Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 231: : Inner circle, high-level evil spirit, like a drama

"Why is it dark?"

Everyone was very surprised.

But Leng Changkong's face changed, and he looked into the distance.

I saw endless wind and sand in the dim sky, connecting the sky and the earth, like a black dragon with teeth and claws!

A terrifying storm is coming!

"No, it's a sandstorm!"

"Hurry up!!"

Leng Changkong shouted.

The expressions of everyone became extremely frightened.

The sandstorm in the ancient battlefield is different from the upper sandstorm in other deserts. This sandstorm contains a terrifying evil spirit. Even if the Supreme is involved, it will be a life of nine deaths!

Several people in Leng Changkong couldn't resist in the face of such natural disasters.

"Friend Chu, hurry up!"

Leng Changkong shouted at the Madman Chu with a frightened expression, and then led everyone to rush in a certain direction.

Madman Chu glanced at the sandstorm sweeping the world, hesitated for a moment, and then ran with a few people with Lan Yu.

In fact, this sandstorm did not pose any threat to him, but to Leng Changkong and others, it was a great terror!

"Madan, really bad luck, actually encountered a sandstorm."

"Stop complaining, run faster."

Everyone fled all the way.

In the end, everyone was shocked and finally escaped.

"Huh, I can survive this sandstorm. After I return, I can blow for a lifetime." The talkative young man laughed.

The rest of the people also looked like a survivor.

"Haha, survived."

"Go, what are you doing with me."

"I see if you are scared to pee."

Several people in Leng Changkong lay on the ground laughing and talking.

"Captain, it seems, something is wrong." A female cultivator in the team looked around, her expression a little surprised.

When they heard her, everyone looked at each other.

Leng Changkong immediately recovered, looking around, his face gradually became serious, "Here, it seems to be... the inner circle!!"

As soon as this statement was made, everyone's face suddenly changed.

The inner circle of the ancient battlefield is far more terrifying than the outer circle. Leng Changkong and others have not been to the inner circle several times in the ancient battlefield for so many years.


"Damn, let's go the wrong way."

"Go back quickly."

Leng Changkong nodded and said to a monk: "Old Zhang, locate the location of Tuyang City, let's go back."

"it is good."

Lao Zhang took out a compass, and when he was about to locate it, there was a sudden roar not far away, and a horror and evil spirit that seemed to be turned into substance swept from far and near crazily.

Leng Changkong and the others immediately took out their weapons like an enemy.

I saw a huge toad descending from the sky. This toad was very ugly. Its body was surging with misty black evil spirits, and its grayish-white skin was squirming, as if a hideous face was howling.

"High, advanced evil spirit!!"

Everyone looked terrified.

The high-level evil spirits in the ancient battlefield were terrifying, at least equivalent to the warlord level, and could not be confronted by Leng Changkong and others.


Leng Changkong shouted and let the others leave.

And he took out the long sword and prepared to break it for everyone, even if he knew that he could not last long with his strength in the Void Void Realm.

"No, Captain, we must die together!"

"Yes, we can't give up on you."

"We are a team."

Everyone looked like death at home.

When Leng Changkong saw this, his nose was sore, and his heart was moved.

at this time.

A white light shot out, directly blasting on the toad, and this high-level evil spirit comparable to the warlord level was blown up abruptly!

Lan Yu came slowly.

It was her who shot just now.

She gave a strange look at the tearful Leng Changkong people.

As if to say for? Isn't he just a king of war? The one-punch thing is like acting in a drama.

When Leng Changkong saw this, the corners of his mouth twitched.

Feeling wasted.

At the same time, they were also secretly shocked.

A senior evil spirit was hit by a punch? !

I rely on!

This strength is a bit scary for them.

Looking at the Madman Chu who was not far away, Leng Changkong's eyes were a little complicated. On the way, Lan Yu was obviously dominated by Madman Chu, and Lan Yu had such strength.

Then, what is the strength of Madman Chu? !

Leng Changkong didn't dare to think anymore.

"Is this the high-level evil spirit in the inner circle? It doesn't look great." Madman Chu murmured, his eyes a little disappointed.

Hearing his words, several people in Leng Changkong laughed bitterly.

Isn't the advanced evil spirit good?

Is this the boss?

They all felt unworthy to stand with Madman Chu.

"But there are more treasures in this inner circle." Madman Chu sensed the treasures around him and nodded slightly.

Leng Changkong and others lit up.

"Um, Captain, this is a great opportunity."

Lao Zhang looked at Leng Changkong.

You know, they rarely come to the inner circle, and the treasures in the inner circle are definitely richer than the outer circle.

Originally, with their strength, there was no way to explore for a long time here, but with Lan Yu, Madman Chu was different afterwards.

With Chu Madman's ability to perceive treasures and strength, even if they follow behind and pick up a bit of money, they can make money!

Everyone looked at Leng Changkong expectantly and asked the other party to make an idea.

Captain, come on!

How could this opportunity to hold the thighs be missed!

Leng Changkong naturally knew what the teammates meant, but looking at Madman Chu, he couldn't speak at this time.

Others rescued him yesterday, and today they took them to collect a lot of treasures in the outer circle. They have already taken a lot of advantage.

"Friend Leng, can you tell me about the situation in the inner circle."

Before Leng Changkong could say anything, Madman Chu asked first.

"it is good."

Leng Changkong nodded, and talked to Madman Chu about some situations in the inner circle of this ancient battlefield. Although he hadn't been here much, he had also heard the powerful adventurers in Tuyang City talk a lot.

"In the inner circle, due to the change in the concentration of evil spirits, the number of evil spirits far exceeds that of the outer ring, and the strength is generally much stronger."

"Among them, the ten evil spirits in the inner circle are the most famous, that is, the most powerful ten evil spirits recognized in Tuyang City!"

"Each of them has supreme and supreme combat power!"

"These ten evil spirits are troll evil spirits, sword evil spirits..."

Madman Chu listened patiently.

Then, he smiled and said: "Friend Leng, I might as well say straight, I am afraid I will stay in this inner circle for a while, and even if I have the opportunity, I will go deep into the core area. Do you still follow me?"

Hearing this everyone was shocked.

Deep into the core area? !

That's a place where saints are extremely afraid!

Leng Changkong groaned for a while, and said, "You are an extraordinary fellow Daoist Chu, and he has his own plans. I can't say anything. We are weak, and I'm afraid it will be a drag on Daoist Chu, so we left first."

This is a fact.

The inner circle is dangerous, let alone the core area.

Leng Changkong didn't want to be in danger at that time, he and others would not be able to cope, and he would have to drag the two crazy people in Chu.

Leaving is the best choice.

The others were disappointed when they heard this, but this was Leng Changkong's decision and they could only accept it.

And Leng Changkong was right.

The inner circle is really not suitable for people of their strength to explore.

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