Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2001: : The darkness of the doomsday, this is an order, I am waiting for you to come back

It has been several months since Madman Chu and Jiuyin fought.

   During this time, the wind was calm and the waves were calm, and Hellfire did not take any further action.

  Occasionally, people from the Bright Church call outside, and everything in Black Fire City is normal.

this day.

   "Congratulations to the host for drawing the Super God level to reward the Seed of Light."

   The Madman Chu looked at the newly obtained reward, slightly surprised.

   Seed of Light.

   How does the name sound related to the Bright Church?

   He opened it and saw that there was not much introduction, except that the object was born in the light, and it would give users the power to use the light.

   Chu Madman extracted it.

   This is a white ball the size of a fist, exuding a faint breath of light, with mysterious runes imprinted on it.

   "Xiao Ai, analyze this thing."


   Xiao Ai is also unambiguous, a mysterious and mysterious power falls on the seed of light.

   With Xiao Ai's current ability, she can easily analyze the existence of Hunyuan and Dao Realm, but it took some time to analyze the Seed of Light.

   shows that this thing is extraordinary.

   Compared to the Chaos Qinglian, which is also Super God level, the Blood Qi Shen Gang and the like are more than a level higher.

   "Master, this thing seems to be related to the origin of..."

   Origin, this is a mysterious and mysterious saying.

   It is said that the Great World of Hongmeng is the origin of the heavens, but the Dao within the Great World of Hongmeng also have their own origins.

   These origins do not know when they were born or when they died, but without exception, they are extremely unusual in that they can be related to the origin.

   For example, the oldest existence of the heavens is more or less related to some origins.

   "Does the seed of light have something to do with the origin of the way of light?"

   The madman of Chu is a little curious.

   Before he could thoroughly study it, I saw this seed of light, which turned into a stream of light and penetrated into his body.


   The madman of Chu studied the Seed of Light again, but found that he hadn't used its power in any way.

   Simply ignore it.

   is just for the little hobby to analyze it and see what use it can do for me.

   "Madman Chu, Prison Flame called us over." Hei Xuan found Madman Chu and said.

   Chu Madman's eyes lit up, is he finally going to do something?

   The two came to a palace.

   saw Hellfire, and the other party was a little worried at this time.

   Seeing Hei Xuan, after the Madman Chu came, he said, "I have a discussion with you today."

   "Let's talk."

   Hei Xuan said indifferently, after knowing that Hellfire might have a double heart for the Dark Demon Lord, his attitude towards the other party became much colder.

"That's it. Recently, the offensive of the Church of Illumination has become more and more fierce. In the last battle, there were two bishop-level figures participating in the exhibition. There were more than one hundred priests. I am afraid of the Black Fire City. Can't help it." Hell Yan said.

   Hei Xuan Mei Yu frowned slightly, "With you and me, even if there are a few more bishops, I won’t be afraid."

"Hei Xuan, you don't know. The background of the Bright Church is unfathomable. Over the years, their development has been very rapid. On the other hand, our dark clan, after losing the demon lord, fell into a decline, although we don't want to admit it, if we continue to fight, I'm afraid it will be us who will lose in the end."

   "Open the door, what do you want us to do?"

   Chu Madman said lightly.

   He is not interested in continuing to listen to the complaints of Prison Flame.

   "Since Fellow Daoist Chu has spoken, I'll just say it straight, I need... the king's order!"

   As soon as this statement was made, the atmosphere became sober.

   Heixuan's face was extremely gloomy and said: "Prison Flame, do you want to seize power?!"

   "There is no such intention, I just want to use the king's order to accomplish something."

"go on."

   Compared to Hei Xuan, Madman Chu appeared to be much calmer.

"It's true that there is an extremely dark power hidden under my Black Fire City, and this power is also the reason why the Church of Light has been pursuing me, Black Fire City, because this power has only come to this world. , Then for the church, it will be no weaker than the threat of the king!"

   "Fart, is there any dark power in this world that can be compared to the monarch?!" Hei Xuan said dissatisfied.

   "Darkness of the end!"

   Hell Flame said lightly.

   Hearing these four words, Heixuan's pupils shrank, "Darkness of the end?! Impossible, isn't this a legend?!"

  The Darkness of the Doomsday, the existence born from the origin of darkness in the legend.

   Once this world is present, it will bring the end to the heavens, and plunge the heavens into endless eternal darkness!

  The legend about the darkness of the doomsday, they had learned from the mouth of the Dark Lord.

   But for a long time, Heixuan believed that it was just a legend, and the Dark Lord was the most powerful dark existence in the heavens!

   But now, Hellfire said, the darkness of the apocalypse is hidden under this black fire city! !

How can this be? !

   "Impossible, if the darkness of the apocalypse is hidden in this black fire city, then the **** of the goddess of light would have killed it herself."

"Because the darkness of the apocalypse under the city of black fire is not complete, it is only part of the power of the darkness of the apocalypse, but as long as we collect this part of the power of the darkness of the apocalypse, we will have the capital to compete with the church, and we will do it. For all this, I need a king's order."

Hellyan looked at Madman Chu, “It’s not easy to collect the dark power of the doomsday. It needs a container to carry it. The king’s order is refined by the king. It is the most dark thing in the world. It couldn’t be more appropriate to carry the darkness of the doomsday."

"so it is."

   "Please also ask fellow Taoist Chu to temporarily use the emperor's order. After this is completed, I will return to the original owner!" Hell Yan looked at each other sincerely.

   "Master, there are dozens of mixed elements around the palace, as well as three avenues."

   At this time, Xiao Ai said in Chu Madman's mind.

   The corners of the madman's mouth were slightly raised. He knew that if he didn't agree, these masters in ambush would immediately attack them in groups.

   It seems that Hellfire has a good grasp of the forces of the dark clan.

   These people are actually willing to listen to his words and risk attacking himself, a person with a king's order, which is tantamount to rebelling against the dark demon.

   The Dark Lord has disappeared for so long, and the prestige is really not as good as before.

   "Please wait a moment, the master is analyzing the strength of the target and planning the best retreat route."

   Xiaoai believes that head-on head-on is not good, and should be evacuated first.

   But Madman Chu chuckled lightly, "No planning, I have my own solution for this matter."

   He took out the king's order and said lightly: "It's okay to give you the king's order, but I want to go together to collect the darkness of the doomsday."


   Prison Flame hesitated, and said, "Heihuo City still needs someone to sit here. I originally intended to let the two of you stay here."

   "Let Heixuan sit down."

   "Are you going to accompany me alone?" Prison Yan's eyes lit up.



   Prison Flame readily agreed.

Hei Xuan beside    was a little worried, "This is not good, I want to go together."

  If Prison Flame really has two hearts, wouldn't Madman Chu be in danger?

   "You stay here and sit here, this is... an order!" Madman Chu said indifferently, with a majesty in his brow.

   Hei Xuan was suppressed by him for a while, took a deep breath, "Then I will wait for you to come back."

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