Although he was already panicked in his heart, a great sense of crisis still prompted Verlex to continue to look at the rest of the message.

Because he realized one thing, that is, if he couldn’t really do what Shao Banxian intended, there would really be a catastrophe.

“In fact, my ability is also limited, I can only see the future, not the inherent laws of changing anything, so this disaster ultimately depends on the coordination of the people and the government.”

There is a bit of regret between the lines in this sentence.

“If those politicians still insist on the attitude that they can survive the disaster without doing anything extra —

I think my advice to those of you as people is to hoard as many resources as possible, even if it is a month or two or even half a year.

And it is better to strengthen your own defenses a little to ensure that the hard-hoarded resources do not become the granary of the rest. ”

“Although I am not a pessimist, I advise you not to speculate too well about human nature, because not everyone can hoard enough supplies.”

“All scientific products are likely to be destroyed in a state of anarchy, and it is not impossible for people to kill each other for their lives.”

“So if you want to survive this disaster, my advice is to hoard as many resources as you can, and strengthen your ability to resist risks and foreign enemies as much as possible, which is the only advice I can give you.”

The content of the message is not complicated, and the wording is quite restrained, but the meaning conveyed between the lines is quite meaningful.

It sounds like the Eastern god calculates, probably maintaining a great pessimism about the society after the disaster, and calling on the people to protect themselves as much as possible.

It is almost obvious that after the solar storm, government rescue is unlikely to come in a short time, and there are countless people who are short of man-made materials, desperate to take risks, use violent means to rob, then it is likely to become an extremely barbaric state.

You need to watch out for everyone around you robbing you of the resources you depend on for a living.

Perhaps ordinary people can’t immediately interpret the meaning of the dark side of this passage.

But Verleus, a veteran who once participated in the war of such a small Middle Eastern country, is actually well aware that in the absence of a strong government, and without enough supplies, there is abundance.

What a terrifying malice can erupt in the human heart, but even this one has been blinded by the government or by his own self-deception before, because he is also one of those who cannot directly escape from the affected area.

Therefore, under the pretense that Shao Banxian said so, calm restraint can comfort himself, but now the cold reality has come.

“Damn, I knew it was unreliable to listen to those politicians.”

Verlex slapped his thigh sharply, and he hesitated for a moment to look at the bag of materials thrown at his feet, thinking that it was all some, not particularly important things anyway.

He slightly took a rag from the alley, dragged the bags to the corner, and covered them.

Grit your teeth, turn your head and go.

It’s not the way home.

“For the sake of the children, there is no time to waste now.” The young father cheered himself up.

Then walk over to an underground gun shop that he learned about through some of his ex-soldiers.

It is said that you can buy a lot of high-lethal weapons there, and even early warning devices such as mines.

Verlex was just stunned for a while, and he grasped the key point from the message of the Eastern God, wanting to survive this solar storm.

Calm restraint is, of course, the most important thing in mentality, but in reality there are two things that are the most important, one is food, and the other is guns or violence.

Although Verle’s own idea is to rely on the materials collected so far, it should be able to hold out for a while.

And with weapons, they can also protect their families from harm, under the anarchic horror that may follow.

But he actually made another decision secretly in his heart.

For the sake of his newborn family, if there is a day when the scope and duration of this disaster are too long, he will not only mind hurting others through violent means.

to protect the interests of their families.

“However, the affected area of the lighthouse country is not particularly large, so it is not that it will not recover for a long time.” Verlex pondered. This time it is not self-consolation, but a practical analysis.

“So the rest of the money on me should be prioritized for protective measures.”

As he walked, he quickly perfected his plan.

Of course, there are definitely not a few people who have such ideas as Verle.

Many people with relatively rich social experience, or who have always been skeptical of the government’s propaganda, almost immediately rushed to all nearby shops or places where they could obtain weapons or safety equipment.

They know very well that the time is very urgent now, and if they are one step later, they may not be able to buy those life-saving things.

So there were some people on the street who went in the opposite direction of those who flocked to supermarkets and stores, although not many, but the pace was very resolute.

At this time, there are still 35 hours and 53 minutes before the solar storm that has swept through the entire northeast hemisphere…..

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