Start From Cultivation University

Chapter 328 If you want to cultivate immortality, learn Chinese first

Regarding Kunlun University's opening of overseas channels, it can be said that the real wall is overthrown by everyone.

As early as during the Fairy Games, overseas discussions on aura and magic had already been raging. After the demon disaster and the Ancheng Longying incident, the popularity of related topics has not decreased but increased.

At the end of this spring, the collective appearance of immortal cultivators made the world see the truly extraordinary power, and the whole world was therefore turbulent.

This is a wave of unexpected cultural export. In the eyes of the public, Huaguo and Kunlun University seem to have become synonymous with extraordinary.

Under the impact of public opinion, countries have to quickly strengthen the relevant publicity of domestic Reiki development projects, and use the momentum of military parades to showcase their own Reiki research and development achievements, such as the exploration progress of Reiki outbreak nodes, and disclose various ancient methods that should have been blocked. Reshape people's trust in their own national strength.

Among them, the call for the popularization of extraordinary power is the most powerful, but it is a pity that although some remnants of extraordinary power have been found overseas in their respective territories, they are basically fragments, but few are systematic.

History experts believe that this is due to the rupture of the "inheritance" of Western society.

It is different from most of the cultures of the Eastern world that are of the same origin. Today, most of the Western systems that dominate the world are based on "destruction".

Whether it was the various divisions and imperial changes before the Middle Ages, or the subsequent Enlightenment that subverted the traditional religious society, the changes of Westerners are often based on breaking the past, and the society is constantly being torn and reorganized, just like A snake sheds its skin, and every reorganization is the rebirth of the whole society. 【1】

To use an analogy, the social history of the East is like a long rope that continues to extend, thick and thin, but at least it is still a string.

And the history of the West is like a plate of fried beans, bouncing here and there over and over again. Although they are all produced from the same pod, you never know where this plate of beans will jump.

In the past, such a reform model was quite advantageous. It allowed the West to get rid of the historical burden of feudal society as quickly as possible, complete the gorgeous turn of industry, and always maintain the most vigorous vitality in the world. Under the background of this era that needs to be traced back to the source, such frequent historical changes have brought huge troubles to the textual research and reconstruction of the system.

This is easy to understand. It is obviously much easier to find the end of a rope than to sort out the fried beans that are bouncing around the house.

From this point of view, it is not surprising that Huaguo was the first to have a system of extraordinary exercises.

As the only civilization among the four ancient countries that still survives and continues to this day, the Hua country is definitely the world's best in terms of historical accumulation. Whoever refuses to accept, the previous "Up and Down Five Thousand Years" will serve you.

If seniority is also considered among countries, Huaguo should be able to pat every Western country on the shoulder and chuckle: Young man, when I was playing cards with your Grandpa Roman, you were still chasing wild boars in the big forest.

Now the era of aura revival has come, all juniors started to look for the supernatural relics left by their grandpas, and Hua Guo slowly opened his own drawer and exclaimed: Oh, my five-thousand-year-old old man is really confused, I forgot that there is a royal dossier here.

The above is too far. All in all, after the Fairy Games, the whole world had to face a fact: in the emerging field of aura, Huaguo was not only the first to master a complete supernatural system,

And it is the first to own the industry's top higher education resources.

For the top leaders of various countries, this is no small matter.

A large part of the current prosperity of the West depends on its higher education, which is ahead of the world, and the talents and elites from all walks of life cultivated under this education model. This is a more important competitiveness than gdp or even national defense and military.

Before the spiritual energy recovered, due to various reasons, Huaguo was at least 20 years behind in this regard. But now the emergence of the Reiki field and Kunlun University has broken all the previous patterns.

This is incredible. All major countries immediately began to prepare their own extraordinary systems as if they had been whipped. Under the strong demand of the people, several countries have even announced that they will build extraordinary schools in their own countries, and there is a tendency to sing a bad face.

