Actually, kicking the ball Dotsky was not coma at all.

His physical condition was quite good, so after he was in a coma before, he woke up in less than an hour.

Originally, he was supposed to deal with some problems about the catastrophe prediction agency that had only determined his intention and had not yet been formally established, but then he encountered an even more troubled situation.

That is a mysterious financial force, frantically pouring into the stock market of the lighthouse country and beginning to stir up the wind and rain.

This is actually inseparable from Gu Shaozhuang, in fact, just before he and his unit and Fu Huadong hit it off, preparing to use the time of the volcanic eruption to a wave of huge leverage in the stock market of the lighthouse country.

Not only did it make a lot of profit at that time, but there was also a lot of money left that had not been withdrawn.

That’s when it comes into play.

It was hoped that a disaster detection mechanism would be established through a press conference to restore the confidence of the citizens of the lighthouse country in the country, but it was slapped in the face by another disaster prophecy.

As a result, the stock market reflected a sharp decline.

So the funds left behind earlier can be operated again.

The result is once again to add to the economic woes of the already battered lighthouse country.

So Dotsky, who had vowed to predict disaster for the people, was talking to a group of economists about how to save the stock market.

As for the uk blue side, I’m sorry, I’m really unfamiliar, I’ll talk about it when the matter is over.

“You’d better come up with some real work quickly, otherwise it’s hard for me to accept that this is the talent cultivated by our highest university.”

The supreme commander said angrily.

He looked at the green on the stock market and felt like he was bleeding heavily.

Well, it is.

Originally, he would not be so gaffe, and the reason why he was in a hurry before was only because of the strong humiliation caused by being slapped in the face by the oriental man in public, which caused the old man to feel uncomfortable.

And the current kind of private meeting should not have caused him much harm, but the problem is that this time the mysterious funds that had been stirring up trouble before targeted the direct funds at a series of his own industries.

However, playing the leather ball Dotsky is not convenient as Ming said, he just flipped through the mobile phone in his hand, looking at the picture that appeared on the screen, his arm trembled slightly, and his face was bruised.

[Many properties of the Dotsky family have been seriously blocked, and some of the Dotsky buildings have been closed. ] 】

【Shock!!! It was disclosed that the candidate for the head of the natural disaster detection mechanism department actually kicked the leather ball Dotsky’s son-in-law, but this person has no relevant scientific research experience and resume. 】

[Several Dotsky family-controlled stocks fell to a halt today, and he has evaporated more than a billion dollars so far.] 】

“These damn journalists, and that damned Oriental, and that bunch of damn rich people who came out of nowhere, actually targeted me like this.”

The anger in Dotsky’s eyes is already evident, and his appointment as supreme commander cannot be said to have no political ambitions at all, but at the same time it is also an important aspect of making money for his family and industry.

At present, he has successfully used the years of his tenure to change the law, adjust various tax rates, and then secretly give some preferential policies, and even install his own family personnel.

As a result, the Dotsky family’s apparent assets shrank by forty percent.

But in fact, the resources controlled by it have almost doubled, and it could have been used to suck blood on the entire economy of the lighthouse country, but now I don’t know why.

Due to the flaws in the operation during this time, the main point of attack of the mystery fund this time is its own assets.

“At present, it is just really difficult to survive, but it is not a particularly big problem, this wave of funds should not be able to set off much storm under the current situation of improvement in China.”

An economist said respectfully, after all, experts in their industry are still quite subject to this kind of asset predator, or only these top rich people need their own knowledge the most.

So the performance is very deferential.

“However, if the disaster testing agency does not handle it well, I am afraid that it will indeed reduce the credibility of a lot.”

Instead, another expert put forward a diametrically opposed view.

This small economic downturn was due to a self-defeating press conference, which he meant that the disaster detection agency that was formed later must be cautiously predicted.

However, these words did not satisfy the supreme commander of the lighthouse country, who wanted an immediate solution to the financial crisis facing his family.

“I think you should focus on solving the current financial crisis, and I don’t want our country to suffer an even bigger economic trauma after a physical disaster.”

“If that’s the case, I have reason to doubt the gold content of the various research you do, and even cut a lot of funding.”

Kicking the ball Dotsky spoke in a bad tone with a bit of threat.

Immediately triggered a brief riot of the group of scholars on the side, although they cursed in their hearts, but helplessly in order to save their jobs, these people still worked hard to meditate.

“Then maybe we can use the old way, oversend a wave of currency, harvest once, originally after the volcanic eruption had such a plan.”

