Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 247: : The evil spirits are assembled, he actually sat down, the sword spirit clones the ev

Ancient battlefield, inner circle.

Madman Chu was playing with a black spar.

This spar showed an irregular prismatic shape, which contained a strong Heavenly Evil Qi, which was more than ten times more than that in the Chu Madman.

"Good baby."

The corner of Madman Chu's mouth was slightly raised.

If he can absorb his Tiansha crystals, he can push the Tiansha invincible body to more than 50% of Dacheng.

At that time, the combat power he can exert will be extremely terrifying, and with other means, ordinary saints are not opponents at all.

But there was still a big gap compared to the level of the Giant Sha Saint King.

Even after he merged with the crystallization of the evil spirits, the energy of the evil spirits was similar to that of the opponent, but the saint king of the giant evil spirit had absorbed countless evil spirits in the ancient battlefield for several years, not just possessing the energy of the evil spirits.

"Why won't this white robe come out yet?"

Madman Chu looked at the core area of ​​the ancient battlefield and muttered.

At this moment, there was a strong wave of evil spirit behind him.

I saw a blade of light swiftly like a meteor, suddenly swept!

The madman of Chu slapped out his backhand, and the Renshan Seal tactic was used, and a violent Renshan force smashed the blade to pieces.

He looked not far away, and an evil spirit holding a long knife quickly came towards him. It was one of the ten evil spirits in the inner circle!

In addition to the sword evil spirit, there is also a tiger-shaped evil spirit, and a huge black worm crawling on the ground like a hill.

These are the tiger evil spirits, the insect evil spirits among the ten evil spirits in the inner circle...

In addition, there are a large number of high-level evil spirits.

Madman Chu was stunned.

"Why are there so many head evil spirits suddenly?"

Suddenly, he turned to look at the crystal of the evil spirit in his hand, and suddenly said, "Is it attracted by the crystal of the evil spirit?"

The air of the evil spirits is tantamount to a huge good fortune to the evil spirits, and can even make them derive their wisdom.

Not to mention that this contains the crystallization of the strong heavenly spirit.

It is estimated that the evil spirits in the entire inner circle are now rushing to him.

Madman Chu tossed the celestial evil crystallization twice, then put it into the universe ring, smiled lightly: "A group of Xiaosha dare to be presumptuous."

The saint-level evil spirits in the core area can't do anything to him, let alone the evil spirits in the inner circle?

The abnormality of the inner circle of evil spirits has attracted the attention of countless adventurers, especially after the horrible scene of a million evil spirit army, and now everyone's nerves are still in a sensitive period of time.

Now seeing the abnormalities of these evil spirits can not help but feel a little frightened.

"What's the situation?! These evil spirits are crazy."

"No, they wouldn't be like the army of millions of evil spirits, collectively rushing out of the ancient battlefield and harming the common people?"

"The ancient battlefield hasn't changed much for so many years. It's only a few days now. Why have abnormalities happened one after another?"

"No, you see, these evil spirits are heading to the core area of ​​the ancient battlefield. What is going on?"

"Go and see..."

Some monks pondered for a while, unable to bear their curiosity, planning to go and see what caused the evil spirit to move.

Soon, everyone approached the core area, and those who dared to come here were powerful, and the worst were also figures in the Venerable Realm.

"Look, there is someone there."

In the crowd, someone exclaimed.

A white spot appeared in their vision, and that white spot was also the target of countless evil spirits.

The white spot is a person.

It was a man wearing a white robe with wide sleeves and a gorgeous long sword hanging from his waist, with a vague and otherworldly temperament.

"It's Madman Chu!"

In the crowd, someone recognized Madman Chu.

Everyone looked at him and couldn't help being surprised.

"Why is he here?"

"Wait, he seems to be the target of these evil spirits. What did he do to be targeted by so many evil spirits?"

"Look at it, it's the sword evil spirit, the insect evil spirit, the troll evil spirit, and a few others in the inner circle of the ten evil spirits. These terrifying existences have actually come here. Madman Chu is alone. Can he handle it?"

The evil spirits are in groups, and there are even countless high-level evil spirits. Almost all the ten evil spirits in the inner circle are also present. The majestic evil spirit sweeps the world, and this battle is not weaker than the previous army of millions of evil spirits.

In comparison, Madman Chu appeared very small.

"Don't forget, he is Madman Chu!"

A monk took a deep breath and said solemnly.

The others were silent when they heard this. If the other monks standing in front of this group of evil spirits, even if it was an army of thousands of monks, they would not feel that they had any chance of winning.

But Madman Chu is different.

He alone is better than a thousand troops!

The crowd stared at Madman Chu, wanting to see how he coped.

I saw him make a shocking move.

When he gently raised his hand, the sand on the ground floated in front of him, and then condensed into a...chair? !

Madman Chu, just as countless evil spirits approached, he leisurely sat on the chair.

This move scared many monks present.

You know, even if they look at them, they are scared to death by the evil aura of countless evil spirits.

But Madman Chu faced these evil spirits directly, so he was so calm.

"He, he actually sat down?!"

Some said in disbelief.

Others rubbed their eyes and suspected that they had hallucinations.

At this time, a scene that shocked everyone even more happened.

I saw Madman Chu sitting on the sand chair, snapped his fingers, and then Dao Dao Jian Qi flew out of his body and turned into clones.

These clones were constructed of sword aura, and they all looked exactly the same as the madman Chu, with the sword flowing around them and the rhyme surrounding them.

"This, what method is this?!"

"My God, so many clones."

Everyone felt a little unbelievable.

But the scene before him was real.

Madman Chu was sitting on the sand chair, using his sword qi transformation technique, splitting two hundred clones, and rushing toward the countless evil spirits in front of him!

These two hundred sword aura clones formed a terrifying sword aura defense line, and for a time, no evil spirit could break through.

"Anyway, I'm waiting for someone, so let's play with you."

Madman Chu said, sitting on the sand chair with Erlang's legs upright.

Perhaps because the two hundred sword qi clones were not very powerful, he took out the Azure Spirit Sword Box and flew the long sword out one by one.

Adding a sword-qi clone to a sword, the combat power suddenly increased.

In the air, the cultivators who came were all dumbfounded.

It was the first time that they saw such a battle. They sat comfortably and sent hundreds of sword qi clones to sweep the battlefield!

"Is this the unparalleled Madman Chu?"

"What a terrifying strength this is!"

"Oh my God, I think he can easily kill me with a sword-qi clone, and he can split into hundreds!"

"Is that human being?"

Everyone was stunned.


The Dao Sha, one of the ten fierce ones in the inner circle, roared, rushing to the direction where the sword qi clone was constructed, and killing him towards Chu Madman.

Not only the sword, but also the other ten fierce inner circles also broke through the line of defense one by one.

After all, two hundred sword qi clones were split up at once, and the strength of this clone is limited.

And the ten evil spirits in the inner circle are also the supreme supreme level.

"Are Madman Chu's body going to take action?"

"It should be."

The Ten Fiends in the inner circle headed by Dao Sha rushed towards Madman Chu.

Madman Chu was sitting on the sand chair and his body moved. When everyone thought he was going to get up to deal with these ten evils, they saw him still sitting, and just moved his butt.

I saw him slowly raising his right hand, and then lightly pressing towards the inner circle Shixie.

In the void, the terrifying spiritual power mixed with the earth's energy to form a majestic mountain, suddenly pressing on the Dao Sha and other ten evil spirits!


The earth erupted with a loud noise, which was shocked!

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