The national park covers three continents with volcanic eruptions.

At this moment, several major cities near the disaster site are still full of apocalyptic scenes.

And the farm bulldozer has become the only retrograde person in this terrible disaster, everyone is fleeing, only this person chooses to make a way for everyone.

“Get out of the way!”

“Get on the big truck over there, I’ve already given way to the road!”

“Damn it!”

“None of them can drive?”

Simon McDon gritted his teeth as he saved a group of people and threw a car to the group, only to find that none of these guys could drive.

And a nineteen-year-old guy replied embarrassedly: “I can’t drive this kind of car!” ”

“This is done manually!”

“When I got my driver’s license, I never touched this kind of car!”

Another woman in her twenties raised her hand with a slight trembling and said, “I think I should, I have driven the family truck.” ”

“Although only touched once or twice.”

In fact, many people can drive a car, but driving this kind of large truck with manual transmission is another matter, and it feels bad!

But right now!

It’s too late to say!

The lava and bombardment of the volcanic stone eruption finally gushed out volcanic ash.

The volcanic ash paving hit terrifying like a hurricane of level seven or eight, directly overturning the entire street, especially some billboards, etc., directly blown into the sky.

Simon McDon was sitting in his farm bulldozer at the moment, and he suddenly trembled in his heart, and shouted in the holy land: “Lie down! ”

It’s like the impact of a grenade when it explodes.

And the most terrifying thing is.

The volcanic ash storm is scorching, and if it is blown all the time, it can pump away people’s water and make the already overdrawn body worse!


Another scream.

It turned out to be a seven-year-old boy, who was directly sealed and blown up, the kind that completely flew!

Simon McDon was suddenly startled, and in the nick of time, he flew over and grabbed it, but his own body was also blown out.

He could only grasp the farm bulldozer with one hand and the seven-year-old boy in the other.

The scorching wind has a temperature of tens of degrees.

The skin was torn as if it was being steamed, and the little boy was also screaming in pain!

And the hurricane even blew over the big truck next to it.

Fell to the ground with a thud.

Simon McDon gritted his teeth, he couldn’t even speak, the volcanic ash turned the whole world into ash, he tried to pull the child back, but it was simply not enough.

Even he was almost weak and was about to be blown out with him.

The force of this wind is enough to blow an adult out a distance of more than ten meters or more.

In that moment.

Simon McDon had his son in mind, and he made an extremely difficult choice, that is, he directly released the hand holding the vehicle and let himself be blown out with this child.

With a violent impact, he carried the child directly to a corner of the street.

Yet blood splattered out.

In order to protect this child, his arm was directly pierced by the iron pillar of the building next to him.


Hissing and tearing pain.

Simon McDon gasped for air, the scorching volcanic ash wind made him feel like he was about to suffocate, but fortunately he finally saved the child.

His spiritual consciousness was even a little blurred.

At the last moment of fainting, he grinned and said, “Aana, I’m sorry, I can’t go back!” ”



On the network, retrograde in this disaster.

It was finally exposed, causing countless sensations, and was instantly excavated in YouTube and Twitter.

Countless people leave messages below!

“It’s crazy!”

“He actually walked in the direction of the volcanic eruption!”

“He pushed all the cars stuck in the road to the edge, and he saved countless people!”

“oh! my! god! I remember this man, he seems to be the head of the Bureau of Investigation for clarifying the news of the disaster! ”

“Yes, it’s him, I scolded him for a long time, I didn’t expect him to go back and save people!”

“Maybe we misunderstood him, after all, before that, no one knew that the volcano would really erupt!”

“God willing, he can come out alive!”

And in the office of the Supreme Commander.

It was very difficult, and Dotsky’s eyes became deep, just to calm his emotions.

He watched this Simon McDon video, as well as some of the discussions on the Internet.

Suddenly found the direction.

It is not easy to get everyone out of the grief of the disaster, and Simon McDon, who was retrograde from the disaster at this time, has become a hero for people.

Kicking the ball Dotsky’s voice was hoarse: “Thank you, really thank you!” ”

He resolutely walked out of the building.

Countless reporters rushed in an instant, shooting frantically!



Journalists from all over the world, waiting for this moment.

Kicking the leather ball Dotsky frowned in front of many media reporters, his expression was sad, and his voice was hoarse: “We persevered to the end, but failed!” ”

“Hundreds of members of the rescue team, as well as members of the search team.”

“And the professor of geological exploration!”

“Everyone has died!”

Kicking the ball Dotsky took a deep breath and acted very difficult, he deliberately wiped the corners of his eyes, as if to wipe away tears: “What makes me most uncomfortable is that the head of our investigation bureau, Simon McDon!” ”

“Simon McDon is a very, very good guy!”

“I’m proud of him!”

“When disaster strikes, everyone is fleeing, only he is in danger in order to save more people!”

“Is humanity really incapable of overcoming disaster?”

“Maybe yes!”

“But we will not throw in the towel, we will fight until the last minute!”

“I firmly believe that everyone can survive this disaster!”

“We have the best geologists, the bravest search teams, and their sacrifices are not without sense.”

“At least, dare to resist that damn disaster!”

Another emotional, sonorous speech that took emotion to the extreme.

While saying the most encouraging words, he expressed his sadness.

Kicking the ball, Dotsky deliberately choked up: “I will never forget that Simon McDon told me that disaster could happen, and he said he wanted to protect more people. ”

“I said yes, we’re all the same.”

“No one knows if that damn volcano is really going to erupt!”

“It wasn’t until the last moment that we discovered that the molten pressure was abnormal!”

“I believe that in any country, when something like this happens, they can’t do it better than us, and we’ve handled it perfectly!”

He set up a hero of disaster and let everyone rediscover their spiritual sustenance.

So quietly, once again, the attention of the disaster has been successfully transferred to other places…

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