Start Pretending To Be the Creator

Chapter 136 The universe was created by God?

Netizens staring at the screen silently watched these future people bid farewell to the earth sadly.

"The earth that gave birth to us, we are leaving, we will definitely come back to see you..."

"This will always be the hometown of mankind, we will never forget..."

However, when they said goodbye, a scene in the solar system appeared, which made them fall into a sluggish state, and the netizens also opened their mouths wide.

Under the shocked eyes of Professor Chen and others, all the major planets and small celestial bodies in the solar system have deviated from their normal orbits!

It was as if the Creator had moved His hands and made them work.

The planets seem to form a pattern?

The human leader Fang Xiong yelled, and then a light and shadow was projected onto the cabin roof, which was a shocking pattern.

With the star sun as the pupil and the planetary gravel as the side, a vast eye is formed!

Against the background of deep darkness, this eye is dazzling.

Whether it was Kadir and the others in the movie, or Professor Chen and the others watching this scene, they all felt terrified.

Horrified both by the infinite eye itself and by its formation.

"What is this, eyes?!"

"The sun and the earth make up the eyes?"

They were stunned, and their minds were a little dazed.

After thinking about it, they couldn't help but think of a problem.

How did the eyes appear?

What kind of mighty power is it that can create this boundless eyes?!

This kind of violation of the law, fiddling with the trajectory of celestial bodies...

Not long after being shocked, an answer faintly emerged from the hearts of countless people.


Unbelievable, they were a little stunned again.

With galaxies as eyes, only gods can do this kind of thing, right?

They guessed here, and Zhu Na in the movie also guessed something, and said the words of God's eyes.

Then not long after, the shocking eyes scattered, and the celestial bodies returned to their positions, as if nothing had happened.

The movie kept playing, and Kadir questioned Chang He and the others, but Chang He and the others didn't know anything.

"God has always been the legend of the previous generation of humans, and we don't know it at all." Chang He smiled wryly.

Netizens felt amused when they recovered from the shock.

"If you know, there are ghosts."

However, just when they were amused, Kadir, who had finished thinking, suddenly said something that stunned them.

"Do you remember what I told you at the beginning?"

"I said at the beginning that your solar system is so perfect that it seems to have been carefully designed."

"You have also noticed that the planets in the solar system shifted and returned to their original shape before."

"Perhaps, your human myth, the story of God's creation, is not just a story."

Each netizen was stunned.

The solar system was designed?

God created the world?

Was the solar system really created by God?

Netizens were shocked.

"No wonder the solar system is so perfect, is it so?"

Thinking about it, many netizens thought, if this is the case,

That really explained it, and they were stunned and shocked.

The movie screen continued, Kadir and others discussed with Chang He and others for a while, and then left the human battleship.

Netizens saw them walking and chatting in the aisle after they returned to their warship.

Among the four people following Kadir, one of them thought of something, and hesitated to speak.

"Kadir, the solar system is too mysterious, and so are those humans. Our original plan..."

Kadir at the front couldn't help but frowned when he heard the words, and said hesitantly, "After we go back, we will leave this matter to those in power, and we don't need to worry about it."

After throwing the blame away in a few words and pushing it to those in power to worry, he sighed, "However, it is foreseeable that our arrangements and attitudes towards human beings may need to be changed..."

Along the way, as they continued to chat, the netizens understood what was going on. Do you dare to believe that these people are trying to accept human beings as subordinates?

Although they knew that the strength was not as good as the opponent, this situation was normal, but they were still unhappy.

However, thinking that they may change their arrangements and attitudes in the future, I can't help but lament that these aliens have eyesight.

"Is this frightened by the power of God?"

They gloated.

Finally someone with the same pain as them, someone who understands?

The movie screen is constantly playing, and the battleship is constantly detecting around the solar system, as if trying to find something.

As a result, they found nothing.

Two days later, under their watchful eyes, these warships finally embarked on a journey again.

Before leaving, they saw the reluctance in the eyes of those future people.

In the end, they left the solar system anyway.

The solar system fell silent.

Just when they were curious about what would happen to those future people after they left the solar system, the movie screen went black!

"No more? Damn!"

Staring at the blacked out screen, cursing comments began to appear.

Before some of the mysteries of superpower modern times have not been answered, the movie stopped there, and now it is gone again?

However, no matter how upset is, they have no choice but to wait for the update of tomorrow.

As the movie ended, netizens had heated discussions.

After a while, Brave Niu Niu sighed and said, "Although I haven't seen the follow-up of the world of superpowers, after watching this movie, I have found the answer to a previous question."


Others were very curious about what he said.

Brave Niuniu explained, "Didn't everyone doubt before that God exists in countless time and space?"

"This movie world, because of the origin network, has been split into a new parallel world, which is somewhat different from ours, and God still exists there. Does it prove that God exists in countless time and space?"

Netizens were shocked by his words, and of course some disagreed, thinking that since it is a parallel world, it is normal for gods to exist.

Brave Niu Niu continued to speak on his own, "But again, I have a few more questions."

"When those Xanxian people said that the solar system was perfect, and it was probably created by God, I was thinking about a question. If the solar system was created by God, what about the outside of the solar system?"

"Could the orderly universe, full of laws, be created by God?"

"God created the universe?"

As soon as this bold idea was uttered, a large group of people were stunned and astonished.

God created the universe?!

Brave Niu Niu continued, "There is also a question about the first generation of humans. Did the first generation of humans exist? Did God run through hundreds of thousands of years of history?"

The netizens were stunned again.

The first generation of humans, hundreds of thousands of years ago?

"Humans really existed hundreds of thousands of years ago?"


They couldn't believe it, it seemed impossible.

How could there be humans hundreds of thousands of years ago?

Or was it created by God?

But they didn't have to be surprised for long, and soon something made them panic.

"Shouldn't we be thinking about the coming doomsday?"

Countless people were shocked.

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