But she didn’t say anything, at least her most important family, husband and father, were able to come to the farm and withstand the risk of this disaster.

After all, his mother died of illness in the early years, and his most important family is now here, which is enough.

One side is a pleasant chat, and the other side is busy.

Although the location is advantageous enough, it takes a lot of sweat and effort to build it into a stubborn fortress.

It was also mentioned earlier that the establishment of a power grid is one of the special benefits of this small farm on the outskirts of Niuyo.

After all, it is impossible to find such a thing as a diesel generator in a normal city, and the old man of Verle, although he is not a big farmer.

In terms of financial resources, it is a mess, but fortunately, although the sparrow is small, it has everything it should have.

The granaries of various reserves were originally prepared to be sold for money, but now it was definitely time to stay and supply this group of people in case of emergency, after all, there were really more than a dozen mouths pouring into this place.

But in fact, it is completely lived, and there is even a spare place to receive those survivors who have fled this disaster.

Of course, if the risk of super solar storms is not particularly large, there may not be so-called fugitives.

After all, if it is true that everyone in the city has fled to the suburbs, although it is only an hour’s drive here, it can only be reached by walking on your feet for at least nearly a day, and the terrain is quite complicated.

If you can find here, it can only mean that the entire Niuyo City may have fallen into hell on earth, which is definitely not what Verlex wants to see.

Even if he thinks he is a kind person, he is not stingy about reaching out to others

But he feels that it may not be like the end of the world staged in American dramas, but in the end, this suburban farm gives him a great sense of security.

This veteran who doubles as a young father is ready for a long struggle and persistence.

After all, although those large excavators could not be used after the super solar storm, at this time, there were still a lot of seeds and fertilizers in a small warehouse next to the granary.

If you decide to use it, it will be enough for the current dozen people to plant and harvest, and this will last for several years.

The problem of water sources is not difficult to solve, and there is a river around it that is not particularly polluted, or almost unpolluted.

After all, at this time, the manufacturing hollow of the lighthouse country is so serious, there have long been no such heavily polluting enterprises near the city of Niuyo, and the water is basically heated, and there is no danger in drinking it directly.

All in all, it’s the perfect hideaway when it comes to dealing with disasters.

Verleus panted, draped a barbed wire fence over the stake he had driven earlier, and then skillfully wrapped the wire out of the shape of the coil.

The hardness and toughness of these wires cannot be underestimated, after all, it was not originally for people to make anything by hand.

During the short time he worked in Verle, he was dripping blood from cutting his hands, but he did not show any pain or discomfort.

It’s just that the wounds on his arm are already countless, and if you want to complete the defense in a short time, this is the price.

“Do you bastards just watch me suffer alone?”

Although Verlex said that he was very firm in heart, he didn’t mind drinking and scolding.

Let his colleagues put in a little more effort, so that maybe the efficiency can be faster.

“Okay, you workaholic doesn’t need you to say we know it”

The rest of the soldiers seemed to be a little helpless, and the classmate’s heart was anxious, but they all thought about it very understandingly, although they were still saying witty words, but their movements were indeed accelerated by several points.

They can also understand Verle’s mood, according to what Shao Banxian said, no one knows how far the situation will deteriorate.

Although he is a veteran who has bursting confidence in his own force level, he also has a sense of urgency in his heart at this time, who knows if he will be unlucky to encounter any unexpected situation.

It doesn’t hurt to be a little more prepared.

At this time, there are still 19 hours and 35 minutes before the solar storm that has swept through the entire northeastern hemisphere…

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