Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 252: : Condensing all methods into one body, killing intent

The Buddha's light is abundant in the sky above the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

The evolution of various Buddhist practices in the sky is shocking.

The first person in the Bodhidharma Academy looked at that kind of practice, remembering the purpose of coming here, and suddenly felt disappointed.

He came here to get the Madman Chu out. After all, this Tibetan scripture pavilion is the foundation that Leiyin Temple has accumulated over the years.

But now, he suddenly felt that it was unnecessary.

Several sage methods have been learned by the other party. What use is it for him to go in and pull people out now? !

It's too late.

He never expected that the madman of Chu's comprehension was so terrifying that he would comprehend all the practice methods only after entering the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion for a long time.

Is this guy still a human? ?

At this time, the various Russian visions in the sky dissipated.


The door of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion opened, and the Madman Chu slowly walked out of it.

In his body, there is Buddha's light circulating, Taoist rhyme is manifested, there is an indescribable holiness, coupled with that otherworldly appearance, making him look like a fairy, attracting the attention of all the monks present.

The monks participate in meditation daily, and the qualitative is the best.

When I saw the Madman of Chu, I still felt the Buddha's heart trembled.

That is the heartbeat of the most beautiful things in the world.

It is the instinct to pursue beauty as a person.

"My Buddha heart is like iron, unshakable, Amitabha!" After seeing Madman Chu, Killing murmured a Buddha's name, but his hostility towards Madman Chu has been reduced a lot without knowing it.

"Hey, the Dao Yun on Fellow Daoist Chu..."

Suddenly, Hui Xin said softly.

He discovered that the Taoist rhyme on the Madman Chu was a little abnormal, not only the Taoist rhyme of Buddhism practice, but also other signs of Taoism.

Killing Xin also found out, took a closer look, then took a breath of air, and couldn't believe it in his eyes.

In the madman of Chu, in addition to the Taoist rhyme of the Buddhist practice, there are many other Taoist rhymes of the practice.

There are kendo, boxing, five elements, yin and yang...

These countless Dao Yun circulated in his body, filled with divine light!

And the Madman Chu at this time is like an oven, blending these countless Dao rhymes into an unparalleled peerless Dao rhyme!

This Dao rhyme is a fusion of the Dao rhymes of countless methods, but this one seems to be able to see the shadow of all kinds of Dao rhymes in the world.

"This, this is the integration of all laws!"

"Ten Thousand Fas are integrated into one body, but the peerless Supreme Dao body ranked third in 3,000 physiques! It hasn't appeared in many years!"

"According to the rumors, once all the laws are integrated, it is easy to kill the saints. It is the most terrifying force in the world."

Hui Xin and killing heart were all shocked.

They knew that Madman Chu possessed an exquisite sword heart with nine orifices, and that this was the top ten supreme Taoist body among the three thousand physiques.

But now, there is another ten thousand magic combination body that is even more terrifying than the nine-aperture exquisite sword heart!

It is hard to imagine how terrifying his combat power will be!

The Taoist rhyme in Madman Chu gradually converged and returned to normal. He slowly walked to Huixin and Murder Xin and said with a smile: "This time I borrowed the books of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion and helped me a lot. Thank you Master."

With the blessing of the attribute of selflessness, Madman Chu quickly learned countless Buddhist techniques. With the accumulation of background knowledge before, Madman Chu finally condensed the unity of ten thousand methods in one fell swoop after studying countless methods!

Although he hasn't achieved success, as his cultivation level increases, the power of this Taoist body will rise accordingly.

"This time I came to Leiyin Temple, it was right."

Madman Chu thought to himself.

"Fellow Daoist Chu studied the practice. I must have spent a lot of effort. I have asked my disciples to arrange a guest room for you. Daoists can go to rest at any time." Hui Xin said.

"Thank you, Master."

Madman Chu nodded slightly and left with Lan Yu.

After the two of them left, Huixin glanced at the murderous heart, smiled playfully, and said: "I heard that you came here to get Fellow Chu out of the Buddhist Scripture Pavilion, why didn't you say anything just now."

Hearing this, Killing Xin's face sank, and said, "What are you asking me to pull? People have learned all the exercises, but you are teasing me about how you are the abbot."

Killing has a fierce temper, and it can be said that he and Huixin grew up together. The relationship between the two is extraordinary. Killing is not as respectful to Huixin as other monks, and is much more casual.

Huixin knew the temperament of his old friend, so he didn't mean to blame. He said, "Do you know that I exchanged Buddhism with Daoist Chu today, what have I gained?"

"What can I gain?" Killing learned from other monks that Huixin exchanged Dharma with Chu Madman.

But the specific process is not very clear. In his opinion, the Mad Chu may be proficient in Buddhism, but after all, he is just an outsider. This cannot be a reason for the other party to enter and leave the Buddhist scripture pavilion at will.

"I am about to cross the catastrophe, and after this time to exchange the Dharma with the Chu Dao friends, I am sure that the catastrophe is at least 70%!

Hui Xin said in an amazing voice.

As soon as this remark came out, the murderous expression changed, "What did he tell you to make your Dharma so advanced!"

You must know that the practice of Leiyin Temple has a lot to do with the individual's practice of Dharma. The deeper the practice of Dharma, the stronger the power of practice.

The original Huixin was about to overcome the catastrophe, but at most he could only be sure of 50%, but this time I exchanged the Dharma with the madman of Chu, and he increased to 70%? !

Don't underestimate the 20%, you know, there are countless cultivators in the world, and very few can be sure that they can reach 70%.

Killing Xin couldn't believe it, just communicated with the madman of Chu to make Huixin so diligent? !

Huixin took out a pamphlet and handed it to Killing Xin.

"Watch it for yourself."

"this is……"

Killing Xin took the booklet, opened it, and the first sentence that caught his eye made him look shocked.

"All aspects are vain. If you see all aspects, you will see the Tathagata..."

With this one sentence, the profound Buddhism contained in it has already amazed the killing heart, and there are a dozen sentences in this booklet.

"Could it be that Madman Chu said these in Chengdu?"

"Yes." Huixin nodded, "These Wuye relayed to me are what the Madman Chu said when he pointed him."

Killing Xin was silent. Looking at the book in his hand, he only felt that it was extremely important. If these words were spread out, it would be enough for the Madman Chu to gain supreme status in Buddhism.

"No wonder you let him freely enter and exit the Buddhist scriptures murderous smile.

"This booklet, take it back and study it carefully. You, although you are a Buddhist, but you are too murderous, I hope these words can help you." Huixin said lightly.

"it is good."

Killing heart put away the booklet.

After he went back to the Bodhidharma Academy, he read the pamphlet for one night. It contained more than a dozen sentences, about two hundred words, and he could read it at a glance, but he read it all night carefully.

But after the whole night, not only did he gain nothing, his eyes gradually showed confusion.

"I have killed so many people over the years, can I really cultivate a righteous fruit?! Put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha right away?!"

"But I put down the butcher knife, who will protect the common people?"

The more he thought about it, the more confused he became, and his face showed the color of struggle.

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