Start From Cultivation University

Chapter 278 The world has changed

The lightning scattered everywhere, and Wu Hao swung away the last thunder with a palm, and then he clenched his palm quickly, turning his palm into a fist, and the wind of the fist rose, and with all his strength, he went straight to the opponent in front of him!

The spiritual power of both sides is running low, and they only have the power of the last blow left. But at this point, Wu Hao's attack was the result of all the actions in the early stage, while Xiao Youyu's thunder attack had been completely broken.

If he deliberately didn't use tactics just now to show the complete strength of both sides, then at this distance, he has no chance to use tactics anymore.

As the footsteps approached, Xiao Youyu's clothes were blown up by the strong wind. His eyes were reflecting the heavy punch that struck, and it magnified in his pupils with astonishing momentum.

At this time, there were mixed feelings on his face: emotion, surprise, admiration... But, there was no surprise.

He knew a long time ago that this person is very strong. No surprises whatsoever.

——However, he is not someone who will kill immediately.

The lightning above the magic circle dimmed, which meant that the spiritual power of the magic circle was gradually dissipating. Until the last squeak disappeared, the ashes of the burnt charms drifted away from the head one after another, and the formation was completely dispelled.

However, at the same time that the magic circle collapsed, the light of thunder and lightning lit up again.

This time the thunder light did not come from the magic circle, but from his hand - it was the last minelaye talisman in his hand, and at this time he directly urged it in his hand, and the shining lightning flashed in his hand. The palm flowed, and for a moment he seemed to be holding a ignited ball lightning!

Wu Hao's pupils shrank slightly in front of him. In front of him, Xiao Youyu, who had always stood still, suddenly took a step forward. Holding the condensed thunder light in his hand, he was directly facing Wu Hao. In a blink of an eye, the distance between the two of them was shortened to the shortest. The two arms that were ready to strike out at the same time, Wu Hao's punch went straight to Xiao Youyu's chest, and Xiao Youyu The lightning in his hand... also bloomed!

"Fuck! The mage is fighting melee!!"

At that moment, there was only such a barrage with content in the live broadcast room, and the rest of the people were all comments like "!!!" and "666". It was obvious at a glance that the audience's thinking had lost track of it. The development of this scene.

All the people who saw this scene couldn't help gasping, the scene of the needle pointing at the wheat awn made them all startled out of their wits.

Until the end, Xiao Youyu still didn't use any tactics—or it should be said that at this time, he actually complied with Wu Hao's reckless thinking.

Ordinary lightning strikes could no longer penetrate Wu Hao's range. Then, attack at the shortest distance, at a distance that he cannot intercept with Tai Chi!

No one could see clearly what happened in the last moment. The crowd outside only saw that the two finally met in front of the boundary of the field. A punch and a thunder were simultaneously swung out and hit the opponent simultaneously in the blink of an eye!

The rustling wind suddenly disappeared, and the two opposite figures in the barrier seemed to freeze, and the entire scene of the arena froze in an instant, only the fist wind and the violent thunder rushed forward and collided head-on.

At the moment of collision, howling wind and thunder gushed out like a volcanic eruption!


The entire enchantment was shaken, and there was a deafening explosion from the flying sand and stones. Even if it was tens of meters away, the audience still felt a buzzing in their heads, and the scene in front of them was blurred, completely covering the figures of the two. inside.

But for those outside the screen, what is more terrifying than this shock is the powerful electromagnetic that rushes out.

The barrier can block the impact of spiritual power, but in the stadium surrounded by steel brackets, it cannot stop the magnetic field induced by the thunder that day. Several real-time cameras that were close were directly disconnected from the network, and then several major live broadcast rooms were instantly stuck.

"Fuck? Stuck?"

"Good guy, beat the director?"

"Director! You don't want to die at this time, Director!"

Seeing that the screen was stuck at the last moment when the two men were fighting each other, the bullet screens on the Internet platform suddenly frantically swiped, and the words were quite fierce. At such a decisive moment,

How can the audience not scratch their heads?

At the same time, in the Kunlun Square in the small village of Sichuan Province, everyone in the seats stood up instantly.

Unfortunately, they used the live broadcast on the Internet for their screencasting, and the screen naturally faltered at the same time.

