Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 276: : Going to the Baihu domain, I have never seen the world, it is better to come to disc

   "This song has made these Daozi suddenly realize?"

   The saints of Xuan Tianzong were very surprised.

   I didn't expect Chu Madman's piano sound to have this effect, but after thinking about the Daoyun contained in the piano sound, I took it for granted.

   The sound of the piano is really rare in the world.

   That is the real sound of nature!

   These few people have accumulated a lot of insights under the training of the madman of Chu these days, and now they have a brain burst under the guidance of the piano sound, and they have entered a state of epiphany. It is not impossible for their strength to advance.

   "Lan Yu, I'll play this piano for you later."

   Chu Madman smiled and put away the guqin.

   Then, he seemed to think of something, and said to Lan Yu: "By the way, do you want me to give this guqin a name?"

   "Raoliang, this guqin is called Raoliang."

   Lan Yu said quickly, "This is what Elder Ruyan started."

   She remembered that when Elder Ruyan handed the Qin to her, she solemnly told her the name, so that she would not let Madden Chu name it.

   She can't praise his ability to make a name.

   "Huh? Take the remnant sound around the beam, does it mean endlessly for three days? It's a good name, but unfortunately, I originally wanted to name it Jinglei."

   Chu Madman said regretfully.


   Is it loud?

   Lan Yu couldn't help but complain.

   After defeating Jian Qi clone, Nangong Huang and others gathered together to discuss the sound of the piano. A genius remembers 噺バ一Chinese m.x/8/1/z/w.c/o/m/

   "Do you know where the sound of the piano just came from? It's so mysterious, I entered a state of epiphany after listening to it."

   "Yeah, that's amazing."

   "I have never heard of the vast Taoist rhyme. The person who plays this piano must be a great master of the piano."

   "But how can this great master appear here?"

   "And it also helped us realize our epiphany."

   "The headmaster should know, ask him later." Nangong Huang said, and suddenly saw two Madmen Chu approaching not far away.

   Several people hurriedly greeted him.

   "Head, here you are, do you know what happened to the piano sound just now?" Murong Xuan asked straightforwardly.

"of course."

   "I don't know which master Qindao played it, can you let us see it, we want to thank him in person."

   Nan Gonghuang said.

   "Far in the sky, close in front of you." Chu Kuang said humanely.

   Hearing this, everyone couldn't help looking at Lan Yu in shock.

   "Lan Yu, you played it?"

  Chu madman:? ? ?

   Why did you want to go to Lan Yu? Didn't it respond to me in the first place? Isn't it the boss who played it?

   "I heard Xiaobing say that Miss Lan is good at playing piano, but I have never heard of it. I saw it today, it was so extraordinary."

   Murong Xuan's admiration.

   And Junyi showed hesitation: "I have heard Lan Yu's piano. It sounds good, but it doesn't seem to be that way."

   "I didn't play it, it was the son."

   Lan Yu pointed at Chu Madman.

   Everyone looked at Madman Chu in amazement.

   "Can the head play the piano?"

   "Why, are you surprised?" Madman Chu said lightly.

   "That's not it, head, I haven't heard you say that you can play the piano before." Nangong Huang said in surprise.

   "I know more, do I have to tell you everything?"

   The Madman Chu rolled his eyes and said.

   "That's not necessary." Nangong Huang scratched his head and said.

  The Madman Chu said that he played the piano, and everyone didn't have any doubts. After all, Madman Chu showed them too many magical things, and it was not that difficult to understand the identity of a great master of the piano.

   "By the way, the head, now we have defeated your sword qi clone, I wonder if there is any other training."

   asked Nangong Huang.

   "No, there are less than seven days left before the hegemony competition. If you need any training, I will set off to Baihuyu tomorrow."

   Hearing the words of Madman Chu, everyone looked at each other.

   At this moment, they felt indescribable.

   "How come I am not very happy."

   Murong Xuan said.

   On the one hand, they felt relieved that this inhuman torture was finally over. On the other hand, they also noticed the progress of themselves and others and hoped that this training would continue.

   "Co-authored with you, this is because you have been abused and addicted. Then I will give you a whole set of more exciting training after I come back."

   Chu Madman glanced at Murong Xuan and said.

   Hearing this, everyone suddenly felt their scalp numb, and now the training is considered hell. What is more exciting?

   "Don't, boss, I'm joking."

   "This is what Murong Xuan said, we didn't say it."

   "Yes, you have to train you to train Murong Xuan."

   Everyone rioted for a while.

   Then, Madman Chu asked them to go back and prepare.

the next day.

   Chu Madman took out the mirage.

   The huge mirage was suspended above Xuan Tianzong, and the huge hull made everyone present feel oppressed.

   "Master, take care."

   in front of the mountain gate.

   Elder Ruyan and others send the Madman of Chu and the Daozi.

   In this Tianjiao competition, they represent Xuan Tianzong, and everyone shoulders the honor and disgrace of Xuan Tianzong on their shoulders.

   "Okay, let's go first." New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   Chu Madman went to the mirage with a group of Taoists.

   Immediately afterwards, two huge air currents erupted from the tail of the huge mirage, pushing the mirage away, leaving two white marks in the clouds and the disciples who were blown up and down.

   "This mirage is so awesome!"

   "Tsk, if only I could sit once."


   mirage upstairs.

   Nangong Huang who came up for the first time, Qin Wushuang and others looked at the pavilions on the mirage, and the rockery gardens couldn't help being shocked.

   This is Xianzhou? !

   This is simply a city in the sky.

   Compared with Nangong Huang and others, Murong Xuan performed better. He had been to a mirage once, although the experience was not very good.

   Thinking of what happened at Murong's house, his gaze was a bit obscure.

   But then after seeing the scene of Nangong Huang and others looking around inside the mirage, a smile appeared on the corners of their mouths.

   He walked up and glanced at a few people, "Cut, look at you, as if you have never seen the world, it's shameful."

   "This mirage is really spectacular."

   Nan Gonghuang said I am afraid that searching the entire sky star may not be able to find such an immortal boat.

   "Okay, you find a room here by yourself. It is estimated that it will take two or three days to get to Baihuyu."

   Chu Madman said, of the four regions, the Azure Dragon Region is the farthest from the White Tiger Region, and this Four Region Tianjiao Tournament is held in the first city of the White Tiger Region, even if the mirage passes by, it will take some time.

   "Yes, the master."

  Nangonghuang and others each found a place to live.

   And the little red who turned into the body is spreading joy on the mirage, and shuttles back and forth between the pavilion and the pavilion.

   "Xiao Hong, be careful, don't break things."

   "Okay, brother."

   The madman Chu glanced at him, and ignored him.

   In the evening, Nangong Huang, Jun Yi and others gathered together, looking at the moon, taking out drinks and snacks, enjoying the moon and drinking.

   "Well, let's discuss the Tao."

   Suddenly, Murong Xuan said on a whim.

"it is good."

"Right on my mind."

   Several people did not refuse.

  Only Shang Qingxue walked aside silently without participating. Her cultivation base was too weak, and she would only be backlashed if she rushed up to discuss the Tao.

   But looking at it from the side, maybe you can feel it

   Several people talked about Taoism, but they were all on top.

   Then, they suddenly looked at Madman Chu. After a few people looked at each other, their Dao Yun rushed towards Madman Chu.

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