Start From Cultivation University

Chapter 333: The Spirit in the Mirror

Rewind the time to 6 hours ago.

At Qingcheng Fengdu high-speed railway station, the white Harmony entered the platform, and people with suitcases came out in twos and threes, poured into the station, and walked towards it.

A few minutes later, there was a long queue in front of the station with the "Direct Access to Scenic Area" sign.

With the sound of the siren, the last direct bus drove into the station, letting the ants-like crowd flow in through the door, and then left with a full load. The light board at the rear of the bus rolled with red LED words: Qingcheng Station→Fengdu Ghost Town Scenic Area.

The Ghost City Scenic Area is located in Peiling, outside the urban area of ​​Qingcheng, and it takes more than half an hour to go there by direct bus. Soon the bus drove up the country road, and the passengers slept and looked at their mobile phones, and the feeling of burnout in the afternoon filled the car.

On the seat in the back row, Jiang Ling and Han Jiangchen were sitting side by side. They were both wearing newly bought casual clothes. At first glance, they looked no different from other little lovers who were out on a trip... other ordinary college students.

As planned, after submitting the practice application, they got the instructions very smoothly, and then planned the route according to Su Yuzhu's introduction, prepared in a hurry, and got on the bus to Qingcheng the next day car.

At this time, almost no one paid attention to them. Han Jiangchen was holding the black-wrapped spirit sword in his hand, pressing the hilt to inject spiritual power into it, and deepening its resonance with himself.

When he was in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, he himself was slashed by Wang Ben, and the sword he was used to was also chopped into pieces, which was a tragedy.

Fortunately, it was just a low-grade standard spirit weapon, and there were still many new spares in the school. Now he was hurrying to improve the adaptability of the new weapon.

When he was concentrating on refining, Jiang Ling, who was sitting next to him, was patting him and arranging his clothes.

She used her fingertips to stretch and tug here and there, and under the action of spiritual power, she smoothed out the wrinkles on the clothes for him one by one.

She was doing this with great interest, as if she were playing with a big doll, and the more she worked, the more she worked. After finishing the clothes, she didn't stop, then stood up again, stretched out her sinful claws, touched his head, and started to fiddle with his hair.

When the spiritual weapon resonates, it needs to be fully concentrated. Han Jiangchen sat still for the whole time, like an old monk in meditation, concentrating all his thoughts on the spiritual sword in his hand. But after a few minutes, the old monk finally couldn't help breaking his kung fu.

"...why do you keep rubbing my head?"

"Isn't this a better look for you? It must be neatly trimmed from head to toe, and the hairstyle is also necessary... Hey, don't move!"

Jiang Ling held him down with one hand,

It's like pushing your own bathing dog back into the bathtub: "Didn't you say it all, we are going to play a couple this time, this will be a rehearsal, practice in advance."

She said casually, glanced away, but saw Han Jiangchen's twisted face, so she quickly stopped: "Ah, I'm sorry, are you uncomfortable if I do this?"


"Oh, that's good, then I will continue to do it. If you feel uncomfortable, just tell me."

Although she said so, in fact, she was enjoying his hair, as if she was stroking a dog. His hands are straightened, and his mouth is still talking endlessly, with a look of releasing his nature.

"Wow, junior, your hair is so soft, it turns out that boys' hair can be so soft!"

"Hey, I haven't paid much attention to it before. Don't you think your eyes are beautiful? They are black and bright."

"Hey, you guys, obviously you can look handsome with a little tidying up, so you're just lazy!"

Jiang Ling rubbed him one last time, and then withdrew her hand, holding her face up and down, looking at him with admiration.

"Well, not bad, quite handsome."

Finally, she straightened his collar and patted him on the shoulder with a smile: "Behave well when the time comes, we can't throw the school's face outside."

Contrary to her interest, Han Jiangchen sat there with embarrassment all over his body, and almost forgot how to use the spiritual power in his hands.

As long as he can remember, he has almost never been in close contact with people for so long, and he has never even thought about the treatment of getting his clothes adjusted. This feeling makes him extremely uncomfortable.

...Although it is not exclusive.

Looking at the clean clothes on his body, he felt that he had to do something to match her. But just as he was seriously considering what to do, Su Yuzhu, who was sitting in front of them, turned his head.

"It's almost here." Su Yuzhu said, "Get ready, you will have to walk for a while after you get down."