"Why isn't it moving?"

"Xiaowei, hurry up and tune in! It's the critical moment!"

A shadow in the crowd rushed out, frantically debugging the network, tossing for a long time to no avail. It was not until two minutes later that the field signal returned to normal, and the screen began to play normally again.

But at this time, what was displayed before their eyes was the scene of the logistics staff cleaning up the battlefield—the game was over.

"Grass! I didn't see the most critical part!"

"Did Hao Zi win?"

"Quickly, check the official website! If Haozi wins, his name should be on the list..."

Finally, a smart person in the crowd reminded everyone, and the villagers began to take out their mobile phones to search in a hurry. After a careful look, someone finally cried out in surprise.

"Hey! Famous! Haozi won!"

This sound attracted people around to gather, looking at the place he pointed at, and sure enough, they saw Wu Hao's name on the promotion list.

"Let me just say, our Haozi is so awesome now!" The village committee member holding the mobile phone couldn't hide the joy on his face, "We can even win the Fairy Games, let's see who should trouble our village in the future !"

With one word, the stone hammer settled. A warm atmosphere spread across the square in a blink of an eye.

"You all saw it, Wu Hao just now..."

"The kid opposite him is really good enough... My boy, what kind of people are there in this school?"

"Wu Hao is a child I've seen since I was a child. Take a look, today he is good at picking up big thunder..."

A group of villagers were immersed in unprecedented excitement. This night, the name "Wu Hao" became a must-have topic for every family after dinner. How could such a kid come out?" or something like that.

Under such thoughts, the villagers on the field were no longer in the mood to look at the other people on the list.

Because of this, they didn't find out that there was another name on the list who was promoted.


two minutes ago.

"Is this the last full blow from both sides...?"

In the broadcast room, the tone of the commentary was a little dull.

The webcast was affected by electromagnetic waves, but CCTV broadcasts used shielded cables, barely resisting the strong electric shock. They thus saw the final picture.

At this time, these experts and the audience outside the stadium showed the same horror, as if what they just watched was not a game, but the first nuclear bomb test explosion.

After being stunned for more than two or three seconds, this group of people came to their senses, and quickly flipped through the replay of the last move just now, adjusted to 8 times the speed and slowly, and only then saw the last head-to-head scene clearly——

In the flying wind, Wu Hao's punch hit Xiao Youyu's chest head-on. And at the same moment, the lightning in Xiao Youyu's hand also landed on him.

With one blow, the lightning in his hand repelled the lightning-attribute spiritual force attached to Wu Hao in the attack just now, and then superimposed on the impact force of the lightning itself, creating a huge repulsion instantly, and the unstoppable attack knocked Wu Hao Hao directly pushed and flew out, and the armor-like spiritual power of the body protected by the hit was broken in response!

The lightning passed through his whole body, making Wu Hao's limbs stiff for a while, and he fell back uncontrollably, and fell directly to the ground. At this time, there was already a terribly burnt area in front of him, and several tears were burned on his clothes.

Xiao Youyu's short-range move really worked. The lightning finally penetrated his defense, causing him a numbness and tingling all over his body, a spasm in his muscles, and his hands and feet no longer looked like his own in an instant.

In front of him, Xiao Youyu, who was punched by him, also fell to the ground, covered his chest that was hit just now with one hand, coughed a few times, and spit out a few mouthfuls of blood.

It would be hard for anyone to take a hard blow from physical training. You could tell from his expression that he was in severe pain. As he moved, the corners of his mouth continued to ooze blood, and he probably suffered quite serious internal injuries. It's hard to even support yourself, let alone stand.

When the clouds in the sky flowed away, the covered sunlight returned to the field, illuminating the smoky field. In the scattered sand and dust, the two knelt down facing the arena, both sides were covered with cuts and bruises.

The sharp whistle resounded throughout the field, and the surrounding defensive barriers converged. A mechanical voice came out from the radio, and the voice was rarely hesitant.

"The time for the three breaths has come, and neither side has got up..."

Speaking of this, even the referee who was broadcasting in front of the microphone was a little hesitant.

This is the first time this has happened since the Fairy Games began.

