So if there is any question now, he can get all the answers from Fu Huadong.

Well, obviously, the answer he got did make him a little scared.

Fu Huadong determined his strangeness at this time, because at this moment, Gu Shaozhuang was either looking at himself or looking at others, and it was the first time he had seen him in the process.

“What’s wrong? Why are you looking left and right? ”

Huadong was still uncertain and asked out, and at this time Gu Shaochun did not plan to hide it, after all, he wanted to say it and let everyone prepare in advance.

“I just saw that all of your Yin Tang are a little black, so I have already calculated and found that we may encounter something next, but what exactly I can’t speculate, but what I can know is that this thing is extremely dangerous, such a thing has never happened before, this is still the first attempt, I can predict it when I get to the front.”

This sentence in the story made everyone present gasp, what does this sentence represent, this sentence represents that they may face danger at any time now, and Gu Shaozhong has not predicted in advance, their group of people do not have any preparation now, no matter what happens, they can only go with the flow.

All this only Pan Qiangsheng did not have any feeling, after all, when he was on the snow before, no one told him when to come to danger and what kind of danger he avoided by his own experience, and now there are people telling him that he will encounter things in the future, although he is not sure what it is, but unless he encounters an avalanche or a polar bear on the snow.

In addition to these two dangers, he really can’t find them, there are other things that can make the rebound car dangerous.

I said that this expression became serious again and again, and after a while the engine of the car could not move.

“What’s going on?” The driver stepped on his accelerator one by one, but the car did not move, just now the speed of the car has become slower and slower, but several people on the car are worried about what danger they may encounter next, so they did not notice that the speed of the car slowed down.

And it wasn’t until the car was now completely unable to drive that everyone focused on the car.

“Oh my God, how does it look like this, now there is no gas.” The people behind thought that there was no fuel, so they quickly wanted to go to the trunk to get a barrel of oil out.

But at this time, the driver glanced at the mailbox, and then turned to the person behind and said.

“It’s not that there is no gas, the oil is still more than half now, and it is impossible to stop directly The only thing that can explain the situation is that our fuel tank is frozen.”

Listening to the driver’s words, the other people suddenly felt cold, to know that they were driving all the way, the engine could not become cool, nor could it be frozen, but now it is frozen, it means that even if they burn the frozen gasoline with a torch now, then they may be frozen again along the way, in this case, they don’t know when they can go out.

And Pan Qiangsheng was also a little stunned when he knew this.

It hadn’t happened to him when he came to the snow before, after all, he had always come with his own sled dogs, and it had never happened like this.

And the fact that the engine was frozen was really unheard of before.

“I don’t know what to do.” Pan Qiangsheng found that several people put their eyes on themselves, and then hurriedly said this sentence, after all, he had not experienced it before, and he had no way to tell everyone what good way to solve the current situation.

And now they are afraid to get out of the car, so they can only stay in the car.

“Now all we can do is not get out of the car for the time being, hurry up and send a distress signal, it is too cold outside, we can only continue to sit in the car to keep warm.”

Fu Huadong said to the people in the car, because there are already people who want to get out of the car, but in their current direction, they are not sure where they are.

And Pan Qiangsheng probably knows where they are, but if they want to go out, they will need a long time, and this look is too dangerous.

The group can only be trapped in the car, there is no way.

On the other side, Tsuda had been walking with his students for a long time, and he didn’t know how many days it was.

But he didn’t dare to stop, they had encountered polar bears in the past few days, but the moment they met the polar bear, they lay on the ground and pretended to be dead polar bears, passing by them, and did not want to touch them.

They escaped several times in this way.

But this has never been an option.

Tsuda did keep taking his students to the south, but never found an exit.

Several students were already frozen and could not walk.

There is no way to go against the wind, so you can only let other students help walk on your back.

“What about the teacher? If we can’t go any further, we may not be able to stop, and he has been weak since yesterday. ”

Zhao Zihang carried Fu Tingting to the side of Tsuda, they didn’t have the strength to rush now, but they didn’t dare to stop.

When Tenda heard them talking like this, he quickly turned his head and looked at Fu Tingting, who was on Zhao Zihang’s back.

Indeed, there is no way for them to go any further now.

And then they saw a hole.

They couldn’t determine what kind of hole it was, but if they were to be sure that there was something inside, it would be a very dangerous thing.

After all, if there is something inside, they will have to clean it if they want to go inside, that is, if it is a very fierce thing inside, then they are likely to lose their lives because of such an action.

But if they don’t try, they won’t have a way to enter a habitat now.

Then Tsuda decided to let his testamentary student wait for him not far away, and he went to the interview to see if there was anything inside.

Although the students were not at ease, they were even more afraid to attend, so they could only let Tsuda go.

Tsuda took it out of his bag, a few firewood he was carrying.

He had already guessed that if the car ran out of fuel or something else, they needed firewood to keep them at a basic temperature.

This was also unexpected by the students.

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