The silhouette of a thin and tall mountain was reflected in the car window, and the black temple-like ticket office in front of the mountain could be seen from a distance. As soon as Su Yuzhu finished speaking, the flight attendant's announcement sounded immediately.

"Passengers and friends, Fengdu Ghost Town Scenic Area is the destination of our trip. Thank you for your support for our work. I wish you a pleasant trip..."

The bus stopped in front of the stop sign, the doors opened, and the passengers sitting everywhere picked up their suitcases and carried their bags on their backs. The three of them also picked up their luggage and walked out of the car following the flow of people.

As soon as we got out of the car, the fresh air in the mountains rushed in. Tourists naturally flocked to the ticketing station of the scenic spot ahead, and the station quickly became empty.

But Su Yuzhu, who was leading the way, did not follow them up. He just stood there, raised his head and sniffed the sky, as if he had confirmed something, then raised his hand and pointed in the opposite direction to the tourists: "This side."

"This way?"

Jiang Ling and Han Jiangchen looked in the direction of his finger, and it turned out to be a wild mountain area beside the scenic spot.

Weeds are overgrown on the rolling soil of the wild mountain, except for a few dirt roads stepped by uncivilized elements, there is no road for people to walk on, and there is even a sign beside it, which reads in bold red letters "employees only".

"Well, the village is still some distance away from here, and we have to take the mountain road next."

Su Yuzhu glanced at the bustling scenic spot over there: "That place is just a decoration built by mortals. It is said to be a 'ghost town', but in fact there is nothing special at all. There is no place full of aura at all. "But..."

He paused when he said this, and twitched his nose again in the direction of the scenic spot, with a slight frown between his brows.

"I haven't been back for a few days, and the smell of this place seems to have changed a bit... Maybe it's because of the influence of the rise of the spiritual tide in the past two days, the spiritual energy in the mountains has spread here."

Jiang Ling followed him and looked back at the scenic spot behind him. At this time, the tourists had already gone to buy tickets, and besides them, there was only a beautiful young girl and a man with pigtails standing there, communicating with each other.

"Brother Zhang, this time, you should pay more attention to framing the scene, and try not to take too bright angles. After all, it's a ghost town. Highlight the eerie feeling. It's best to make me feel like a ghost... Hahaha."

"Don't worry, don't you know my skills yet? When the time comes, I'll adjust the color for you, and I can change you from Sachiko to Sadako..."

The two of them adjusted the camera in front of them while talking, and the communication was very smooth, which was in stark contrast to the three struggling here.

Is the aura rising...

Jiang Ling watched the tourists over there from a distance, pondered for a moment, and looked at Han Jiangchen beside him.

He was also looking at the mountain that had been classified as a scenic spot, and his eyes stopped on the black "Hall of Hell" at the top. He stared at it for a while, then shook his head slightly.

"There is indeed some spiritual wind on the top of the mountain, but it is very weak. The distance is too far, and there are trees blocking it, so I can't see clearly."

"Is that so..."

Jiang Ling nodded, looking at the black palace on the mountain, she felt a special premonition for some reason.

"It's getting late, and there's still some time to go." While thinking, Su Yuzhu reminded him, "If you don't hurry up and go into the mountain, it may be too late."

"...Okay." Jiang Ling glanced at the westward sun, but she could only look away, and said to Su Yuzhu, "Then you lead the way."

Su Yuzhu followed the voice and moved forward, taking advantage of the fact that there was no one around, he led the two of them past the "No Entry for Idlers" sign and into the forest behind.

Just before entering, she took a last look at the back, and saw a slender figure standing in front of the scenic spot, facing the camera and waving, her voice was blown away in the fluttering wind.

"Hello everyone, I am Xingzi who loves to travel. At the request of all audience friends, today we are going to explore the famous ghost town of Fengdu. Now we are at the entrance of the ghost town. It is located on the north bank of the Yangtze River, two thousand years ago. years of history."

"Then now, let's go up the mountain to visit..."

After she finished speaking, she turned around and walked towards the door, climbing up one step at a time, with light steps and high spirits.

One kilometer away, Jiang and Han were leading into the mountains under the leadership of Su Yuzhu. The two were heading in opposite directions, and soon disappeared under the projection of the mountains.



The sun is slanting to the west, and the shadows of the trees are dancing. It is said that among the leaves of the forest, the trees on both sides are gradually thinning, and the wormwood that reaches the knees takes its place, covering both sides of the dirt road.

