Start Pretending To Be the Creator

Chapter 120 The fifth generation of humans

As the hostess spoke, passers-by on the road couldn't help but stop, and looked up in surprise, staring at the projected image.

They had a heated discussion.

"Is this true, the last generation of ancient humans?" A woman covered her mouth in surprise.

"The fifth generation of emotional human beings?" A young man scratched his head, a little puzzled, not understanding what he was talking about.

As if knowing that some people don't understand, the hostess continued with a smile, "Maybe some audience friends don't understand, so here I will explain to you a little bit."

After finishing speaking, she talked about the information about ancient civilizations, "According to some of our legends, in the long time ago, before our generation of humans, there were five generations of humans, five super ancient civilizations."

"They are the Gendaya civilization, the first generation of civilization 760,000 years ago. According to the description, people in this civilization are generally short, with an average height of less than one meter."

"But don't look at their short stature. It is said that they all have superpowers. Male Gendayans can activate superpowers based on the third eye on their foreheads, and they can even predict the future through this eye."

"A myth that was circulated at the end of Gendaya civilization said that God created human men and women equally, gave men a third eye to protect their own safety and the safety of the family, and gave women a womb to reproduce the family."

"It is rumored that the uterus of women at that time was also a supernatural organ, with the ability to communicate with spirits."

"And the continent where they live is called the 'Gendaya Continent'. According to legend, they were destroyed by the sinking of the continent caused by the flood."

Listening to what the female host said, some people on the street who had never heard of this incident could not help showing surprise on their faces.

Superpowers, God?

third eye?

superhuman civilization?

"Hundreds of thousands of years ago, was it true or not?"

When they heard about it for the first time due to advanced technology, they almost thought it was a fantasy story.

Of course, there are also some people who heard the third eye mentioned by the host and couldn't help but think of a special part of the human brain, the pineal gland.

"It is rumored that the pineal gland in our brain is a degenerated eye. Thinking about it this way, this so-called first generation of humans still has some credibility." A bearded uncle muttered.

A beautiful girl in pink clothes curled her lips when she heard the words, she didn't believe it at all.

"According to what you said, many people have had precognitive dreams, and they have a familiar sense of seeing some things in life. Isn't this the ability of degenerated eyes that can only predict the future?"

When the girl said this, the people around her were surprised when they heard it.

"Hey, what you said makes sense?"

"Is there a precognitive dream? I've done it too!"

Listening to the echoing voices beside her ears, the girl: "..."

At this time, the female host projected on the square continued to speak, "The first generation of human civilization is over, and the second generation of human civilization will follow."

"This civilization is called the 'Mesopotamian Civilization', and they are believed to have been built by some Gendayan people who escaped and survived when the Gendayan civilization was destroyed."

"Because of the passage of time, these people lost their previous superpowers. This civilization has a lot of research on diet, so it is also called "food civilization. They were destroyed by the shift of the earth's magnetic poles. "

This civilization is much more normal. It may be because the hostess said too briefly, which is not surprising.

Then, the hostess talked about the third civilization.

"After many years, a civilization called Muria emerged. This civilization is called a bioenergy civilization, which can use plant energy. It is also a continuation of the previous civilization."

"They are good at energy conversion, and they also use plant energy to create various machines and so on. They are a very developed civilization, and they were finally submerged in sea water."

Pedestrians on the road started talking one after another.

"Plant energy?"

"How do you get energy?"

They are very confused about this plant energy.

Then, the hostess began to talk about the fourth civilization.

"The fourth civilization is called the Atlantis civilization. It is rumored that this civilization is not the continuation of the previous civilization, but an alien civilization from Orion. They are colonists."

"This civilization is good at using light energy and is destroyed by tsunamis, earthquakes, and fire."

Each passerby was surprised.


At this time, the hostess projected on the square smiled and said, "Okay, we have talked about the previous four civilizations, so let's talk about the fifth civilization, which is the civilization that belongs to the ruins detected this time. Five generations of human beings, emotional civilization!"

As the words fell, everyone on the street immediately pricked up their ears, their eyes showed strong curiosity, and even Su Qi raised his eyebrows.

The hostess said slowly, "It is rumored that the fifth generation of humans is an emotional civilization. They are good at using emotions. Family, love, and friendship... are the beginning of spiritual civilization."

"They were destroyed by meteorites that fell from the sky."

Hearing the host talk about the fifth generation of human beings, a person who knew better could not help but say to the people around him, "I know the fifth generation civilization. It is rumored that we are inextricably linked with them. Our civilization is What the survivors of the emotional civilization established is the continuation of the emotional civilization."

"Oh, there's something else going on?"

"The fifth generation of civilization... are we actually related to them?"

The people around were very surprised.

"But isn't this fifth-generation civilization a legend?"

Someone questioned it.

The person who explained it at the beginning said, "As the civilization closest to us, we can still find some traces of this civilization occasionally, but I don't know why, the above did not really admit the existence of this civilization, maybe there is too little evidence? "

While they were talking, the hostess also finished introducing some things about the fifth generation of humans, and then changed the subject.

"Recently, in the area of ​​ancient North America, we discovered a site that may belong to the fifth generation of humans."

"This may help us further understand and demonstrate emotional civilization."

Finally, she smiled and said, "We are currently excavating and cleaning up the site of the ruins. I think it won't take long before we can get something."

"We will release the latest news in the near future, and maybe we will also film the scene of the ruins for everyone to see. Remember to watch this program then."

Not long after she finished speaking, her projection disappeared and was replaced by other advertisements.

But it doesn't matter, because her words have successfully aroused the curiosity of the people on the street, and they all want to have a glimpse of the fifth generation of human emotional civilization.

Not to mention them, even Su Qi was aroused curiosity.

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