The material is very ordinary, that is, ordinary crystals are ground into a semicircular object, similar to the common panoramic cameras on the street, which can record and transmit everything within the shooting angle.

The matching is the projection crystal that broadcasts the picture, and only needs the holder to hold the portable recording speculum and give the magic supply, and the captured picture can be broadcast into the projection crystal to achieve the same effect as live broadcasting.

This is the highest work that Leon can make now in alchemy technology, because the magic pattern portrayal of the speculum and projection crystal and the magic spell fixing of the projection crystal are basically explored by Leon himself.

Thanks to his mastery of the language of runes and the corresponding forging experience, it is still unknown whether this work can be completed.

After all, the alchemy books he could find were too scarce to explain this aspect.

However, Leon was already satisfied with being able to manufacture this thing, after all, this was the first magic prop he had developed in the field of alchemy.

And this thing, Leon intends to promote it to the market, he said before to build his own business empire, but not a joke, alchemy is the cornerstone of his realization of this business empire.

I don’t know if it’s because of the wizard’s arrogance or because of the interference of magic on technological products.

The wizarding world is too closed and exclusive, this is a field that science has never touched, many technological products that can facilitate people’s lives, in the old and ancient world of the wizarding world, it is basically a waste product that wizards scoff at.

But once these things are transformed into props with magical effects, wizards will be shocked, even if magical creations and technological creations have similar functions, but wizards will still pursue magical creations and devalue technological creations.

As a modern person who has enjoyed an intelligent and convenient life, Leon knows how much wealth potential his knowledge and insight contains, so Leon did it, and with this goal, he intends to fleece the entire wizarding world.

Pocket recording speculum and projection crystal are the products of this plan, and Lyon does not need to find a way to promote it, this Four Tournament is a very suitable platform for this item promotion.

Immediately Leon went out with the finished product, intending to consult with Dumbledore, but stopped on the way to the headmaster’s room.

Because he saw the man he was waiting for.

Rita Skeeter, the strongest reporter for the Daily Prophet, is also one of the pre-executors of Lyon’s plan for Fudge’s ouster.

“Mr. Chris, meet again, this time it is still my interview with you, but if you are too busy, we can avoid this trouble, and I will write an article that is beneficial to you.”

Seeing Leon, Rita immediately forced herself to squeeze out a smiling face, and greeted Leon respectfully.

“No hurry, I just have something to find you.” Leon saw Rita’s expression, a little speechless, he is not a bad person, as for such fear?

“Whatever you say, I’ll just do it, if it’s just for me to interview the warriors of Hogwarts fairly, then you don’t need to worry, I have already thought of the most authentic interview to meet them.”

Rita shivered unconsciously when she heard this, and then subconsciously retreated half a step back, maintaining a distance from Leon, and quickly explained.

“It’s not this matter, I have a big news on hand, I wonder if you are interested?”

Leon felt that he was hurt by Rita’s small actions, obviously an unscrupulous reporter who hates dogs, how can he still be afraid of himself, could it be that his behavior is worse than what she did?

“How big news?” Rita, who had planned to turn around and escape, could not control her yearning for the word big news, and subconsciously approached Leon and asked in a low voice.

“There is big news about Voldemort and Fudge.” Leon replied softly.

“Is the message accurate?” Hearing Voldemort’s name, Rita swallowed, but the journalist’s professional integrity and sense of smell told her that if she missed the big news, she would regret it for the rest of her life.

“Of course accurate, my intelligence source is very reliable, I will inform you at the right time to shoot something, all you need to do is to report it, don’t be afraid of Voldemort and Fudge’s retaliation, you just need to be on my side, I will keep you safe.”

Leon promised Rita with a smile while adding.

“If you do a good job this time, the future Ministry of Magic may ignore your illegal Agmanis, what do you think?”

“Nice to work with.” Hearing this, Rita instinctively did not believe it, but seeing the coldness hidden under Leon’s kind smile, she still decided to maintain her cooperative relationship with Leon.

Whether Aggmanis is exposed or not, it is just a matter of not entering Azkaban, but once she rebels against Leon, whether she can save her life, Rita does not know, and she has always remembered Leon’s warning last time.

In her opinion, Leon’s identity as the three generations of the Dark Lord is real, and in the face of such a dangerous person, if you can make good friends, you must make good friends.

What’s more, the conditions proposed by Leon this time were too tempting for Rita, and Leon also promised to protect his safety, no matter how this matter was a great benefit to her career, she decided to gamble.

“Remember to keep in touch, now, go and finish your work, my report, you can write it casually, of course, it must be realistic, you know what I mean.”

Seeing that Rita agreed to his domination, Leon smiled more kindly to Rita, but he still did not forget the attributes of Rita’s unscrupulous reporter, so he specially instructed.

“Of course, please rest assured of that.” Rita assured as she patted her chest.

Watching Rita leave trembling, Leon was in a very good mood, now everything is ready, only the east wind is owed.

And this shareholder wind is still in his hands, when to implement this plan, Leon has not yet decided, after all, once it is cast, the British wizarding world may set off a storm.

Now that the delegations of the magic academies of various countries are in England, it is not appropriate for outsiders to see the joke, if you obediently shrink in the Ministry of Magic during this time and do not disturb yourself, then let him be stable for half a year.

But once Fudge starts to be a demon, then Leon will not be polite to him, I hope Fudge this guy can be honest, after all, he can be the Minister of Magic, not much time.

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