Well, it has been on the shelves for a long time.

Let me talk about what you care about first: it will be on the shelves at 12 noon tomorrow, and it will be updated four times on the day of the launch. Starting with 500 orders, every additional 100 orders will add one update, and more than 1,000 orders will directly become 3 updates per day before the school starts. For a terminal cancer patient, this is really the limit.

In terms of rewards, the starting point of 20,000 coins will add one change, and the leader will add five changes. All updates will be counted 24 hours after the release of the first chapter, and all outstanding updates will be paid before September. (The previous graduation trip emptied the manuscripts, and now I write them every day, so I really can’t break out in one breath. There should be no one to give it to the leader, right?!)

↑Okay, the promise and the swearing are over, those who just want to read the book can read this, and the rest are some off-topic chatter.

It seems that many authors will write some of their own private affairs in the testimonials to attract subscriptions, sell badly and so on. I don't know what to say, so in this testimonial, I will tell the story surrounding writing the book itself.

The original intention of writing this book is simple: to find a compensation for my own four years of university.

Due to various reasons, my undergraduate time was not pleasant. There are various factors, but the most important thing is my own problem. Here I will just talk about writing books.

In the first half of the semester, I opened the first book at the starting point. However, unlike many impromptu writers, it can be said that I have planned for a long time to come to Qidian to write a book.

I have been a storyteller since I was a child. As early as elementary school, when other girls were reading romance, I was the only one who mingled with the boys every day to discuss with them the third young master of the Tang family and write fanfiction in the cowhide notebook. In junior high school, I wrote a 500,000-word serial on the forum. In high school, I began to study the signing rules of the starting point and the writing method of online articles. In order to be qualified to tell stories here, I have prepared for six years.

Therefore, the day when the first book was signed must be the happiest day in my life so far.

During that time, I felt as if I had been beaten with chicken blood. Even if the background data was 0, it did not affect me in the slightest. I coded for 12 hours a day, and squatted in front of the computer except for class. It is really desperate. I want to write the story in my head perfectly, passionately and touchingly. That is my biggest dream since childhood.

Well, then it was recommended on the Internet, with a weekly increase of 70, and there may not be many lower scores than this in the whole starting point. I have forgotten the specific mood at that time, and the whole person is in a daze.

I just remember that night, when it was raining, I slipped to the deserted playground at 12 o'clock in the middle of the night and ran round and round. The books I like, I feel hopeless, I am a waste, the words I write are waste, my plot, characters, emotional world are all waste.

Hey, it looks so hypocritical now.

But for me at that time, it really carried all my love and enthusiasm at that time, and it was not something that could be cut or released at all. It is precisely because of this that I choose to write, spending four or five hours a day, writing a broken book with 300,000 words and not reaching 300 collections.

Then as a matter of course, after returning home that semester, I had a whole summer vacation with my family because of this matter. The reason is also very simple, delaying learning.

I couldn't argue back then. After all, I was really useless when I was a freshman. He failed the college entrance examination, hit a wall everywhere in his life, his grades in the school year were mediocre, he couldn't find any bright spots in his studies and activities, and he was blinded by both ends when he found time to write a book. Until the beginning of school, everyone around me was still persuading me, stop writing, the business is important, why give up so much for a broken book that no one reads at all?

I also don't understand why. But I only know that I want to write, I like to write, and I want to give the people I write an ending, and no one can stop it.

In that school year, I uninstalled all the games, gave up all the activities, no social interaction, no entertainment, and my life was divided into learning and coding by duality.

I don't want to lose, I have to prove that I can succeed with this oil bottle, even if it can't bring me anything, but I love it.

So at the end of that school year, I pulled my grades to the top of my major. Comprehensive test, intellectual education, CET-4 and CET-6... As long as it is something quantifiable, I have the highest score in the whole department. Until I graduated from senior year, my total grade point was still the first, and I basically won all the awards that the university could win.

It may make people laugh to say it, but the purpose of my achievement is to finish my broken writing properly. Even if it's a cheap dream, I don't want anyone to judge.

Well, people around me didn't say anything after that, so I was able to write my book in peace. The 1.5 million-word book was completed, with 26 subscriptions and 4 additional subscriptions. On the way, I went through the crackdown on pornography and illegal activities and even sealed the book once. Even the editor at the time deleted me (laughs)

How should I put it... After writing that book, some minor physical and psychological problems occurred, so I won't go into details here. Although I survived in the end, I don't really want to do it a second time with that feeling.

Of course, I don't regret it, that's what I can afford to write a book. There is nothing to complain about the path you choose.

(Here, I do not recommend you to read my first book. It contains too much emotional content, and now it seems that there are problems everywhere, and it deserves to go to the street. But for me, if there is no second book I'm sure I can't keep up with so many character lines in this book)

The above is the background of the birth of this book. Because I missed a lot of things in my own college life, I hope that in this book I can construct a university in my heart that should look like, with the purest blood, fetters and dreams, teenagers with faith will eventually change the world , that is my fantasy of sitting alone on the playground for countless nights, and I want to write all those magnificence to you. The first one failed, so I will learn and practice until I have enough strength.

Yes, to this day, I can still speak with confidence. I like writing books. I put all my heart and soul into every word I write, and I do my best for every character and every plot. No matter how childish I am in Secondary Two, my dream in this life is to write the best stories for people to read.

And now, it is you who decide whether I am qualified to continue writing.

This era is very impetuous, and the word dream has become worthless because it is too overflowing. As an author of online articles, if your writing is not recognized and you cannot make money, then I am sorry, you are a piece of rubbish, utter rubbish.

Any fantasies, writing styles, and feelings are all garbage that wastes time.

I don't want to be trash again, I really like telling people stories, I want to use my words to bring some comfort to other people's lives.

So, can I ask everyone here to spend six or seven yuan a month to support genuine subscriptions at the starting point?

If this book fails again, and after studying for such a long time, I am still a slugger who can't even earn living expenses, it means that I have no talent at all, and I can't eat this bowl of rice at all, pack up, wash up and sleep Write a fart.

The word dream should not be used to sell, but this time I have to be a shameless person. I want to write books, I want to tell stories, I want to give these people an ending. It's not my hobby, it's my profession and I want to do it for the rest of my life.

Although meals are necessary, my philosophy is to make friends through literature. I believe that those who are willing to read my books must be like-minded people in a certain way. So, please allow me not to call you readers this time.

My brothers, my sisters, all my friends.

I love to write stories and I dream of being one.

This time, I have the cheek to ask you to subscribe to support my dream.

Again, sorry for the trouble. Please, thank you.

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