Chapter 127 The Contest of Top Passing! Arsenal’s crazy attack!!

Pre-match press conference.

Wenger was like a gentleman, sitting on a podium,—— patiently answering reporters’ questions.

He may be the coach of the European giants who has been sprayed by his own fans for the longest time.

Journalists in Europe don’t make it hard for him because he’s made a huge push for both Ligue 1 and premier league technology.

“Mr. Wenger, I’m a reporter for Land Sports, what do you think of barcelona in this year’s Champions League round-16 knockout rounds?”

Wenger laughed to himself: “When I was a player, I won the Ligue 1 title, but I always lost to Cruyff in the Champions League. ”

‘After I coached, whether in Ligue 1 or arsenal, I always met Barca in the Champions League.

‘In 2005, it was probably Arsenal’s closest to the Champions League title, but in the final we lost to Barca.

“Cruyff, La Masia, Barca, it seems like an exam I have to go through in my life.”

The reporters laughed.

“Mr. Wenger, what do you think of Chu Tian, Barca’s talented midfielder this season?”

Another reporter asked.

Wenger said: “Chu Tian is a promising player, but Arsenal can’t afford it. ”

As soon as the words came out.

The atmosphere of the whole conference was much more relaxed.

The other side.

Enrique was also questioned by reporters.

“Mr. Enrique, I’m a reporter for the Daily Mail, what do you think of this game? Both Barcelona and Arsenal are among the top tech streams in Europe! ”

Enrique shook his head and said disapprovingly: “I have a lot of respect for Mr. Wenger, he was friends with Mr. Cruyff when he was young, but I want to correct you, Arsenal’s pass is nothing more than copying Barca!” We in La Masia have the real art of transmission! ”

“Arsenal players are at the same level as the midstream of a La Liga team! I found a way to beat them! ”

“We’ll be the same as ever! Knock Arsenal out! ”

“Barcelona’s goal! Be the Champions League winner! ”

Enrique’s voice was loud.

Wenger also heard the sentence ‘Arsenal’s pass is just copying Barca’ And he had a calm expression and didn’t explain much to reporters.

Emirates Stadium.

A sea of people.

Be booked up.

The exciting Champions League theme song came to an abrupt end.

Players from both sides walked out of the player aisle! This moment.

Over north London, slogans from Gunners fans are wafting around!




The red and white ocean flooded the entire Emirates Stadium!

“CTV5CTV5C! Good evening audience friends! Welcome to the Champions League Round of 16 knockouts! ”

“Arsenal at home against Barca!”

“This is the most talked about match in the knockout opener!”

“Transmission control to upload control!” It’s going to be a very watched game! ”

“I’m the commentator of this game, Duan Xuan!”

“I am He Wei!”

Players from both sides stepped onto the pitch.

The referee tossed the coin.

Let the captains of both teams pick the side.

“Here’s a look at the starting lineups of both teams!”

“The formation on the Arsenal side is 4-2-3-1!”

“Goalkeeper: Cech!”

Defender: Bellerin! Gabriel! Koscielny! Monreal. ”

“Double back: Ramsey partner Kirkland!”

“Midfielders: Walcott, Cazorla, Sanchez!”

“Striker: Olivier Giroud!”

—[Why does Arsenal’s squad look so strong?] 】

—[I think so, but Ramsey can’t kick the back, right?] 】

[No way, Arsenal are poor, if you don’t let Ramsey play at the back, you have to let the midfield core Cazorla play the back. 】

Arsenal are invincible! 】

“The formation on the Barca side is still 4-3-3!”

“Iniesta, Nessa, Mascherano has returned from injury!”

“Goalkeeper: Ter Stegen!”

“Defenders: Alba, Pique, Mascherano, Alves!”

“Midfielder: Busquets! Chu Tian! Iniesta! ”

“Front: Less inside! Suarez! Messi! ”

—[Did Enrique not let Chu Tian play left winger?] 】

—[Nei Shao has already returned from injury, if Chu Tian hits the left winger, Nei Shao doesn’t know where to put it.] 】

—【The Troubles of Barcelona’s Happiness!】 The referee blew the whistle!

The race is on!

The cheers in the Chief’s stands grew louder! Olivier Giroud tee off!

Pass it on to Sanchez!

Sanchez immediately started, changing direction and swinging past Iniesta.

Start advancing on the left side of the road!

Alves are ready to intercept on the perimeter! Pique also took over to help the defense!

