it's really funny."

"But it doesn't You shot, didn't you just take revenge for your broken arm? This time, I don't mind cutting off your head as well!" Chu Madman said with cold eyes.

"It's a pity, you can't do it."

A sharp howl echoed in the void, and saw a silver-white thunder falcon falling from the sky, turning into a silver-haired old man.

This old man is very strong and strong, exuding an extremely fierce aura. He is the saint of the Thunder Falcon tribe.

"Chu madman, you used to kill me, Lei Ao, the young emperor of the Thunder Falcon clan. I think it is necessary to settle this grudge with you."

The Thunder Falcon saint said lightly.

"Tsk, I didn't expect me to deal with the first city, the palace of the heavenly kings, and actually draw both of you out, interesting."

Madman Chu looked at the void and said with a smile: "The sages in the sky don't need to look anymore. Whoever wants to come down to ask for advice, just show up, let's have a good fight!!"

(End of this chapter)

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