So people from all over the world waited in anticipation, waiting for another existence like Kunlun University to appear in the world, waiting for the divine bird in their imagination to hand over the notice. As for whether it is called Hogwarts or something else, that is up to you It doesn't matter anymore.

In the end, after waiting for half a month, I didn't wait for the exposure of the new "Magic School", but I waited for the notice of Kunlun University's new year's enrollment preparations.

Driven by domestic public opinion, countless ambassadors visited China, intending to inquire about the enrollment situation of that school. These actions have undoubtedly attracted great attention from the people of various countries, but in the end what they waited for was the news that they failed to communicate with Kunlun University's admissions department.

The specific process of the negotiation is unknown. In short, the result is that Kunlun University rejected the policy of joining the internationalized evaluation model and at the same time refused to treat domestic and international students differently. In other words, refuse to open special channels for foreign students.

As for all kinds of external teaching resources, they are placed on the public platform, but foreign educators have not received any substantial gains.

According to legend, when asked about the reason for the failure of negotiations, the ambassador named Harry chuckled and threw a question in the other party's face.

"Please tell me, how to express 'quick as a law' in English?"


All in all, the current situation is very embarrassing for overseas people.

The extraordinary education of each country is still a fertilized egg that does not know whether it will be aborted, and it will be hopeless for a while. And after the Huaguo Education Bureau announced the admissions policy of Kunlun University, the expectations of overseas people to enroll seemed to be shattered.

On the issue of overseas enrollment, Kunlun University adheres to a consistent attitude of treating all students equally, and does not set up special preferential treatment for foreign students, nor does it make other embarrassments.

This point has been criticized by countless liberals overseas, who believe that Kunlun University is suspected of racial discrimination, and that a good university should insist on true equality and should not distinguish between high and low languages.

However, when these people saw the content of the school textbooks such as "Tao Te Ching" and "Lao Tzu", all the criticizing voices automatically shut up.

It's a very simple truth - if you don't learn Chinese, you can't even read basic mantras, so how do you learn it?

For those overseas who love "Oriental Magic" and want to try to enroll in "Magic School", this can be said to be a blow to the head.

In the past, if they wanted to come to China to study, it couldn't be easier. As long as you hold a foreign nationality, you will have a green light all the way to enroll in China. Sometimes you don’t even need to know Chinese, and the doors of top schools like Huaqing Peking University will be opened for them. The last burden is condescending.

In contrast, it is even more difficult for Huaguo students to apply for overseas schools.

Due to the large number of Asian students, major overseas schools have intentionally or unintentionally raised the threshold for Asians. According to admissions data, when applying for the same major in the same school, the average standardized score of admitted Asian students is a bit higher than that of white and black students.

This means that when recruiting foreign universities, if yellow students have the same test scores as black or white students, but have no other activities, internships or scientific research achievements, then non-Asians at the same level tend to be more Easy to get admission, this seems to have become the default rule in the international education circle.

But after Kunlun University appeared, all this changed suddenly.

Not only the university itself, but all the schools in China that have opened up the cultivation of immortals and related courses have put forward the same request.

Just like those who went abroad to English-speaking countries in the past, overseas students who want to apply for schools in Huaguo need to submit the corresponding language test scores in addition to the college entrance examination scores and other materials, which is exactly the same as the previous TOEFL IELTS.

If you want to learn to cultivate immortals, you must learn Chinese first.

Under the influence of the Fairy Games, the enthusiasm for Chinese language has already emerged in various countries, and this policy has not stopped the fighting spirit of those oriental magic lovers.

It is reasonable and expected that in the next few months, the number of registrations for this year's HSK test will explode.

HSK, foreign name Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (yes, it’s really Pinyin), is an international standardized test of Chinese proficiency, set up for non-Chinese native speakers, with a maximum of level 6.

As for the content of the exam, it is roughly similar to the following topics:

Listening question 1:

"Your teeth are so beautiful!"

"Oh, that's fake."

"Ah? Really or not?"


Q: Are the teeth real or fake?

Listening question 2:

Wool sweaters are on sale, 10 yuan for each piece, 10 yuan for everything, 10 yuan for all.