In the face of such a troublesome request, those economists naturally knew what the so-called supreme commander was saying and what was in mind, and soon one of them gave an answer.

Instead, several of his colleagues frowned.

“In fact, this will not be a bit excessive, after all, we have released a lot of bonds in Florida in order to deal with the nuclear leakage before.”

“If we carry out a large amount of currency over-issuance again, it will have a lot of impact on the credibility of our country.”

A scholar wearing reading glasses retorted that in fact, he felt that this was a mentally retarded solution, except that the Dotsky family would take the opportunity to obtain a lot of economic revitalization funds, which would not be beneficial to the whole.

Wait a minute, it seems like I’m making a fool.

The scholar was a little wary in his heart and looked up.

Officially kicking the ball Dotsky, looking at himself with a very unpleasant look, he shut up on the spot, or from the heart.

Kicking the ball, Dotsky looked at the news on his mobile phone about the heavy loss of his own industry, and soon he made up his mind not so hard.

“In that case, start a round of massive currency over-issuance, erase the deficit during this period, and then as for the establishment of a disaster detection agency, if it is unfavorable, it will lose credibility is also very easy to solve.”

The supreme commander was, looking at the silhouette of the newspaper in the office where the magical Oriental predicted the disaster a few times before, and then let out a sneer.

“Anyway, isn’t there that so-called Shao Banxian who will predict the disaster for us, as long as our own side does not predict, it will not cause another decline in credibility.”


Soon Gu Shaozhuang received a little excitement from Fu Huadong and called him to report.

“Mr. Gu is simply a god, just like you said, I aimed the main sign of this fund mobilization attack on the Dotsky family.”

“The supreme commander really announced that he would issue a large amount of money in excess to revitalize the economy.”

“It’s not about sacrificing the whole lighthouse drum project to save his own assets.”

The asset predator spoke, with a strong sense of disdain in his tone.

The so-called gentleman loves money and takes it wisely, and Fu Huadong believes that he will not be so despicable as to sell the credibility of the entire country for a little personal gain.

And Gu Shaozhuang just shook his head slightly, he didn’t think there was anything unexpected about this wave of predictions.

Or although it is not certain that Dotsky will do such a crazy thing, it does not matter, anyway, it will definitely make a fortune in the capital market of the lighthouse country, which is purely a surprise.

Success is naturally good, even if it is not successful, Gu Shaozhuang has no loss, it can be regarded as just a idle chess.

On the contrary, Fu Huadong showed some excitement too much.

“In this way, under the trade-off, it will not be long before our country can attack the hegemony that has always been composed of dollars, and then the lighthouse countries will no longer be able to use such an economic system to suck blood on the world.”

The asset tycoon seemed to speak a little too excitedly, and his speech was a little slurred and trembling.

However, he did not forget the business, and soon passed another internally obtained information to Gu Shaozhuang first, which made this god show a bit of surprise and speechlessness.

This wave of operations such as the Supreme Commander is really unexpected.


The anxious Supreme Commander of Uklan, who had been waiting on the other side, finally received a response from the Beacon Country.

“At present, the domestic situation can be temporarily and steadily suppressed, but if we do not publicly refute rumors, or prepare for disaster, it is likely to cause a lot of problems.”

“When will the experts and funds for that disaster detection organization be available?”

Obviously, the supreme commander was also quite anxious, and did not hesitate to point to kicking the ball Dotsky in a questioning tone.

He was reciprocated, however, by a brief silence, followed by the leader of the Lighthouse Country speaking in his usual condescending tone.

“I’m sorry, but because the lighthouse country also suffered a lot of losses in the previous disaster of the stone mountain volcano workers, it is no longer able to support other countries too much, which is undoubtedly ignoring the interests of its own people.”

“And as we all know, Lighthouse Country is a democracy, and our polls show that there aren’t too many people who support us to build a shared disaster detection team with Europe, so we can’t waste taxpayer money.”

In fact, this is pure nonsense, because Dotsky has not conducted any polls or interviews or the like to get a voice from the public.

It’s just that in order to prevent this over-issued currency from being affected again to save the market, so as not to make him unable to save his own assets, he can only give up the friendly exchange partners he originally made on the Ukran side.

“Therefore, there was no formal treaty signed anyway, so let’s null and void it.” The tone of the kicking Dotsky is very cold, but the heart reveals a deep sense of powerlessness.

Because as soon as he said this, it was basically equivalent to announcing to the world that the lighthouse country had been forced to give up its position as the world’s first power!

At this time, there were only 4 days, 14 hours and 22 minutes before the time of the nuclear explosion of the destruction level …

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