“What kind of mentally retarded thing is this talking about?”

After seeing this scene, Gu Shaozhuang couldn’t help but hold his forehead.

Doesn’t this have anything to do with money or not?

It’s too ridiculous, he originally thought that only those ordinary people would be deceived, but now it seems that the publicity in those European and American regions is really too much.

As for these obviously rich children, they were also fooled, and they actually went to a villa in the wilderness for a vacation, and they brought very few resources, basically Gu Shaozhuang could conclude that these people could almost die.

Unless they have the money to rely on wealth to obtain helicopters and other rescues after the impact of the super solar storm, it is clear that they have not fully recovered, but it will take at least a few days of effort.

The share of these people’s supplies may not last until that time.

This god is rare, and in a curious tendency, he inquired a little on the Internet about the death entertainment of this group of people.

Sure enough, the comments below are basically like this, the envy and jealousy of netizens, they feel that it seems that these rich people have such an indifferent attitude towards the disaster is a matter of course.

“Although this disaster is not too serious, these rich people are too comfortable, and there is no need to prepare supplies and wait at home like us.”

“It can only be said that they are envious, but there is no way, they are also their own industry.”

“I only feel that for disasters, only we ordinary people are the most unlucky.”

Gu Shaozhuang thought about it and closed this page calmly, and he finally deeply realized how dead these people in Europe and the United States were.

And not only did it matter to death, almost all of people’s fishing boats decided that such death was harmless, so he now felt that even if he was willing to issue a few more warnings, it would be useless.

Because these people really let them be punished several times, they will not know the pain.

Gu Shaozhuang flipped through the rest of the newspaper that Fu Huadong had handed him earlier.

Of course, it’s not just this group of rich kids playing this kind of party to weather the power outages of a super solar storm that they think will recover within a few days, but there is more news.

For example, what is it, there is no material at all, it is purely a black family who wants to rely on odd jobs at that time.

They think that even after the power is cut off, some industries such as construction may not stop working, so they can work a day to earn food money a day, and Gu Shaozhuang said that he does not understand how their brains grow at all.

What else is some gangsters directly declaring that they don’t need to prepare resources at all, and when the time comes, they will directly rob those citizens.

Although there is nothing wrong with this idea, but if it is publicized like this, it is really enough to die, for fear that the police officers will not have time to deal with them.

But soon Gu Shaozhuang had to admit that he had made a mistake, because it was clear that the next news was that the police department of the state of the lighthouse country to which the gang belonged was rented out as a warehouse in exchange for economic benefits.

However, it is clear that the supermarket that rented the warehouse is preparing to make another big profit during the disaster period, and it seems that it is completely underestimating the impact of this super solar storm.

It seems that I feel that I can still sell goods at high prices in that anarchic and disorderly situation.

Of course, under the news of these various tricks and death contests, there are always two types of comments.

One said that there was no need to pay too much attention to this super solar storm, and although these people were a little overdone, they did not feel that they were doing something extremely risky or self-defeating.

Then the other point of view is to mock the ancient countries of the East far away in Asia, saying that they have hysterically taken all the disaster victims in the face of such a disaster that does not require too much attention.

Foolishly can, completely wasting people’s taxes while disregarding human rights.

In the end, the god could only sigh helplessly.

He is immune to those statements about attacking his homeland, because no one cares what a bunch of fools say.

“I’m convinced, and when it comes to death, you Europeans and Americans are better.”

Gu Shaozhuang’s feeling is possible, this is social Darwinism, and these people with worrying intelligence have to take the initiative to die, and then they can ensure the advantages and stability of the genes that humans have continued.

Therefore, I have prophesied all that should have been predicted, and I have warned of all that should be warned.

These people disrespect their lives so much, then he has nothing to say and is powerless to return to heaven.

At this time, there are still 28 hours and 57 minutes before the solar storm that has swept through the entire northeast hemisphere…

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