Sanchez immediately knocked the ball sideways.

Passed to Cazorla in the middle.

The next moment.

Arsenal’s real attack sounded the horn!

Cazorla easily got rid of Busquets, who was pressing up.

They are team-mates for many years on the national team.

The confrontation between each other is very familiar!

The entire Arsenal formation started to run forward quickly! Monreal edges run at high speed!

Wolcott pulls the running position in the opposite direction! Ramsey plugged in!

Football passes quickly between red and white jerseys! Mercury pours smoothly!

Towards a sharp blade and plunge directly into Barca’s restricted area!

The Arsenal fans in the stands immediately erupted into enthusiastic applause! Immediately after, the drums thundered!

“Arsenal’s pass is too fast!”

“There is not a trace of redundant backhaul!”

“I can’t count how many times they’ve done hitting the wall!”

—【Groove, Arsenal’s pass control is so hanging!] 】

— [It’s not the same thing as Barca’s passing!] 】

—[Arsenal didn’t have a single extra kick backlash!] Eat barca raw at the backline! 】

Mascherano followed Sanchez closely! But!

Arsenal’s attacking passing hasn’t stopped!

Bellerin plugged in! Patch up Sanchez’s pick-up point! Pique and Giroud are next to each other!

When everyone reacts!

Football has been passed by Arsenal into the Barca penalty area! Ramsey’s position at this time, one meter from the goal!

He received a pass from his teammate!

“Face the empty door directly!”

“Ter Stegen is too late to save!”

One kick blast! Football off the ground! High above the beams!

Flew to the stands!

“You can’t kick this ball!”

“What a shame! Arsenal made a perfect start and missed the opportunity to lead. ”

“One meter from the goal, Ramsey can enter with a gentle push of the goal!” Why shoot an anti-aircraft gun! ”

“It’s harder not to score than to score!”

“Everything in front of me was so perfect that I couldn’t grasp it with a kick at the door.”

Duan Xuan and He Wei couldn’t help but feel some regret.

—[I think of a dusty terrier ‘Ramsey’s Law’! As long as Ramsey scores, he will die! 】

—【As an Arsenal fan, I’m numb, it’s like this, Giroud and Ramsey, these two spit kings!] 】

—[Arsenal’s pass control is not the same thing as Barca’s pass control!] 】

—【Arsenal pursues simple and efficient local delivery! Barca’s pass control is more about space and width! 】

—[The two are not one thing.] 】…

Arsenal fans in the stands are used to it.

Laughingly, he threw the football back to the caddie.

Most of them have red faces!

Because the Premier League has been required since 1985, fans cannot drink alcohol for 15 minutes before the match.

Now open 2 minutes.

It is the moment when the body breaks down alcohol.

The atmosphere of the entire Emirates Stadium.

Also with Ramsay’s empty door not entering, it was pushed to a climax.

Ter Stegen sent a goal.

Looking at the menacing Sanchez, he immediately passed the ball to Alba! Alba handed out a long pass with a low flat ball.

Football came to Busquets’ feet.

Cazorla is approaching immediately!

Busquets and Cazorla clash again! Cazorla was not from La Masia though.

But the two were signed by the national team of the Matador Nation since childhood.

Too familiar!

Cazorla easily blocked the space for Busquets’ usual foot.

In desperation.

Busquets had to pass the ball back to Mascherano! Mascherano tried to shoot the ball into the middle and found Chu Tian.

Ramsey and Walcott are coming up again!

Mascherano only had to pass the ball back to the goalkeeper.

– [Ramsey is a back!] How did he press so far ahead?

—【Double back pseudo back play! 】

—【What ghost?】 Why do I think this Arsenal seems to be very powerful! 】

—【This Cazorla is so powerful!】 He’s not famous! 】

—【How can you enter the Matador Nation and give Harvey a substitute as a midfielder? 】

—[10-12 years of the World Cup European Championship, ‘Habeb’ rotation, Cazorla, David Silva, Fabregas composed of midfielders are hanging]

—[Barca is not to mention delivering cannonballs to MSN, the ball is difficult to pass to Chu Tian’s feet! 】


There was no trace of joy on Wenger’s face, even though the team had the upper hand.

He trimmed his red tie.

Hands in the hands, pacing back and forth on the sidelines.

The other side.

Enrique’s brow furrowed.

Arsenal not only have a smooth passing attack.

It is also directly stuck in the barca backfield to the midfield throat worker!

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