However, Merlin’s arrival did let Leon know a new word, the source of magic.

The name is very familiar, the magic essence that was once extracted mentioned this thing, and now it seems that this play wild in this world seems to be quite important, and it should be the source of magic power that all wizards are born with.

However, during his time at Hogwarts, Leon had never found this word in books he had never read, as if no one in the modern wizarding world had ever touched or understood this place of magical origin.

Or maybe this thing is only circulating among top wizards, so it never appears in the written record, and Leon can’t ask Dumbledore now.

Leon shook his head, and the thought of these things came to his head, he wanted to see the city, familiarize himself with everything here, and make some preparations for the future.

After all, he has already entered the game, and Leon himself still takes the initiative to enter the game, so Leon intends to control the intelligence in the situation first, so that the villains will not stand on the downwind.

As the country of the Kingdom of Camelot, Karlion is indeed very lively, and the pedestrians on the streets are basically smiling, and it seems that they have lived quite well.

The history of King Uther’s reign is more ambiguous, after all, he is not as dazzling as his son King Arthur, but it is undeniable that this king’s means are also excellent, at least in the city of Calion, the governance is orderly.

The streets are relatively smooth, the main road built with stone slabs makes the city not dusty because of pedestrians and horse-drawn carriages, and there are excavated drainage canals next to the street, although it is not very beautiful, but at least it does not allow sewage to collect on the street.

The shouts were endless, and all kinds of goods filled the shops on both sides of the street, most of them were some wooden products and some daily necessities, the most were grain and vegetables, handicrafts and everything, but most of the handicrafts were bronze products.

Although the Roman invasion has brought Britain into the Iron Age in this era, the requirements for craftsmen and furnaces for iron are still quite high, so the current iron tools can only supply the kingdom’s army and knights.

Britain during this period was most famous as knights, these private armies with virtue and strong combat power, occupying most of the battlefield in the Middle Ages.

Unlike the nobles, knights did not have fiefs and needed to serve in the army, but they were definitely the cutting-edge troops of kings and nobles in foreign wars, and often the victory or defeat of a war was determined by the quantity and quality of knights.

At the same time, every knight has no way to be hereditary, all of them are cultivated by the kingdom at a great cost, after all, a knight must not only be superior in strength, but also have to buy a robust horse, and the cost of full body armor and horse armor is not cheap.

So even Camelot, at its peak, its well-known Knights of the Round Table is only more than a hundred knights, and there are only a few famous ones, most of them are additions, but there are knight candidates outside.

For example, Lyon just saw on the street, a young man wearing a long sword, wearing a robe and chain mail, is a knight candidate, but just a candidate, the people’s attitude towards him is very respectful, which shows the importance of knights in this era.

Walking through the city of Calion, Lyon fully enjoyed the novelty and charm of this unique era, especially the low-cut clothes of aristocratic ladies and the dazzling horse on the chest.

After walking for a long time, Leon saw the center of the city, a circular square paved with stone bricks, and in the center stood a statue of a knight, the knight held high the spear, and the horseman in the crotch stood up, stabbing down hard, looking very handsome.

But the discord was that a fire was set up in the square, and in the center of the fire, on a copper pillar, tied a small girl in tattered sackcloth, with short brown hair covered in mud and a face.

Next to the fire stood two heavily armed knights, one holding a torch in his hand while the other was explaining to onlookers-by.

“This is the rumored daughter of the devil in the city, she killed her own parents and killed her neighbor’s family, and in order to keep our holy city pure, we must purify her.”

“But she seems to be just an ordinary girl?” An aunt who couldn’t bear to see this scene asked rhetorically.

“No, she is a wizard, and unlike Lord Merlin’s white magic, she is born to control the power of darkness, if you see the misery of her family, you will not have the slightest sympathy for her, when we captured her, her terrible magical creation was still devouring the corpses of the dead.”

The knight replied verbally.

Leon just stood on the sidelines and watched, and did not intend to interfere, the disgust and hunting of wizards in the Middle Ages basically never stopped, and the fear of human beings for their own position, the attitude is always the toughest.

Although he is also a wizard, Leon does not plan to make a fuss for the time being, and this knight is reasonable, Leon is not easy to interfere, and he also knows that the so-called burning at the stake is just a joke for wizards.

Leon, who was reading a lot of books in the Hogwarts library, once saw in a travelogue the attitude of medieval wizards to burning at the stake, describing it not as tragic and tragic, but as a carnival and game.

If ordinary flames can judge a wizard, then they have magic power in vain, and all the wizards who are caught basically voluntarily give up resistance, in order to walk on the stake and become one of their boasting capitals.

Before the flames ignite, wizards will conjure up a dummy to replace themselves without Muggles noticing, and then the executed wizard will hide on the sidelines, and the excited and hateful expressions of onlookers Muggles will enjoy the fun of the world being drunk.

And the first time he saw the execution of the burning of witches, Leon had only heard of it, but had never seen it, but wanted to see if it was as interesting as rumors in the wizarding world.

However, from Leon’s eyes, the little girl did not seem to replace his actions, and he could still sense the magic of the girl on the copper pillar, proving that this was not a dummy created by Transfiguration.

And while Leon observed the girl, the little girl also sensed the huge and terrifying source of magic that existed in the crowd, looked at Leon, did not ask for help, did not expose Leon’s identity, just looked at Leon like this, and said something silently.

Leon looked at the little girl’s mouth and read the meaning of the lips: “Go quickly.” ”


Seeing that the little girl in this desperate situation was still caring about such an irrelevant wizard as herself, Leon became interested, if this girl was really an evil witch as the knight said.

Then, what she should do is expose Leon’s existence, cause chaos at the scene, and then take the opportunity to replace herself and hide in a corner.

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