But after hesitating for a long time, the final result was announced from the radio.

"...In this game, the two sides drew. According to the judging opinion of the organizing committee, both sides advance simultaneously, and randomly assign other opponents."

The sound spread to the audience along with the broadcast. But before the voice finished speaking, another shadow rushed over from the side.

It was Yuan Qingqing. She was originally watching the game from the front stands, but the moment the barrier was lifted, she flew over the railing, and rushed into the stadium regardless of the situation.

Because of this, she ran to Xiao Youyu one step ahead of the medical staff, pressed his back with one hand to infuse him with spiritual power, and tapped acupoints with the other hand to stabilize the internal injury. After the emergency treatment, she handed him over to Ben of medical staff.

After that, without taking a breath, she immediately turned around and ran towards Wu Hao, who was beside her with a burnt chest.

Compared to Xiao Youyu's situation, Wu Hao is a little better. Although his whole body was paralyzed by the electric shock, at least he could stand still.

When Yuan Qingqing came to check, he just sat there the whole time, looking at Xiao Youyu who was carried away by everyone, listening to the thunderous applause from the audience, and letting the people around him come and go, his face was like a dream The appearance, the mind is blank.


At the same moment, in the PHRL conference room, Editor-in-Chief Jack slowly stretched out his hand and closed the computer screen in front of him.

On the chair opposite him, Adrian was sitting there with his head bowed. At this time, his eyes were completely lax, as if he had aged ten years in an instant.

After his aura recovered, he tried his best to prove that all this would not have an impact on the past system, and that his past theories were still valid. But now, this game completely negates everything he's done.

"Impossible..." He stared straight at the ground while muttering, "Eastern magic...impossible...such a thing..."

"I've already sent you the official website of that competition, and you can check it out yourself later. Since you've been doing physics all your life, you should accept some experimental results beyond your imagination—isn't it? Professor Wilson?"

As Jack said, he unplugged the computer's USB port, closed the body and put it away: "As you can see, professor, the world has changed. Now, we need to meet the new 'truth'."

He tried his best to suppress the schadenfreude in his tone. In the past, many people in the editorial department complained about Adrian's strange temper, but because of his fame and status, no one dared to speak out.

Now, someone finally spoke out for them. That scholar far away across the ocean will definitely become the object of admiration in the future—after all, the first battle alone is enough to shake the world.

"In the future, the field of Reiki will become the main direction of PHRL. As the editor-in-chief, I plan to absorb a wide range of academic achievements related to this in the next year. As for you... soon you will be the annual evaluation of the journal's specially-appointed experts. If you cannot accept this direction, please apply for resignation at the meeting, and we will find new allies."

Adrian suddenly raised his head and looked at him with bloodshot eyes.

"After that, scholars like this may become pioneers in the world of physics. If you don't want to be abandoned by the current world, then please be prepared to meet him at academic conferences. If you can't accept it, then All I can do is thank you for your guidance.”

As Jack said, he put his hand on his shoulder, gave him a slight salute, picked up his computer bag and turned to leave.

In the room, only Adrian was left sitting there, staring blankly at the stack of documents left on the table.

It was an academic paper signed by YOUYUXIAO, which was a copy saved in advance. And on the surface of the thesis, there was a printed data page in Chinese, with the Yin-Yang emblem drawn around the clouds, and a line of notes written in English underneath.

The University Of KunLun.


Editor-in-Chief Jack walked out of the conference hall quickly and came to the editorial office.

Adrian's business has been dealt with. Then the rest is what he, as the editor-in-chief of PHRL, considers for the top journal he is in charge of.

What he just said was not empty talk. After these few games in the Fairy Games, this keen editor-in-chief has fully seen the future feasibility of the Reiki field.

Corresponding to this is a major reshuffle in academia. He has already sensed that the wind and rain are about to come. In the face of such drastic changes, I am afraid that the academic influence of PHRL will also be affected.

In order to maintain their current top academic status, they need fresh academic blood and cutting-edge papers in the field of Reiki to quickly fill the gaps in the initial period and stabilize the situation from the very beginning.

And now, the best seedling is right in front of him—he must win that paper, win that scholar, and even... that school's cooperation.

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