Originally, Gu Shaozhuang no longer cared about what was happening far away in Paris, but as soon as he got off the plane, someone immediately sent him and Fu Huadong freshly baked newspapers, naturally the latter’s employees.

So on the way to change cars, they also read with interest, which is considered to pass the time.

And the biggest title above is “We must restore Shao Banxian to his due reputation.” ”

It was the previous event, the largest celebration in Báli, to celebrate the successful defense of a nuclear disaster.

Unfortunately, they were completely shattered by the angry crowd, chanting the same slogans and asking why politicians and capitalists were hiding the truth.

And announced that if Shao Banxian was not given the honor he deserved, he would strike to show his determination.

The reporter who wrote the article used a thick and colorful pen to show his disdain and hatred for those capitalists and politicians, and even directly expressed his personal views and greatly rebuked him.

However, what is even more magical realism is that in this newspaper, the rest of the reports about the nuclear disaster before the fight did not mention any words about Shao Banxian at all, and the author of the previous article was the same person.

In fact, this is a very cunning approach, on the one hand, it shows that he is indeed an official after taking the money.

At the same time, he also used another report to show that he did not completely fall for those capitalists and politicians, but still had a certain position.

“In other words, standing and standing, it’s really disgusting enough.”

Fu Huadong naturally knew very well what tricks these media were playing, and they complained angrily and funny.

And Gu Shaozhuang didn’t care much.

I almost laughed out loud, what is merit sanctification?

Your understanding of Eastern Taoism suddenly rose to this point, which really surprised me, and I feel that it is all based on those online articles.

It can only be said that it did surprise Gu Shaozhuang a little, but in fact, he was in a good mood.

In any case, although those people were mainly for their own interests, they were afraid that they would be angered by Shao Banxian because of the government’s actions, and they gave up the prophecy about the disaster, so they made such a move.

But it still makes this god feel that the efforts have not been in vain, and at least many people are sincerely willing to fight for the honor they deserve.

On the surface, though, he remained quiet.

“Actually, that’s not what we should focus on right now.”

The story was originally said like this, but suddenly froze.

He nodded thoughtfully.

“No, maybe there will be no useful place later, but let’s talk about it later, it seems that we have reached our destination.”

He pointed to a border town in front of him that looked a little old.


This is a less developed city in Horan.

Although in the impression, this seems to be a highly developed old capital power, in fact, not all countries have the reputation of infrastructure madness with the ancient countries of the East.

Most of these small European countries, many of the old towns in their territory, are still faithful to the original style of the last century.

Well, in short, because of the excessive cost of labor, they basically have no willingness to transform the city, and it is not useless anyway.

But in terms of effect, it seems to give people a feeling similar to that of the countryside.

Of course, it may be better in terms of environment.

And Gu Shaozhuang walked straight to the only café in this town with an ancient atmosphere and a misty feeling.

Inside, a figure he was looking for, had been sitting there for a long time.

It was the scholar who wrote that article on the solar storm earlier, namely Neil Ksla.

Gu Shaozhuang found that although the citation factor of that article is not much, or even almost zero, it seems that this expert’s research on super solar storms is quite level.

So he wanted to come over and ask for advice, after all, he couldn’t quickly confirm the scope of the disaster by relying on the prediction panel alone.

And the old man sitting in the corner casually flipping through a certain book, did not expect that someone would suddenly come to him, and when Gu Shaozhuang sat across from him, his first reaction was.

“Sorry sir, there is someone here, my wife will come over later…”

But soon, the gentleman-looking old man stopped, because he realized that the foreign trade of the person opposite should not seem to be from his own country, so it may not be possible to pass in English.

“Actually, I have a very important matter that I need your help”

Gu Shaozhuang smiled slightly, he was also observing the person on the other side, although he was neatly dressed, he didn’t look like a particularly good fabric.

Combined with the relatively low level of consumption in the city and a hint of darkness in the eyes of the other party, this is probably a depressed expert or something.

“I had the privilege of reading your paper on superstorms, and I feel your expertise in this area, so I hope to hire you to help us detect any questions about this kind of disaster.”

Although the latter was stunned for a moment, Neil was not too surprised that the oriental man in front of him could find himself.

After all, he has made some achievements in the academic field.

It’s just that in the end, I felt that my level might still be limited and I couldn’t go further, so I returned to my hometown sadly, and when I heard that someone wanted to use my knowledge, after being stunned for a while, I was inexplicably happy in my heart.

After all, his last paper on supersolar storms did not escalate any waves in academia, but he made him resign from the professorship on his own initiative.

“This gentleman, do you mean that it seems that there may have been a solar storm event recently”

This was extremely simple reasoning, and he knew very well that if it were not for something related, no one would have come to him for it, after all, a pure disaster like a solar storm could not produce any economic benefits.

Therefore, the young man in front of him seems to have traveled a lot of distances to find himself, and he must have some needs.

“That’s right, introduce yourself, maybe you’ve heard my name.”

“I have predicted many disasters under the name “Shao Banxian”, but recently I have sensed that a new catastrophe of solar storms is about to appear in this world. ”

“However, my spells don’t all allow me to get accurate data, they just allow me to see the picture of the future, so I have to rely on you professionals to accurately grasp the disaster.”

Gu Shaozhuang finished this paragraph very quickly, and then found that the face of the expert on the other side gradually revealed an extremely surprised look after being confused for a short time.

At this time, there are 4 days, 16 hours and 58 minutes before a possible solar storm…

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