After sending Wiz home, Aoki returned home with Yoyo.

Aoki made a hearty late-night snack that left enough for the three of Akuya.

Aoki looked in the direction of Daknis's room.

The breath is steady, Daknis should still be sleeping, and it really took a lot of time for this stand-in to awaken.

Hand Yoyo's portion to Yoyo, put Daknis's portion in Darkness's room, and Aoki went to sleep after eating.

The next day

, Aoki ran alone to the Wiz prop shop.

Aoki wants to strike while the iron is hot and have a good relationship with Wiz.

Aoki drank the tea made by Wiz, who was such a gentle and good woman.

Except for some losers, there are basically no shortcomings.

It's stupid, but stupid women are easy to deceive.

"You purified the souls of the dead in the cemetery last night, did you receive a mission from the Adventurers' Guild?"

Kazuma and his party took on the task of eliminating the zombie makers in the graveyard, which meant that the adventurers' guild had no idea about the situation in the graveyard.

If Wiz had taken over the mission from the Adventurer's Guild, it would have been impossible for the Adventurer's Guild not to be aware of the situation, let alone send out the task of destroying the Zombie Makers.

This is just to start the conversation.

Wiz: "I am the Lich, the so-called Uncrowned King.

"For as the King of the Undead, I can hear the voices of souls wandering in this world.

"Many of the souls in this public cemetery are unable to return to heaven because they have no money, and no one can even help with decent funerals, so they wander the cemetery every night.

"And I'm also the king of the undead, so I come here regularly to give the children who want to return to heaven a ride. "

What is the contrast

moe? Look! This is the contrast moe!

Obviously a dark creature and a necromancer, but he is kinder than most people.

"Wiz is such a kind woman. "

Not only beautiful and gentle, but also strong and kind.

"Even in the dark, you still yearn for the light

!" "This is the real beauty!" Facing

Aoki's unreserved praise, Wiz's face turned red.

It's the first time he's been praised like this, and it's clear that he's fallen into a lich, but Aoki is still not afraid to hate himself.

Wizz: "Aoki... Mr... What do I say... That's good..."Aoki

knew it was too much, so he changed the subject.

"The work of purifying the undead should be the responsibility of the priests of this town, don't they have anyone to go?"

Wiz was also distressed: "The priests of this town are very money worshippers, and they will postpone dealing with those who don't have money.

Aoki nodded: "Money is paramount, right? Adventurers take risks for money." It's normal that no one goes..."

Speaking of this topic, the atmosphere became a little dull.

Aoki changed the subject: "The information given by the Adventurers' Guild said that someone woke up the zombies, did this Wiz?" Wiz

suddenly looked very distressed: "This..."

"I didn't mean to wake them up.

"As soon as I get close to the cemetery, the corpse that is still intact will react to my magic and wake up automatically.

"From my standpoint, as long as the people buried in this cemetery can stop wandering and return to heaven, there is no reason for me to go to the cemetery again. "

So... How can this be solved?"

Aoki touched his chin, awakening zombies is Wiz's passive ability, and it can't be turned off yet.

Unless Wiz is able to hide his aura and not leak it out, and not be perceived by the corpse, the corpse will not transform into a zombie and awaken.

Aoki remembered that the thief had a skill, [Insidious].

This skill seems to be able to hide breath, but Wiz may not have the extra skill points to learn this skill.

Moreover, with Wiz's level, the [Latent] skill needs to be upgraded to a high level in order to effectively hide the aura.

The [Latent] skill not only hides the breath, but also hides the body, which is very inconvenient for daily use.

Aoki: "I'm going to study the Rogue's [Insidious] skill, which should be able to help you. "

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