Q: What is 10 yuan?

A. Piece B. Everything C. All D. Sweater

Scenario 1:

A person came to buy tofu.

Buyer: "How much is this piece of tofu?"

Seller: "Two for one!"

Buyer: "Two for one?"

Seller: "Two!"

Q: How much is a piece of tofu?

Scenario 2:

Leader: What do you mean?

Xiao Ming: It’s nothing, it’s just meaning.

Leader: You are not interesting enough.

Xiao Ming: Small meaning, small meaning.

Leader: You are really interesting.

Xiao Ming: Actually, I have no other intentions.

Leader: Then I am embarrassed.

Q: What does Xiao Ming mean?


Compared with TOEFL and IELTS's global dominance, the previous hsk is really a niche test in the world. Except for a very small number of foreign Chinese students and foreigners who intend to immigrate to China, basically no one cares about it.

However, after the official launch of Kunlun University, the registration rate for the exam jumped by 700%.

The forum is multinational in nature, but most people communicate in English. And if you click on this forum, the style of the posts inside is roughly as follows——

"I have taken the HSK level 4 test three times, but I still haven't passed it! This shitty Chinese!!!"

"After learning the pinyin, how should I recite the characters? Why are there so many strokes in this Chinese character?"

"Is there any good way to practice listening? What should I do if I can't understand the homonyms? The recording person spoke too fast!"

"No way, this can only be done by listening more. Think about those magicians who speak faster when they chant spells."

"What about reading? I know every Chinese character, but I can't read them together. What should I do?"

"It is recommended to make up long and difficult sentences, and distinguish the subject, verb and object clearly. Hua people always make upside down sentences when they speak, which is really troublesome."

"Chinese, should I draft it!!"


In a sense, these posts represent the mood of overseas people who are engaged in learning Chinese. In the end, the fad faded almost as quickly as it came.

When Kunlun University was first exposed to the global vision through the Immortal Games, the trend of cultivating immortals swept the world like the wind, and countless people came to learn Chinese with enthusiasm. But in just a few months, the initial Chinese fever had to subside.

As for the reason for the fever, thousands of words can be summed up in one sentence: Chinese is so difficult!

Unlike Asian countries where English is a compulsory subject, for most people in English-speaking countries, they have mastered world languages ​​since childhood, and have little awareness of learning "foreign languages".

Now they put themselves into the embrace of Chinese learning with a subconscious interest, and immediately hit a wall.

Just the vocabulary of everyday language level has already made a lot of people scratch their heads. Not to mention, if you want to use this to enter the field of cultivating immortals, the Chinese you will face will be at the level of "Tao can be said, very Tao; name can be named, very famous".

And this is just the entry threshold for entering that Kunlun University.

After realizing this, except for a very small number of fanatics who are still persisting, most overseas people finally give up their illusions and lie flat on the spot, and join the faction that supports the establishment of the extraordinary academy in their country, and jointly write a letter, take to the streets, and network. Various methods of referendum urged the government to quickly organize similar schools, and must teach in mother tongue.

They believe that, with the previously mature education system, there must be a presence in the field of Reiki education in their country that can compete with Kunlun University. This is the self-confidence built over nearly half a century, and whether it is correct is another story.


When this change happened, Huaguo ended the college entrance examination for this year, and the follow-up enrollment matters in the country were carried out in an orderly manner.

Half a month has passed in a flash. After enjoying the most worry-free and indulgent ten days in life, the college entrance examination candidates are finally ready to usher in the trial time of checking scores and reporting volunteers.

The wild children who let themselves go are worried about their futures. They are immersed in various activities such as score evaluation, checking volunteer handbooks, and self-enrolling students every day, and they are overwhelmed.

At the same time, the graduation season affairs of major middle schools also kicked off.

Among them, for the key middle schools, the first major event that bears the brunt is naturally the annual-enrollment publicity meeting.

[1] The description in this paragraph refers to L. S. Stavrianos's "Global History"

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