Leaving the scenic area and entering the field, the surrounding green shadows are getting denser, but the human voice is getting weaker and weaker. Looking up, there is a piece of dark green within a few miles, and there is not a single person in sight.

The south, summer, and the overgrown mountainous terrain make this place a grassy steamer. The humidity is so high that you feel a lack of oxygen just walking on the road.

Walking all the way, the three of them were already covered in sweat. If they hadn't been protected by spiritual energy, their clothes would have been useless long ago.

"It's strange... This path doesn't look very long. How come you haven't finished walking for so long?"

Jiang Ling wiped the sweat off her brow and realized something was wrong, so she took the initiative to ask Su Yuzhu.

"As I said just now, there is a concentration point of spiritual energy in this mountain. Such a strong spiritual energy will certainly change the surrounding environment and confuse people's perception."

Su Yuzhu looked at Lindao in front of him: "It's like when you look in the mirror, the road in the mirror looks very short, but in fact it is far away in the sky - the environment in this mountain is such a 'mirror', it is A mirage created by aura."

"That is to say, now we are walking inside this mirror, and with the flow of spiritual energy, the scene in this mountain will continue to change. Even I can't completely tell which is true and which is false , can only be guided by smell."

Jiang Ling responded, but she became more vigilant in her heart.

With previous experience, until now, she did not dare to fully trust this Su Yuzhu. That is to say, Han Jiangchen was watching by her side this time, otherwise she really wouldn't let this kid lead the way with such peace of mind.


She let go of her divine sense, looked around, carefully paying attention to the plants and trees around her. As Su Yuzhu said, these grasses and trees are false and real. If you enter rashly without knowing the truth, you will definitely get lost.

Beside her, Han Jiangchen squinted his eyes and looked around. In his eyes, the true and false scenery turned into a spiritual wind like hundreds of rivers, covering the entire mountain like a mist, and he didn't know its source.

Even for him, the concentration of this aura was unheard of, and it seemed that only the Mausoleum of the First Emperor could compare with it.

Such a large amount of mixed spiritual power flow, even his eyes could not fully distinguish it. Under such circumstances, it really can only rely on Su Yuzhu's nose to guide the way.

However, with such a large amount of aura gathered in this mountain, the officials didn't notice it at all?

If this was the case a few years ago, it could be said that it was due to ignorance of the progress of the recovery; but now, the latest type of spiritual power detector is accurate to the level of an individual refining Qi, and with Skynet staff all over the country, it is impossible to find such a large an outlier?

Is it also hindered by this "mirror image"? still…

"Is the spiritual environment here also related to the appearance of the spirit man?"

Hearing this, Su Yuzhu gave him a very strange look, as if he just said some common sense loophole.

"Of course." Su Yuzhu said, "Originally, a spirit person is an existence selected by the spirit energy, and a part of the body is contaminated by the spirit energy—mostly one of the seven orifices—to produce changes and gain synaesthesia. The ability of human beings is usually completed before a person opens his intelligence at the age of 5."

"Since that's the case, the denser the aura, the easier it is for spirit people to appear. The sparse aura on the outside is good enough for people to cultivate. The chance of producing a person like you is lower than being struck by lightning .”

Listening to what he said, Han Jiangchen subconsciously stroked his eye sockets, and the expression in his pupils changed slightly.

He thought of many things in an instant: including the hypothesis proposed by the medical field that spiritual energy affects the body, including the "spiritual reaction" produced by spiritual energy changing environmental substances, including those "winds" that he saw since he was a child... From Su Yuzhu In the words, these clues are suddenly strung together.

Before the recovery, the spiritual energy in the world was thin and had almost no impact on the environment, and ordinary people couldn't even detect its existence—but he happened to be "tainted" by these.

He has lived in this world for almost twenty years, but he has just realized what kind of existence he is.

It's not a psychopath, nor is it a lunatic or a fool. It's just that when others don't know it or know it, they become the first person to be changed by aura.

Moreover, there are a group of people like him in this world. He's not the only outlier.

Looking at the mountain shadow in front of him, he felt that the world in front of him had suddenly changed, which made him throb inexplicably, full of unprecedented complexity.

Amidst the mixed flavors, Su Yuzhu in front of him suddenly took a breath and spoke again.

"It's almost here." Su Yuzhu turned his head, "It's almost entered the boundary of the village, you two should prepare well—from now on, you will be husband and wife."

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