Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 261: : Baipao will give clues to future generations, head Gaoyi

Chapter 261: The White Robe's Clue to the Descendants, the Head Gao Yi

The masters of the clan united and attacked the patriarch of the Shang clan.

Although the patriarch of the Shang clan is the supreme supreme, but under the joint efforts of everyone, he gradually showed fatigue. In addition, he was besieged by his clan, and became discouraged. He accidentally cloned himself and was hit by a single move.

"It's really a good show."

Madman Chu was watching and couldn't help applauding.

The faces of several elders were a little awkward.

But in order to save their lives, they can only do so.

I saw an elder escorting the patriarch of the Shang clan to step forward, "Friend Chu, the merchant offends fellow Daoists, and the sin deserves a million deaths, and he is Shang Han's father, and fellow Daoist Chu wants to kill him.

Madman Chu didn't look at the elder, but took out the Lou's ancient sword from Qiankun Ring, and said lightly: "I'll ask you, where did Shang Han get this Lou's ancient sword."

"It seems that the origin of this Lou's ancient sword is very important to you, but I will never tell you half a word."

The patriarch of the Shang clan sneered.

He knew that he was going to die today. If that was the case, how could he say anything that would be beneficial to Madman Chu?

"This sword is a bit familiar."

At this time, one of the elders suddenly gave a soft voice.

When the patriarch of the Shang clan heard this, he almost vomited blood.

Damn, do you want to demolish his station like this?

Madman Chu smiled faintly and looked at the elder, "Say, how is this ancient sword familiar? Where have you seen it."

The elder thought for a while, "A few years ago, I went to Yuncheng. There was an offshoot of the Shang clan, this ancient sword, I saw it there, but I didn’t take it seriously. ."

Although the material of the Lou's ancient sword is special, it has no other effect except for opening up the enchantment with Loucheng.

For those who don't know the treasures of Lou's country, this Lou's ancient sword is not as good as an ordinary supreme weapon.

Therefore, the elder didn't care much at the time.

He didn't expect that he would see this ancient sword again on such an occasion in a few years, which really surprised him.

"I remember now, Young Emperor, oh no, Shang Han also visited Yuncheng some time ago." A Shang clan said suddenly.

"Yuncheng, a branch of the Shang clan..."

Madman Chu showed a thoughtful look.

It seems that this ancient sword of the Lou clan was obtained by Shang Han from that branch of the Shang clan. Does that branch of the Shang clan have descendants of the white robe general?

"It seems necessary to go to Yuncheng."

Madman Chu whispered.

"Friend Chu, if you don't dislike it, I can show you the way." The elder next to him suddenly said flatly.

Madman Chu thought for a while. After all, he was a branch of the Shang clan, and if he brought a Shang clan elder, it might be more convenient and he agreed.

"By the way, Fellow Daoist Chu, what about him."

The Shang elder pointed to the Shang patriarch and said.


Madman Chu said flatly.

He doesn't need to do this anymore, someone will do it for him.

In a short while, the patriarch of the dignified merchant clan, the Supreme Supreme was so aggrieved and died in the hands of his clan.

"A saint, a supreme supreme, should be enough to comfort the undead of the Tianyu Sect martyrs."

An elder said cautiously.

Madman Chu glanced at the other party when he heard the words, and that look was like a cold and piercing sword, as if it were about to pierce the other party's heart.

The other party's legs softened, and he knelt on the ground quickly, "I am the one who talks too much. Please friend Chu Daoist, no, please let the head of Chu spare my life."

"With more than 18,000 lives, can the lives of your Shang clan saints and patriarchs be offset?"

Madman Chu said indifferently.

Hearing this, the merchants all knelt down, trembling all over, shrouded in a great fear.

What does Chu Kuangren mean?

Hasn't he killed enough?

Is it really willing to destroy the entire Shang clan?

No one dared to ask, everyone was in fear, they knew their lives, and now they were all in the mind of Madman Chu.

"From today, the Shang clan will send ten venerables to the Tianyu Sect in turn to guard the dead and obey the dispatch of the Tianyu Sect for a period of 1,000 years! If there is a violation, the Shang clan does not need to exist."

Madman Chu said lightly, as far as he is concerned, the current Shang clan has no threat, and the main culprit of the release of millions of evil spirits, Shang Han, is dead, and a patriarch and a saint have been joined.

In the battle, there were countless Shang people killed and injured.

There is no point in killing or not killing the remaining people. It would be better to save their lives and help rebuild the Tianyu Sect.

Hearing what he said, everyone was relieved.

Just be alive, just be alive.

As for guarding the martyrs of the Tianyu Sect, listening to the dispatch of the Tianyu Sect, and giving them slaves, although these make the Shang clan faceless, they are really afraid of the Chu Madman, and they dare not defy any.

"Let's go, go to Cloud City."

Madman Chu said lightly.

In this visit to the Shang clan, in addition to seeking justice for those who died in the Tianyu Sect, the most important thing is to find the descendants of the general.

Madman Chu visited the Shang clan, and the slaying of a saint gradually spread out. Many forces were frightened when they learned about it.

A year ago, two sages of the Murong family were beheaded for Murongxuan. One year later, he joined the world, and a six-step sage of the Shang clan was beheaded for a subsidiary force. The madman Chu's dominance made everyone extremely jealous.

But by the way, everything the other party did had a reason, and this was the most helpless of everyone. Even if some of them wanted to unite and suppress Madman Chu, they had no excuse.

Of course, they can also find an excuse at will, but the prerequisite is that they must be able to suppress the Mad Chu.

Few of today's saints have this kind of strength.

Near the ancient battlefield, in the Tianyu Sect.

Sect Master Tianyu, who had just received the message that the madman of Chu was making trouble with the Shang clan, shook his body and then bowed in the direction of Xuan Tianzong.

"The head Gaoyi!!"

Behind him, all the elders and disciples all knelt on the ground together, bowing in the direction of Xuan Tianzong.

"The head Gaoyi!!"

"The head Gao Yi..."

Leng Changkong said with some worry: "Sect Master, although the head of the leader seeks justice for us, but he successively beheaded the Will he suffer the envy of the saints and cause trouble to the upper body?"

"The head has his own reason for doing things. As for the jealousy of the saints, that's for sure, but what?"

Sect Master Tianyu showed admiration on his face, "If you want to find trouble with the head, they have to weigh their own strength. Let's not say that there is a reason for the saint beheaded. They can't find a reason to deal with the head, even if they do, The strength of the head has few enemies in the world."

"Behind you there are Xuantianzong, Qingyun Dynasty, and Bailian Sect of several saints. In addition, I heard that the reputation of the head is gradually spreading in Buddhism. Many Buddhism monks believe that he is a living Buddha walking around the world. No one dares to move the head easily."

The current Madman Chu is terrifying to a heinous level no matter his background or strength.

To deal with him is too difficult, too difficult.

After the madman of Chu made such trouble in the Shang clan, Tianyu Sect became more resigned to Xuantianzong, and the rest of the affiliated forces also became more determined to hug the thigh of Xuantianzong.

(End of this chapter)

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