Sending Vivian away, Leon returned to the room again, took out a blank piece of parchment, and began to prepare for the production of the Sword of Kings.

The sword of the king, also known as the broken steel sword, the iron sword, and the lake sword, is a weapon that accompanied Arthur in his conquest after the sword in the stone broke.

Legend has it that Arthur, under Merlin’s guidance, received the sword of the king from the hands of the lady of the lake.

Forged in the elven kingdom of Avalon, the Sword of Kings is made of gold, the hilt is set with precious stones, and because its blade is as sharp as mud, the blade will shine brighter than the sun.

So the lady in the lake named it Excalibur (meaning “broken steel” in the ancient Celtic language). Merlin now warned Arthur: “Although the sword of the king is powerful, its scabbard is more valuable than its sword.” The scabbard of the King’s Sword will never bleed, and you must not lose it. ”

The legend is like this, so Leon does not plan to make a mess, after all, Arthur really has no other place for Leon to remember except for the title of King of Camelot, and this king’s position is just Leon to make money more convenient.

Before leaving, he left Arthur a stone infused with his magic essence, which he could call when Arthur was most confused, and Leon was preparing for the breaking of the sword in the stone.

He would guide Arthur step by step according to the route he had set, and then get the Sword of the King from Vivian’s hand, and then only need to regularly harvest Camelot’s wealth and wait for Arthur’s death to transport him to Avalon and return.

Arthur is just an insignificant little character, and Leon cares most about the production of the sword of the king and its highly representative scabbard.

After all, the sword of the king is easy to make, a sword that is invincible like mud, find a mineral with excellent magic bearing ability, you can get it casually, but the scabbard that represents protection and healing is troublesome to do.

So Leon’s main idea now is to get the design drawings out first, most of the weapons made by the goblins pay attention to the adaptability of their attack power and magic, and there is no involvement in the props of the protective series, so Leon who has no template can only conceive by himself.

And after the scabbard is made, Leon will ask the nine sisters to help get it back, after all, the king’s sword is lost if it is lost, and it is just a mass-produced toy, but the scabbard, a more precious magic prop, must be in his own hands.

Otherwise, Arthur can’t die, then it’s troublesome, after all, Arthur didn’t live for a while, which means that he has to be in prison for a period of time, and now Leon is nostalgic for the end of the twentieth century, at least there are many people, and he still has many ideas to return to the experiment of his own era.

But just after drawing the design of the scabbard, there was another knock on the door.

Leon rolled his eyes and stood up, not seeing who was knocking on the door, and directly admonished: “Next time you come to me, I will directly throw you in the room and hang.” ”

“Mr. Merlin, this is a gift from us.”

Hearing Leon’s unkind words, Teto remained expressionless, while showing the large pocket woven with thorns behind him, filled with various brilliant gems and dazzling gold.

“Oh, if you want to say this, I’m not sleepy, come in and sit.”

Seeing the money, Leon’s impatient expression immediately turned into a smile, and he invited the twin sisters very enthusiastically.

“Mr. Merlin wants us to move things in.” Tyton was equally expressionless, but the words he spoke were mocking.

Leon did not care about the sister’s attitude, shrugged his shoulders and acquiesced to Tyton’s statement, and then poured a cup of tea for the two in the house, the tea was scavenged by himself in the noble house of the Camelot Kingdom, although the way it was made was quite rough, but the tea was very fragrant.

The two sisters carried a large amount of gold and silver jewelry into the hut, looked at the humble hut and shook their heads, a little disappointed.

“Do it, have a cup of tea and go.”

Leon greeted the two, and he looked at the jewelry in the thorn basket and directly converted it into chips, but the next moment, Leon got a hint that the item did not belong to him and could not be exchanged.

This made Leon quite speechless, after all, the twin sisters said that this was a gift, it should be given to themselves, why did they have no authority? Asked immediately.

“Who originally belonged to these things?”

“A delusional king who wanted to offer Molenno, but Molenno refused, and drowned all the troops he brought with him under Lake Avalon, leaving the unfortunate king to flee alone, these things were the dowry he brought.”

Tyton explained.

Leon sighed, so it was, this play still has a master, now Leon understands why the cottage he saw in Avalon in the future is so luxuriously decorated, the feeling is that the jewelry sent by these fairy queens cannot be exchanged for chips now, and can be kept.

After all, the unknown unlucky egg king cannot live for a hundred years, and after a hundred years, these jewels will naturally become ownerless, and these things are left by themselves for their future self.

Figuring this out, Leon didn’t care about the jewelry anymore, returned to the table, and continued his design.

And Tyton and Teto did not leave in a hurry after drinking tea, but stood behind Leon and looked at the design draft in Leon’s hand, but after reading for a long time, they could only see that Leon was designing a sword and scabbard, but how it was designed, they couldn’t understand.

Because all the steps and plans in Lyon are written in Chinese, or the simplified kind, basically no one in this era can understand it, and the runes on the sword are also in runic language, which is not even understood by the fairies except for the king in the fairies, let alone the fairy queens.

“We have heard your name from the mouth of the leprechaun, and it is rumored that you are the wisest and most powerful wizard in mankind, and it seems that this is true.” After Tyton glanced at it a few times and found that he couldn’t understand it, he had no interest in continuing to read.

“I haven’t seen this kind of writing, but it’s very interesting, maybe it’s the product of some kind of lost civilization, I don’t know if there are good composers in this civilization.”

Teto looked at the simplified characters that he couldn’t understand obsessively and sighed.

“If it’s okay, go back to washing and sleeping, I’m going to sleep too.” Seeing that the two girls wanted to talk to themselves, Leon was a little speechless and issued an eviction order.

Teto and Tyton looked at each other, then turned away directly, without the slightest hesitation, so that Leon could not understand the brain circuitry of the two girls.

After all, one second there is still talking, and the next second he issued an eviction order and simply left, which is also too obedient.

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