Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 300: : What's the use of uniting, no one can stop Xuan Tianzong

Chapter 300 What is the use of uniting? No one can stop Xuan Tianzong

"Light Judgment!"


Lan Yu gave a soft drink, and the majestic Guangming Daoyun burst out, and gathered into a white spear in her palm, with runes flowing on it, a bright and vast, but full of destruction floating.

The spear burst out like a stream of night light.

Li Yin couldn't avoid it at all, and he took the blow abruptly!

boom! !

The great horror broke out!

The black emperor's body in Li Yin's body was already corroded by the searing of light to the point that there was not much power, and now it was hit by this light trial, and the dark Dao Yun on his body instantly fell apart!

The black emperor is not bad, but it breaks!

Li Yin, lose!

After defeating all the seven Tianjiao, Lan Yu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, his face turned pale after brushing, he couldn't help kneeling on the ground, his original aura like a rainbow also became wilting.

Obviously, this battle made her consume a lot.

Although there are only seven Tianjiao, but among them are Linghu Teng and Lei Mingtian two young emperors, plus Li Yin, one of the ten outstanding talents, and the other four Tianjiao are all first-class young masters in the world.

These seven people are enough to kill the Supreme Supreme.

Still the kind of veteran supreme supreme.

"Five Dao Tong joined forces to deal with Xuan Tianzong, Murong Xuan and the others should also be targeted, and they must be found as soon as possible."

Lan Yu thought to himself.

She took out a pill and took it.

An extremely abundant medicinal power burst out in an instant, turned into surging spiritual power, injected into the dried up spiritual ruins.

With the help of the pill, Lan Yu's face looked much better, and she didn't care about adjusting her breath, slowly transforming her spiritual power, and quickly left the scene.

Than the battlefield, on the spectator stage.

Patriarch Linghu, Chief Lei Fal and others were dumbfounded on the spot.

"Cheating, cheating! Lan Yu is cheating!"

Patriarch Linghu yelled.

"Keep your mouth clean, why did you cheat?"

Madman Chu said coldly.

"Lan Yu uses the pill, isn't it cheating?"

"The rules of the game didn't say that the pill can not be used, you can also use it." Chu Kuangren said lightly.

"Where do we have that kind of pill, a pill that can quickly restore the spiritual power of a venerable in an instant, this kind of pill, it is estimated that only the alchemy master can refine it."

Patriarch Linghu said in a deep voice.

As an important resource for cultivation, pill medicine does have various functions, but most pill medicine has a refining process, and the battlefield is changing rapidly. Where will you give you time to recover with the pill medicine?

Like the pill that Lan Yu used, one pill quickly replenishes most of his spiritual power. Such a pill is really rare.

At the juncture of the life and death battle, it may be a life!

"Oh, don't you allow others to use it without it?"

Madman Chu sneered.

"You..." Patriarch Linghu was choked and said nothing.

"It is rumored that this Madman of Chu is a great master of alchemy. These pills are probably made by him for Lan Yu and others. No wonder he has always been confident. It turns out that he has this trump card."

The palace lord of the heavenly king, the patriarch of the overlord body's eyes sank, the great master of alchemy, this is too important for a Taoism.

They felt incredible in their hearts.

Madman Chu was young, and his combat power was not only capable of killing saints, but also a master of alchemy. Is this still a human? ?

Within the blood moon ancient town.

Lan Yu was looking for Murongxuan and others.

Soon, she heard the fluctuations of battle coming from not far away.

I saw Murong Xuan and Nangong Huang in a hard fight. They were besieged by ten Tianjiao, and their bodies were already scarred.

She said nothing, join the battlefield!

Supplemented by the pill, although the spiritual power in her body has not been fully recovered, it is 50 or 60%. A vast and energetic Guangming Daoyun burst out in an instant, sending a Tianjiao out.

At this moment, not far away, a sword light of red and blue intertwined and swept across, also flying a Tianjiao.

But it was Junyi and Jin Feiyan.

The five arrogances of Xuan Tianzong have all gathered.

The five people stood together, even if they were scarred, but looking at the Tianjiao who besieged them, their eyes were absolutely fearless!

"No one can stop Xuan Tianzong, even if your five Taoist traditions are united together, what's the fear?!"

Murong Xuan laughed, his body surged and turned into seven fireballs, suspended in mid-air like the sun, "Come on!"

With a loud shout, seven fireballs were shot one after another.

Nangong Huang was not to be outdone, with yin and yang divine light flowing in his eyes, injecting sword energy, and the two Tianjiao were defeated steadily!

"Holy light rain!"

"Look at the sword formation!"

The power of sacred light, the infinite sword formation of water and fire, two powerful forces also broke out at the same time, sweeping the entire battlefield.

The five members of Xuantianzong exploded and shook the entire audience on the battlefield. Everyone watched the battle with bated breath.

time flies.

Less than half an hour.

Bloody Moon Town, under the **** moonlight.

Lan Yu, Murong Xuan, Nangong Huang, Jun Yi, and Jin Feiyan are scarred, but they still stand tall. The evil spirits on their bodies are breathtaking, like five undefeated war gods.

And around the five people, the other five Orthodox Tianjiao were already lying on the ground, wailing constantly.

Xuan Tianzong won with one enemy and five!

In the arena, the audience watched this scene and looked at the five people who stood upright, and they only felt that their hearts were surging.

When the five people walked to the ancient town of Bleeding Moon and were transported back to the ancient town of Blood Moon, huge cheers rang out from the entire battlefield!

"Xuan Tianzong!!"

"Xuan Tianzong!!"


At this moment, even if Lan Yu and the others were exhausted, they still looked like that light, dazzling and charming in the eyes of everyone.

This is the yearning and respect for the strong!

Facing the cheers of the audience, Lan Yu was okay, except for his expression a little tired, there was no obvious emotional change.

The others are different, open their arms, enjoying the cheers of everyone, and accepting the honor that belongs to them!

In particular, Jin Feiyan kept beckoning and blowing kisses to the audience, very excited.

At this time, the twelfth prefect of the referee stood up slowly, swallowed, and said with a trembling tone: "The fourth round of the D group is over, and the winner is...Xuan Tianzong!"

"A total of points... two hundred and fifty!"

Two hundred and fifty points!

Representing the twenty-five Tianjiao who were defeated by Lan Yu and This is the highest score that can be obtained in the fourth link!

No one except Xuan Tianzong can do all Taoism!

Because no Taoism can force the other five Taoisms of the group to join forces to deal with them like Xuantianzong.

"Two hundred and fifty points, plus the above two hundred and thirty-five points, a total of 485 points, far surpassing the points of the rest of the Taoism, the champion must be Xuan Tianzong!"

"Yes, Xuantianzong is invincible!!"

"It's amazing. I didn't expect this kind of dark horse to appear in this hegemony competition. I just rode the dust and left everyone behind."

"Xuantianzong has madmen from Chu and these Taoists. I can't imagine how strong the Xuantianzong will be in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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