When everyone finishes their work, they find that the King of the Void is still in Oraberdia's headless body.

Aoki was a little tired from looking at it, and the armor was so hard! Obviously,

the body inside the armor was almost like a yellow egg that had been scattered, and the armor was still not damaged.

Aoki: "Beldia, what kind of armor is your armor made of?"

Beldia: "I don't know, it seems to be the hardest metal known in the world." "

And the Demon King's protection

?" Aoki: "What does the Demon King look like?" Aoki

has only watched two seasons of anime, and the follow-up plot is not clear at all.

He doesn't know the follow-up plot, the dog author does, but the dog author won't tell him.

Beldia: "You want to torture me for information before you defeat me?"

Aoki: "Anyway, I'd like to test how long your armor can last." Beldia

: "

It's okay to tell you, this is my last day."

"Out of respect for your adversary, I can tell you some information. "

The Demon King is a white-haired man..."

Aoki's eyes lit up, and he controlled the gray hair.

“... Long horn..."

Long horn, the image of a white-haired and long-horned ghost clan royal sister jumped into his heart, and Aoki was a little excited.

“... Old man..."

Aoki's face fell, and he suddenly felt bored.

Aoki: "Tsk!"

Beldia: "What do you mean, full of disgust?" Aoki: "

If it were a white-haired, horny, bee-waisted, hip-busty royal sister, it would be great, I would defect to the enemy on the spot and become the princess of the demon clan."

Beldia: "Tsk!" "

I was not mistaken, you are a wolf in sheep's clothing.

"There are a few beautiful ones among the demon cadres, all of whom are bee waist and hips and big breasts. "

And the Demon King has a daughter!"

"If you join the Demon King's army, I can introduce you to it."

Aoki: "Oh, that's good!"

Akua walked over, they'd been waiting for hours.

The other adventurers had already returned, and only Akua was left.

After all, the King of the Void pressed the Headless Horseman to the ground and hammered it spectacularly, but after watching it for a long time, I got tired of it.

Now that the crisis threatening the town has been resolved, there is nothing to watch, and everyone leaves.

Akua: "Now, Aoki, let me purify the Headless Horsemann and go back to dinner!" Beldia: "Aoki,

that's the end of the joke.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, although it's a shame to be pressed to the ground and beaten, but since I was defeated by you in the open, I have nothing to say. "

Here, give me a decent death!" Aoki

nodded, withdrew from the Void King, and placed Berdia's head on his body.

At this moment, Beldia can't get up again, after all, the egg has been shaken and yellowed.

Beldia: "Farewell, Aoki

!" Akua: "Undead Purification!" Aoki

gave a sinister expression that surprised Beldia.

But it doesn't matter anymore, I am about to be purified and return to heaven to be reincarnated.

Shrouded in white brilliance, Beldia vanished, leaving behind a suit of armor and a great sword.

[The system prompts that the Horsemann Beldia's soul has been collected, kept/refined.] [

Reserved Selected]

[The soul has been contained, stored in Valhalla, and transformed into a Heroic Spirit, and the transformation is expected to be completed within three days. Putting

away Beldia's equipment, Aoki and the team members return to the Adventurer's Guild.

Aoki walks into the Adventurer's Guild and takes out the Horsemann Beldia's great sword and helmet.

Aoki met everyone's gaze and announced, "The Headless Horseman Beldia has been wiped out by us!"

After a brief silence, cheers erupted within the Adventurers' Guild!

Aoki signaled for everyone to be quiet, and then announced again.

"Tonight, the Adventurer's Guild has enough food and drink, and Uncle Aoki pays for it!" The Adventurer's Guild

erupted into even louder cheers, which lasted for a long time

! "Aoki



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