Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2009: : Goodbye, master and apprentice, the treasure left by King Lan, comprehension 300...

Within the Lan Palace.

   The madman of Chu went through the many restrictions and came into the palace.

   At this time, he couldn't help but sigh.

   "Sure enough, this Lan Palace was left by the little girl. The girl who was not even Daluo has grown to this point."

   At first, he used the time and space treasure to shuttle to the other party's universe, its time period was actually before the last Hongmeng era? !

   Even Madman Chu himself was a little surprised.

   The power of Time and Space Baojian is above my imagination.

   is by no means as simple as a chaotic treasure.

   At the same time, he was also somewhat fortunate.

   I returned to the Pangu universe by myself, only after 20,000 years.

   If 20,000 years have passed, wouldn't I cry all the time?

   He put his mind back into the Lan Palace.

   The palace in front of me is not very magnificent, but in the center of the palace is a crystal statue.

The statue of    is a beautiful woman, lifelike.

   The madman Chu glanced, only to feel that there was a sense of familiarity between the opponent's eyebrows. It was his apprentice, Lan.

   Or rather, the current King Lan.

   seemed to sense the arrival of the madman Chu, the white jade statue in front of him was actually blooming, and then, this statue was alive!

King Lan was dressed in a white robe, his black hair was like a waterfall, his skin was white and tender like snow, and his eyes were like stars, and he walked in front of the Madman Chu.

   knelt in front of him with a thud.

   If this scene were seen by the existence of the last Hongmeng Era, the jaw would fall to the ground with shock.

   You know, this is King Lan.

   Unbelievable, outstanding and graceful, and suppressed the King Lan of the Hongmeng era. She does not kneel to the sky or knees to the ground. The gods are terrified, and the Buddhas are afraid.

   Such a person would actually kneel to someone?

  What are you kidding? !

   "Master, I finally saw you again."

   Wang Lan looked at the Madman Chu and bowed his head respectfully.

   In her whole life, she has not respected the world and the ghosts.

   But there is one person who can make her kneel and pray willingly.

   That's Madman Chu.

no one knows.

   suppressed a King Lan of the Hongmeng Era. He was chased and killed several times and almost died. If it weren't for Madman Chu, she wouldn't be where she is today.

   If it weren't for the Chu madman to accept her as a disciple, pass on her exercises, and give her early practice resources, it would not be certain whether she can go to this day.

  Chu madman, has the grace to save her life and give her a grace.

   "Master, the deity Tuer is not here, so I can't salute you personally. I can only do it by this incarnation of the mind. Master, please forgive me."

   Lan Wang said.

   "Get up."

   The madman of Chu looked at King Lan with a touch of relief.

   Very good.

   The other party did not forget him as a master because of his own strength.

  With this mindset, I didn't want to accept her as a disciple in the first place.

   "Master, after you left, I have repaid the Yao nationality's grievances. Later, I walked through the sky to find your whereabouts, but to no avail, entered the Great World of Hongmeng, and there was no sign of you."

   "I guess your true body is likely to walk in the long river of time, so I left this Lan Palace in Hongmeng Great World, waiting for you to come here at some point in time."

   Wang Lan said, and immediately raised his hand and waved, two things suddenly appeared in the void, one was a ring of heaven and earth, and the other was a compass.

   In Qiankun Ring, I don’t know what it is pretending.

   But the compass is extremely mysterious, with countless avenue lines engraved on it, and Madman Chu can feel the aura of the daoism from above.

   No more, no less, there are exactly three thousand kinds.

   The madman of Chu faintly guessed.

"Master, I don’t know what your cultivation is at this point in time. I can only do my best to leave things that may be helpful to you. This Qiankun ring pretends to cultivate the Hunyuan Nine Tribulations. Resources."

   "And when Master and I met for the first time, the cultivation base was in the realm of the Dao, and it blended with the aura of many Dao. I boldly guessed that Master might want to take the path of dominating the three thousand ways."

   "So, I killed 3,000 monks who practiced in different ways, and extracted their avenues and engraved them on this compass, and refined these three thousand avenue plates. I hope it will be helpful to you."

   Lan Wang whispered.

  The madman of Chu knew that it turned out that King Lan killed more than 3,000 people in the Great Dao Realm back then, and it was for himself, which made him a little touched.

   "You have a heart."

   The madman Chu sighed with emotion. As for the great realm where he was beheaded, he could only silently say sorry.

   "Compared to Master's grace of reconstruction back then, what is this?"

   Lan Wang said.

Then, her figure turned into a light group, and said: "Master, Arashi Palace will definitely attract some flies. This incarnation of my mind still has some of my power. You can cut it under the king. If you encounter some Master does not want to take action, but let the disciple incarnate this idea to do it for him."

   "You are well prepared." Madman Chu said lightly.

   What do you mean by not wanting to do it?

   I can't beat it clearly.

   It's just King Lan taking care of his master's face.


The incarnation of King Lan's mind turned into a stream of light and entered his body.

   The madman Chu felt that he could mobilize this incarnation at any time.

   This can be regarded as a killer trick.

   Then, he looked at the Universe Ring and the Three Thousand Dao Compass.

   Especially the compass.

  He is going to take the path of dominating three thousand ways. This compass is very helpful to him. Originally, he estimated that it would take at least 100,000 years to achieve this goal, but now with the help of King Lan, this time will be greatly shortened!

   "Is this a mother for myself?" Madman Chu thought with a strange expression on his face when he thought of King Lan taking care of himself.

   But then he converged his mind and asked Xiao Ai to help analyze the Three Thousand Dao Pan, and began to comprehend the Tao contained in it.

   Outside the Lan Palace, there must be many forces watching.

   Once he shows up, he will surely attract a siege.

   Although there is the incarnation of Lan Wang's mind.

   But as a master, how can you rely on the apprentice for everything?

   Doesn't he want face as a master?

   "This Lan Palace is protected by King Lan ~ It is very safe, I simply complete the goal of dominating the three thousand ways here before I go out."

   The madman of Chu thought to himself.

   The Three Thousand Dao Compass, which condenses the essence of the 3,000 Dao realm, its value is difficult to estimate, and is the most invaluable treasure in the world.

   When his consciousness penetrated the road compass.


   Countless avenue lines appeared before his eyes.

   As he observes these avenues, his mind gradually enters a state of selflessness and nothingness. His comprehension is originally from the past.

   plus Xiao Ai’s assistance and the mystery of these three thousand avenues.

   All kinds of mysterious avenues were quickly integrated into his body.

   He launched a crazy sprint towards the goal of dominating the three thousand ways!

   In the outside world, as time passed, everyone hadn't seen Chu Kuangren appear, and couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

   When they thought that the other party was now counting the treasures in the Arashi Palace, they lost several pieces of Chaos Treasure, which was extremely uncomfortable.

   "Damn it, can we just watch it here?"

   Sheng Zitao gave a low voice.

   "We have sent someone to invite Master Chen, please stay calm."

   Pastor Pegasus said lightly.

  Master Chen is a famous formation master in the Hongmeng Great World. The opponent is also good at various restrictions. If the opponent comes, he may be able to break the Lan Palace restriction.

   There is some hope in everyone's heart.

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