Aoki suddenly remembered one thing, that is, in the original book, Big Joe was injured in a death match with Dior and was sent to a hospital by Stegwagen.

Big Joe's childhood girlfriend, Eliana Pendrudton, worked in that hospital, and the two reconciled in the process of taking care of Big Joe.

Now that Aoki and Zibelin have directly healed their injuries, doesn't that mean that they accidentally cut off the opportunity for the two to meet.

This accidentally broke up a marriage!

In this case, 1.5 Joe, Second Joe, and Third Joe will all be gone?

"The Beginning of the Heavens Destroys JOJO and a Family"

is not good!

Dior, the most popular, has not achieved this achievement.

Aoki pondered for a long time and finally came up with a solution.

He wrote a few letters and then handed them to the "student" Spieter Wagan for him to mail to all the nearby hospitals, large and small.

"To Aliana Pendrudton?" Stegwagen wondered.

Aoki: "I forged a few love letters, and they turned out to be love letters from JOJO to Alina.

"Why would you write a love letter to Jojo?" Aoki:

"Because I need to lure Alina over and make 1.5 Joe with Jonathan."

"Who's 1.5 Joe?" Aoki

: "It doesn't matter.


Aoki: "The nearby hospital, I don't know which hospital exactly. "

Then why don't I just bring Alina back?" Aoki

: "Then how do I explain that I know Alina's existence and I've never seen her?"

"Uh... Then why do you know about Alina's existence?" Aoki

: "For the sake of me teaching you the ripple breathing technique, don't ask me that question!

All right. The

next day, Spieter Wagan brought Elena in a carriage.

Jonathan was shocked and happy to see Elena growing up, and Elena was also very happy to see the handsome and tall Jonathan.

No one seemed to care how Elena came over.

Looking at the two hugging each other, Aoki breathed a sigh of relief.

The first chapter of "The Beginning of the Heavens to Destroy the Great Family of JOJO" is a eunuch.

After two or three days of short practice, Spieter Wagen's men brought some news.

His men saw the suspected Dior in the mountain town of Wind Knights, where many people had recently disappeared.

The four of them were ready to go, and just as the four of them were about to enter the carriage, Aoki suddenly sensed a strange aura.

[Ripple Perception]

The golden thunder turned into a power grid and spread, and the three of them all looked at Aoki suspiciously.


of the three horses was a little strange, and there was something sinister and dark about it.

Aoki walked over to the horse in the middle, untied its reins, and pulled it out alone.

Aoki led the horse to the clearing, where the sun was shining and there was no shade nearby.

Zibelin: "Aoki, what's wrong?" Aoki

pointed at the black horse, "Something is hidden inside the black horse's body, some kind of evil and filthy dark creature. "

“DIO !!!"

Everyone was shocked, but they didn't expect that there was nowhere to find the iron shoes, and it took no effort to get them.

Aoki shook his head: "Probably not!" Last


Jack the Ripper had now been transformed into a powerful corpse by Dior, and he found that someone was probing for the traces of Lord Dior.

Before the spies were ready to leave, Jack did not kill them directly, but hid in the horses and followed them to the Joestar family.

Originally, he was going to wait for night to fall and catch them off guard, but now he was discovered by Aoki.

Jack broke out in a cold sweat, full of fear.

What to do?

If they forcibly dig themselves out of the horse, then he will die.

Jack the Ripper wasn't afraid of these people, he was afraid of the sun.

Once you expose yourself to the sun, you will immediately be sunburned to ashes.

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