Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 103: : People behind, don’t make me wait

   "The Devil Spear of the Desolate World is here, hidden under the mountain and river sect?" Inside the tall building, a handsome young man in white showed a look of error.

Next to him, the gray-robed old man nodded, "Yes, the ancestors of the Mountain River Sect sealed it underground, and there were restrictions, so I was also hidden from me. Otherwise, when the Mountain River Sect was destroyed, the Wild Magic Spear was early. I've got it, why do you need to do so much."

  If anyone hears the conversation between these two people, they will be surprised.

   Mountain and River Sect was actually destroyed by these two people!

  Even from their words, they can hear that this evil in Beiling Province was also caused by these two people.

   "I originally wanted to borrow the many magic repairs in the Azure Dragon Region to find the Desolate Demon Spear, but I didn't expect it to be found by the Madman of Chu. It would be a little troublesome to get this spear now." Jun Lang said in the young man.

   Chu madman's reputation, he has heard a lot more, and more importantly, the other party has three saints to **** him, and the Heavenly Devil Spear falls in the opponent's hands, which is more troublesome than falling into the hands of a supreme.

   "It is trouble, but it is not impossible."

   "Oh, please tell me, teacher."

"The Devil Spear of the Desolate Devil is left by your ancestors. It complements your Infinite Demon Body. It is of great help to you. It must be obtained. The most troublesome thing about Madman Chu is the guardian by his side, but this time the Daozhou Demon The Xiu group is dispatched, and I can hold those people together."

   "At that time, you and other demons will besiege the Madman Chu. With your strength and sensitivity to the Tianhuang Magic Spear, you should be able to take advantage of the chaos to get the Magic Spear." The old man initially made a plan.

   "Besiege Chu Madman with others?" The handsome young man frowned slightly, seemingly dissatisfied with this proposal.

   The old man saw the youth's dissatisfaction, and said, "The Madman Chu is very powerful. Although your strength is strong, you are not an opponent of Madman Chu. You need the power of other demons."

   "Is he really that powerful?"

   "If the rumors are true, he will only be stronger than I thought."

   "Okay, I understand." The young man nodded slightly.

   "Don't worry, there are too many magic repairs staring at the Tianhuang Demon Spear this time, and he can't resist it by his own power. As long as he drags those guardians, Madman Chu... will definitely die!!"

   There was a cold look in the eyes of the old man.


   "Heavenly Devil Spear in the hands of Madman Chu?"

   "Haha, after searching for so long, the Desolate Demon Spear finally appeared this day, Madman Chu, Madman Chu, I'm here!!"

   "It is said that this madman of Chu is alone in a mountain range outside Shanhe City, and wants to fight us all by himself!"

   "It's funny, I don't know how to live or die."

   "This Madman of Chu is really stupid to do this for a group of ant-like people!"

   "I have long wanted to meet this madman of Chu, who has risen to fame for a while, so I took this opportunity to kill him and seize the magic weapon!!"


   "This magic spear, I want it from the Bliss Sect!"

   The news of the emergence of the Heavenly Desolate Magic Spear spread quickly throughout Beiling Dao State within a few days, and all the magic repairs were shaken.

  The demon cultivators headed by the three major sects of the Azure Dragon Domain Demon Dao quickly rushed to Shanhe City, ready to deal with the Mad Man of Chu and seize the magic weapon.

   And the madman of Chu at this time.

  He was staying in a mountain range, sitting on a large bluestone with his eyes closed and rested, and there was a mysterious rhyme flowing on his body.

   For a long time, he slowly opened his eyes, "The hole is complete!"

   At this time, his cultivation has reached the Hollow Hollow Consummation, and he can break through the King of War in just one step.

   In other words, he could break through to the realm of the King of War at any time, but he did not do this, but deliberately suppressed it.

  Building the foundation, Jindan, Yuanying, and Dongxu, all of his four realms have built the supreme foundation, the King of War realm, he wants to do the same.

   It is very difficult to build the supreme foundation in the King of War Realm. Since the past 150,000 years, few can do it.

   But if it is not difficult, then there is no value in the challenge. Madman Chu is confident and he can definitely do it.

   Therefore, he is deliberately suppressing his own realm, waiting for the right time to build up the foundation.

   "Let’s solve this evil now."

  Chu madman thought to himself.

   At this time, Lan Yu's eyebrows frowned slightly, and the figure suddenly disappeared in place, and then there was a movement of fighting not far away.

   When Lan Yu came back again, she carried a beaten young monk in her hand, and she threw it to the ground at will.

   "Which school?" Chu Madman asked lightly.

   "Spy of the Bliss Sect." Since he was caught, the young monk had no intention of concealing it, and directly explained his identity.

   Chu Madman thought for a while.

   In the Azure Dragon Realm, although the Demon Path has been suppressed by the Eight Great Sages, there are still many forces worth mentioning.

   Among them, the three major demon sects are the most famous, these three are the Bliss Sect, the Shura Sect and the Refining Corpse Sect!

   According to the rumors, these three sects together can even be compared to a saint orthodoxy, much stronger than the ordinary supreme orthodoxy.

   "How many people are rushing here?" Madman Chu asked again.

   "Elysium Sect, Corpse Refining Sect, Shura Sect, all the magic monks who came to Beiling Dao State are all rushing here, I am the spy of Elysium Sect, I am here to check if you have laid traps."

   said the young monk, with a look of uncertainty in his eyes.

   He just walked around the mountain range, and apart from Madman Chu, he couldn't see half of the monk!

   In other words, there is only Madman Chu here. There are no traps. Madman Chu really wants to face all demons alone!

   Even the magic repair, who is famous for being frenzied and mad, couldn't help being scared to death by Chu Madman's actions.

   "Okay, I think you should check it out. You can go back for business, hurry up, don't make me wait in a hurry."

   Seeing that Madman Chu didn’t kill himself, the young monk quickly got up and wanted to leave. Before leaving, he curiously asked, “Is the Tianhuang Demon Spear really here for you?”

   clang, a dark red spear appeared in front of the young monk, bursts of Tao Yun impacted the young monk's mind, making his eyes gradually show craziness, "What a magic spear!!"

  The Madman Chu asked him to take a look, and then put away the Demon Spear of the Desolate Sky, and said indifferently: "Get out of here."

   The young monk recovered his mind, and then left quickly.

   After he left, the Seventh Ancestor and the other two guardians walked out of the void, and the Seventh Ancestor said: "Little guy, you really intend to deal with all the magic cultivation alone. This is too risky."

   "Seven Patriarchs don't have to worry, I will trouble you to block monks above the noble level for me at that time, and I can deal with the rest."

   "This is okay, but the demons who came to Beilingdao State this time talked about tens of thousands. How can you deal with the saint son? Why don't you send the disciples back in a hurry?"

   White Lotus Sect's Qinglan Supreme said worriedly.

   "Although the temptation of the Tianhuang Magic Spear is great, it is impossible for all the magic repairs to come. Those who are missed will have to be dealt with, so leave it to Junior Brother Nangong." Chu Madman said lightly.

   "Don't worry, I have the White Lotus Purifying World Chapter in hand, even the Venerable can't help me. Besides, if I can't continue to support it, no one can stop me from leaving." Chu Madman laughed.

   Hearing this, the three major protectors were a little relieved.


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